
Amazing Products TV They Almost Got Away With It! – WAN Show February 04, 2022

Awesome Tips They Almost Got Away With It! – WAN Show February 04, 2022

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    • j
    • January 17, 2023

    Amazon has good customer service and good prices. The bigger and more horrible you are, the more you can do.

  1. I thought China has been 3d printing houses for a decade now

  2. yeah you are wrong there. Vancouver is like the 7th most costly city in the world. Hong Kong, Shanghai, Shenzhen, Singapore, Beijing, Munich all top that and New York, los Angeles and Paris are equivalent

  3. yeah,
    1. Go to engineering college and med school.
    2. Produce Indie films so that they actually have enough budget and because people wont understand them, you will blees money.
    3. Book seats on space flights and deep sea submarine tours.
    4. gamble
    5. buy stars from NASA (that iis totally a thing – I think it is more like you can buy a name or something).
    6. Build street air conditioners to cool the entire area around your vast estate and the islands you own and run them 24X7.
    I mean people who have the money know how to spend it.

  4. Facebook needs to die. And every single person that is still invested in facebook deserves to lose their money and I would not shed a tear about it regardless of their financial situation. The real actual evil facebook has spread around the world is disgusting. It has literally been the MIC's agent to start wars between counties, start civil wars, and cause political unrest and regime changes, help elect brutal dictators and then give them information to persecute journalists, minorities, political opponents, LGBTQ people and shit. It has worked to wreak economic havoc, disrupt supply chains, spread terrorism causing destruction starvation and death in so many countries when it aligns with objectives of MIC. Supporting facebook at this point is supporting the mIC and I have ZERO sympathy for people who do that because it is literally common knowledge now. I dont care if you invested in Google or Tesla or twitter or even amazon because as evil as you may think these companies are (and they are evil), there is nothing even close to as evil as facebook. Even defence contractors themselves make something useful like planes and space equipment or whatever. But facebook will not get any quarter from me, nor will any apologist for that devil company or its investors. Die meta die, die die die

  5. RIP Tiger Direct in Dallas

  6. LTT Screwdriver 2 Gen 2.2 x 2

  7. 12:25, turn CC on


  9. Rationalizing returning a motherboard you damaged. It’s like Linus rationalizing ad blockers as piracy literally insane.

    • Kri
    • January 17, 2023

    I thought he was done with bad hot takes

  10. Easiest way to spend over a million dollars is gacha. No amount of money is enough

  11. 1:15 :00
    "Vote for Non of the above" best advice from a silly movie….

  12. love how linus hits a button to bleep luke, then you hear bleep and then short pause bleep again on stream, and then luke is clearly heard saying the f word after 2 bleeps, lol. and this is on the youtube video on demand, surprised editors didnt fix that.

    actually, more surprised wan show has a bleep button now considering they used to cuss/swear on a fairly regular basis, and have been known to say alot worse things then just a silly cuss word

  13. ALWAYS shit on the 1%, Linus. They have too much. Worry about the rest of us and don’t die on being pedantic about this.

  14. Travel in private jets with private 5 star hotels, private 5 star chefs…..I could spend 1.5 mill a year easy.

  15. 33:25 IBM makes hardware middleware and software. How ironic. It's the biggest and oldest of them all. Plus the Lenovo group sale/stake made them even bigger. Well, both companies.

  16. LTT mating cry 1:10:45

  17. I was jazzed when Brewster’s millions came up, but he calls it a bad 80’s movie? Fuck off eh?

  18. Sorry I’m unsubscribing, skipping commercials is not piracy…. you should be careful about what you preach… is VPN piracy ?? …thought so … and goodbye….

  19. Just cover your cost and talk to the customer about how much profit you should get? Give them a choice of profit they would like you to make. 3 tears where first level is least profit, then two more levels with each giving you more profit. You could even make statements about each level… 1st level is we will still be here but barely. 2nd level when x number of people click this we can add support. And 3rd level help fund our retirement and business continuation plan.

  20. lol, love the sarcasm about people getting better over the years on telling the truth.

  21. Newegg just committed business suicide.

  22. Probably not the same thing but MWave is a major PC electronics retailer in Australia.
    PCCasegear is a lot better

  23. you could regulate people from just hoarding money or not using it by incurring some kind of tax or fine for having money just sitting there, maybe attach some kind of tracking to income and funds? a certain amount of money has to move out compared to your overall earnings perhaps? im not very knowledgable about economics so this might already be a thing

  24. I think this is one of the most important subjects of our lives. Because it takes away from honest people and also takes away from the truth that abnormal things are actually going on. You could be a honest person who needs to have someone help you and its vilified by corruption of others. Its difficult sometimes to know the difference. After a while of being accused of doing wrong, even when you didn't you change! maybe your more bitter for being wrongfully accused, while maybe their really some kind of problem etc…

  25. The only things that cost enough spend $1.5 million a year on are precisely the things that people who make that much spend their money on, because they're so exclusive and rich people want to have exclusive things. The prices are only so high because rich people are willing to pay it to have something other people can't have. High end booze and food. High end clothing. High end jewelry (which are arguably investments). High end cars, boats, and planes (which are absolutely not investments). And yeah, there's probably some high end hookers, too. There's also probably exclusive private schools for their kids. These things aren't really worth it, per se, but they're buying symbols of their status, which in turn buys them social influence and greater mating opportunities.

