
Amazing Products TV Iron Ox Is Thinking Way Beyond the Autonomous Electric Tractor With Amazon-Like Robots

Awesome Tips Iron Ox Is Thinking Way Beyond the Autonomous Electric Tractor With Amazon-Like Robots

Growing crops hydroponically with robot farmers and visual AI is probably inevitable. Here’s how it works and what the food looks like.

0:00 Iron Ox Robotic Farms
0:28 How Robot Farming Is Different Using Very Little Sunlight
1:07 Floating Rafts For Growing
2:15 Grover The Mobile Farming Robot
3:15 3D Photo Scanning
4:15 Robots Learn From Real Farmers
4:46 Robot Farmers Use Natural Resources Efficiently
5:48 Recycling Resources
6:25 Plants Grown by Robots

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  1. With A.I. expanding at an alarming pace…I fear we will be paying reparations to those robots some day.

  2. There are tribes in the Amazon, surviving Exclusively on Basil 😁

  3. And it works so well they just layed off half of their employees…


  5. A lot of work for 🍔

  6. Yeah, no. To accommodate these specific robots, they are basically taking out scaling vertically where other business are able to outpace produce/acre. There are vertical warehouse robots that would do the same job of lifting pallets from stacked shelves. I think people just stick on "A.I" as a marketing gimmick where a single worker could determine the health and quality of the plant with less time and investment.

  7. Seems over engineered

  8. ok this also reduces jobs so how will people afford what u grow when they have no job to pay for it

  9. Using robots decreases the amount of trackers they have to implement considering growing plant takes long time anyway really cool innovation and idea .

  10. Slowly getting rid of human workers wonder how much just one cost probably more then they would pay someone

    • Ga N
    • January 31, 2023

    interesting as I would have done it the opposite way .. leaving the heavy stuff at one location and the water would just come via different pipes and the camera would be mobile … all the waves while transporting .. so much stuff I'd say would cause complications… but: they have a product and I dont. so. they win 😉

  11. Very wasteful of 2D space let alone 3D space. A lot of kerfuffle moving things around and a lot of wasted space because of the size of the trays, the bigger the tray the more room it needs to move around.

    There is no process flow in this design, sorry but there are a lot better methods around.

  12. Its the future, horizontal or vertical🌿

  13. This is a big puzzle in fixing the water crisis in California and other areas.

  14. Very cool. Yet they put their ‘efficient crops’ into single use plastic containers 🙄 Let’s see some innovation all the way through the life cycle.

  15. Just use pipes…

  16. Epitome of robot and AI force fit

  17. way too much over engineeering for some green leaves . Over kill of technioology for technology sake

  18. Where do I get those nutrients for diy projects?
    How can I contribute?

  19. People growing marijuana have been growing hydroponically for years it's nothing new. It sounds like a good idea but plants and the soil have a symbiotic relationship just like cows and the soil do. What can seem like a great idea in the beginning can quickly turn into a nightmare and man thinking he's smarter than Nature is just the beginning of his woes. ROUNDUP, GMO'S, GEOENGINEERING are all bad ideas. Trusting and living in harmony with Nature is the only way to go.

  20. This could be scalled for personal use and industrial.

    • z
    • January 31, 2023

    great content thanks

    • SCO
    • January 31, 2023

    Why they don't move not heavy cameras to plants with water filled pots.

  21. Why is it that videos about technology based farming advances keep showing crops like lettuce and herbs, and pretend like that is the future of food. Let's talk when we have indoor wheat, corn, rice, tomatoes, potatoes, growing at scale and low cost.

  22. I hope the ones who engineered this get rewarded. This is awesome!

  23. Remember the soil? Thats the stuff that evolution created as skin to our planet…..we need to remember not to try to fool Mother Nature into hopeless disaster by ignoring those things she evolved over million of years, for a reason

  24. As a home gardener, I love seeing things like this. If y'all can get the energy used to do these kinds of operations carbon neutral I'm all for it.

  25. Great reporting. Thank you!

  26. Man will never understand what really happens to plants grown the tech way. Sad people will be the future.
    Just the nutrients they need. 😔

  27. Searching for more sustainable, more productive and more efficient methods of producing food is of course noble and has to be encouraged, but… what's the point of this automation? It seems to me that it doesn't add any advantage beside not paying people for the work and concentrating all incomes to a few. Please correct me if I'm wrong.

  28. this kind of stuff is honestly silly… go stand in a field at a real farm where the crops go as far as your eyes can see to get an idea of the scale it takes to feed the world… putting giant greenhouse buildings as far as your eye can see isn’t only unrealistic it would be an environmental catastrophe…

  29. I am wondering why all this companies are farming vegetables only 🤔
    What about fruit and other produce that taste much better than greens 🥬

  30. W

  31. Maybe one day none of us go hungry With the help of technology

  32. That’s a very enjoyable video. Future looks great

  33. It would be great if they could package in a reusable or biodegradable container.

  34. Wow, a roomba for "farming" so impressed. Have to have electronics, electricity, computers, and robots to grow plants. No sources of failure here. Supply chain won't break this process at all /s It's hippy meets need. Great

  35. Billionaires getting ready for the big event.

  36. Recycling of nutrients is incredible. This is very cool! Epcot Center will have to update their display!

  37. These are trained currently by farmers bit Will these eventually replace farmers?

  38. Total FUD!!!!

  39. Meanwhile in singapore the same bots are being used to help stack shelves.

  40. As an actual vegetable farmer myself who makes their full time living farming I have to say this is the dumbest thing I have ever seen. Let me explain. My family and three other employees intensely farm six acres. My average profit margin per acre is $30,000 to $60,000. Our farm has been in business for over 5 years and we literally feed hundreds of families every year. I guarantee that I use less unnatural water then this facility does every year. My water bill is the cheapest bill that I have. I also do this naturally and without the help of 3D X-rays and robots that cost millions and millions of dollars. These facilities also consume massive amounts of resources including gas for climate control as well as the processes to produce all of these robots which are driven by lithium batteries. Only the people who do not farm or have never been to a farm think this is a bright idea. I make a nice living for my family without the million dollar overhead that these clowns have. You might applaud these people for doing this but I have to say that I can do this better myself with a higher range of crops simply by growing outside like it's been done for centuries and centuries.

  41. This green house must be losing money.

  42. This is such a fantastic idea, increasing availability of fresh produce and for a lower cost plus the environmental benefits of this sort of farming. Next step needs to be to automate the delivery and reduce/remove the need for human truck drivers

  43. This is 100% unsustainable. How much plastic are they using? How many resources does it take to make all of that high tech equipment? Where is the energy coming from for the fertilizer? The lights? A reporter would have done the simple math and had some questions, rather than act like a salesman on the Home Shopping Network.

  44. As a Dutchman it is mindboggling to see how "behind" other countries are when it comes to using greenhouses.

  45. The Netherlands is one of the smallest countries on earth and they are only second to the USA in export of agricultural goods. They use greenhouses. Miles and miles of greenhouses filled with hydroponically grown vegetables. That’s innovation.

  46. We need more video like this

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