
Amazing Products TV Windows 11: Mistakes Microsoft can't repeat

Awesome Tips Windows 11: Mistakes Microsoft can't repeat

Will the Windows curse continue with Windows 11? These are the five lessons we hope Microsoft learned from past Windows launch mistakes.

00:20 Windows Launch Biggest Fails
00:58 Lesson One: Don’t get bloaty
03:10 Lesson Two: Don’t break compatibility
03:35 Lesson Three: Don’t rush a release
04:05 Lesson Four: Don’t be annoying
04:50 Lesson Five: Don’t change everything we know

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  1. Windows 7 was beautifull, but the other releases can learn one or two rhings from GNU Linux distros and Microsoft Os X.

  2. But windows 8 is way better than 10, the 10 is so heavy compared to 8, windows 10 is sluggish and not usable with mechanical hard drive that most low end laptop come with

  3. Windows 11 is a huge flop!! It was so bad I had to put Windows 10 back on as 11 kept popping up with errors and the gaming performance was shocking I hope Microsoft will make Windows 12 better

  4. Staying on Windows 10 until 12 comes out

  5. My laptop is unsupported because the processor type was not supported. The original version of the CPU (intel i5 5/6gen) is supported but the version that’s identical, but with an extra dye for VPro is not supported. It has 2 cores, a high enough clock speed, etc but it still won’t work.

  6. Windows 11 is just Vista 2, it has aggressive hardware requirements, major UI changes that most people don’t like (major icon changes, taskbar in the middle, etc), and many more issues.

  7. you sound like my Boss…
    anyway I am using dell g3 and I am gonna give try to window 11 on my laptop window 11 work nicely after update
    and anyway I am planning to buy Alienware or Asus ROG or Acer Predator in 2023 depend on future models sooo 1 more year with this Dell g3 laptop
    thought lets give try to window 11 at least in 1 year whatever experience i will get that will help me to make decision whether i should go with this OS in future Laptops or not.

  8. You will find Carey's connection quality is higher than Lexy's.

  9. Well guest what? They are repeating history

    • R
    • January 31, 2023

    From what I've read, Windows 11 won't even let yo use your computer unless it's hooked up to the internet. Big NOPE. But they're not letting me keep my alternative because Windows 10 support stops in 4 years. What stinkers.

  10. Windows 11 suck because it won't work on a laptop with a Blu-ray drive for no reason! I now on Ubuntu

  11. Windows has terrible launch:

    Windows 95 and XP: Are we joke to you?!

  12. … windows11…. yawn…ZZzzzzz…..

  13. doesn't matter how hard U try to manipulate it, c|net….

    it DID also failed miserably

  14. AMD need I say more

  15. i´m still stuck on 7 lol my graphics card doesn´t work on Windows 10 ever since 10 bricked my Hard Drive, something else must have happened to the graphics card making it unable to run on 10 anymore when it died

  16. God, we're still waiting for Windows 9… :-I

  17. Welcome to vista mark 2. My PC can't run it. Already jumped ship from laptop to Chromebook. Looking at Linux for the PC.

  18. Why kill a perfectly good flower for your stupid video?

  19. windows 11 total fail stick with windows 10 people

  20. Microsoft will never change I hope it dies

  21. Oh my God I remember Apple commercial very well

  22. 'I'm just looking for a bit of stability in my life right now, because I'm fragile. Like a fragile…………………………………….thing'. LMAO!!!!!!

  23. That was a great video Bridget. Very funny in parts too. Can't even get Windows 11 in Australia yet, so maybe by the time it arrives in Australia the problems people may have been having may be addressed. Here's hoping anyway. Great job Bridget. Also I know it's personal preference, but I quite like the redesign of the UI and with the taskbar being in the centre. Oh well, different strokes for different folks I guess.

  24. People will learn to get over the changes , but if it runs like junk & isn't compatible with a lot of stuff that will obviously kill it. 2024 Windows 12 drops ……

    • O_O
    • January 31, 2023

    she got the right energy

  25. So far I like 11 but the over strict hardware requirements is horrible. They should have gotten strict about it in 2024-25. This is to early for being that strict. Many people with 2 year old computers can't install 11 in a legit way. That's unacceptable

  26. The confusion continues. My PC has a skylake chip so no automatic upgrade from windows 10. But stick it on an ISO and clean install – no problem ! That makes no sense at all, especially as it doesn't run slower on Windows 11, and my chip has TPM2 and secure boot.

  27. I enjoy Windows 11. There are some new features that make using windows 11 very user friendly. The menus for settings feels like I'm using an tablet with descriptive details for each setting. I do feel they tried to make it very user friendly.
    I do feel that windows 11 is fast and smooth, animations, and organization is done very well. I can game with no problems.

    Since I've used the beta on day 1 I have only a couple gripes. The beta of course needs work. Sadly the full release does too. Groove music cannot organize and get music information as good as kodi or plex can. It will still have unknown album for a majority of songs leaving me to have to manually add information even after song, artist, and album info are added to each file from the CD ripped using mp3 tag. Including album art.

    The right click menu I do think can use some work. I really do enjoy the icons that available for options we use often, but the original menu is separate option at the far bottom of the that menu. It should be all 1 menu.

    The start menu I think could use some tweaks. I feel they tried to copy chrome book. Using apps from an app drawer instead of they tile design. Once it's full you have to scroll down to get more apps you saved. Or choose all apps. It takes longer, extra steps to find what you want.

    Lastly I miss and want ( and will find a way to do it.) the search bar on the task bar at all times. Sure I can click start and it's right there, but I prefer to have search available without a step in the way. I'm used to the convenience of just typing in the Taskbar and bam no worries.

    I'm sure there will be some changes in the future. I look forward to seeing what Microsoft comes up with.

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