  26. Speaking of remembering Antec. Wish I could post my 11 YR Old Desktop I am running right. its a Steel Full Tower Antec case with 4 5.25 External Drives blue LED light bulbs on strips not fans. The ANTEC Power Supply lasted 8 yrs before it went up in smoke and so I got a EVGA 850 which doesn't come close to the size needed for the case and so I can only screw in 1 screw. I built it to last me 10 years its now 11 yrs and the time I wanted to Upgrade my machine the machine and EVGA GTX 570HD GPU a GPU and pandemic hit.

  27. Micro Center is the very place for computers & parts in the U.SA.!!!

  28. Mwave is in Australia

  29. One scenario in "privateering" that wasn't ever address was being part of a channels YT Join program. Is someone still a privateer if they use adblock but kick that creator $4.99 a month? One would think the channel makes FAR more from one person in that $5 than they would on that persons ad commission for a month.


  30. Man reading chat during the show is painful…. I mean, real question…..do people chatting not actually read the chat themselves before saying something to make sure it hasn't been said 935,435 times already??? I feel like I'm watching chimps at a keyboard….

  31. 1:15:00 For what it's worth, a private jet is about $3000 an hour. Fly to and from lunch daily and that's it.

  32. A guy I know that use to work in the warehouse in New Jersey said they look at the return item and if it still looks good they clean it up, repackage it with plastic, and put it back in its original box and put it back on the shelf / wacos for the next person that orders. He said their intentions are good and they do not try to use anything that is not 100% as new.

  33. 1:45:58 The Quick bits?

  34. I put this on in the background of my Minecraft session, very epic.👍

  35. if LTTstore was a computer store, instant customer from me.

  36. A MOBO most likely wouldnt be shrink wrapped as shrink wrapped product upon removal creates a static electricity. And my little knowledge of that would point out that raw electronics like a mobo and a static electricity charge dont go together well.

  37. Linus is a simp. Newegg is shitty. Watch UFD Tech’s video on his experience with them.

  38. This is exactly why I stopped shopping at Newegg for computer parts. I have been building computer for over 20 years and I have spent tens of thousands of dollars at Newegg for personal rigs and builds I did for friends/family and right around the time they got bought I noticed their customer service dropped off a cliff. I had a number of bad interactions with Newegg CS over really stupid things, like a CPU cooler that they wanted to charge a 40% restocking fee because it didn't fit in the case and there were no specs listed for the case clearance on either Newegg or the manufacturer's site. I've also had issues with credit card purchases, and frankly their bundles are *AWFUL*.

  39. About the 1%. Jealousy and envy doesn't look good on you. Or on anybody. For ANY reason. I'm tired of hearing people getting all judgy and dissing the 1%. Again, for any reason. If somebody makes their money legally, and doesn't hurt anybody else while making it, we should leave them alone. Except maybe to interview them and ask them how they achieved their success.

    Also, we would be much better off if we talked to millionaires and deca-millionaires, and ask THEM how they achieved their success. Oh wait, somebody already DID ask them. And the answers are very eye-opening. Can't speak for Canada, especially since your government can just shut down your finances, but here in the US, the top 3 careers of millionaires is Engineer, IT person, or teacher.

    Yes, TEACHERs are the third most frequent millionaires. So why do we hear about all the poor and destitute teachers in the world, hmmm? Throw off your old wives' tales and learn something useful, go pick up "Everyday Millionaire" by Chris Hogan. It's cheap on Amazon. They interviewed 10,000 US millionaires in the biggest study ever done on the subject. Go learn. Then start working on improving your own life and the lives of those you love.

  40. My eyes glazed over when Linus started talking about Palace and 2nd life. Same thing would happen whenever one of my friends tried to explain the concepts. Finally, I'd say, "It's like IRC chat but with pictures and onscreen dolls, right?" They'd always get that wounded look, then say something like "yeah, but this is so much better!" Pfffft! And now we have things like Skype, Zoom, and Slack. Why do things keep getting worse? Seriously, none of those things are actual improvements, amirite?

  41. Any form of high-end competitive 'hobby' motorsport should burn through that pile of cash pretty quickly

  42. 21:41 The answer, by law in Germany, is the retailer.
    Unless he can prove without a show of doubt that it was the customer's fault. And that up to one year.
    I guess it sucks to sell computer parts in Germany.

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