
Amazing Products TV Windows 11 review: Cool new features, still a work in progress

Awesome Tips Windows 11 review: Cool new features, still a work in progress

The latest Microsoft OS has some cool new features, but is still a work in progress

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  1. Vista 2.0. Svcks beyond imagination.

  2. I am 50 yrs old and fair with computers, and l know many others know so much more than me, but l have a two monitor 4k setup, a laptop l travel with and a computer hooked up to my television for when l'm lazy, ( and with help from a friend that knows computers – downloaded Windows 11 on my laptop; my pc however needs an update ( a new motherboard etc.) to enable Windows 11 – and l think it's fair; l might be wrong but l feel it's just a money grab, and why do it during a pendemic.

    Just before they released windows 11 they sent me a system update that wiped out everything I had on my laptop then when I reached out to them I was told to go buy a newer laptop because buying the update and installing it on my older unit wasn't worth it, and they were unable to recover me lost files… so I sold it to a friend who paid for the update that was the cost of a new Chrome book with windows 11 .. lol
    I'm happy just using my phone that has Microsoft Edge, Office, Outlook, Google Chrome /search all together linked to my TV. My phone is my keyboard/laptop now.
    It may not be the same but when it comes down to them updating there systems and crashing mine I'm better without it !
    I miss my laptop but till they get the bugs out like you said I'll save my money before buying a new laptop or Chrome book.

  4. Think I'm going to wait until later this year.

  5. Ya Iván

  6. Is the window 11 still going to be free to upgrade after mid year 2022?

  7. But what does it do better? Does it make your old computer run faster? Handle new CPUs or GPUs better? Anything?

  8. Anyone can fact check me— Windows 11 is version Windows 10.0.2200. It's still Windows 10. My current Win 10 version is version 10.0.19044. Windows 11 is still Windows 10! (pretty funny stuff to me)

    • KPK
    • February 17, 2023

    Installed Win 11 on my new laptop and am loving it!

  9. the your phone app for samsung is super easy to use, its one of my fave things.

  10. I'll wait for my IT department to upgrade me automatically.

  11. 👆👆👆00:02:16
    Bỏ lỡ hoàng hôn thì anh có thể ngắm lại vào ngày mai. Bỏ lỡ em thì anh sẽ không gặp lại lần hai. 🏵 🌳

  12. 5:06 LOL😂😂😂 "the iphone has widgets" HAAA HAAA HAAA HAAA….. it only took them about 10 years to copy Android on that one!!! LOL

  13. If it dosent currently support android apps then they need to stop advertising it as a feature. It's like me saying Microsoft should give me a free surface tablet because I plan on paying for it.

  14. Windows 11 OS is good for me so far but the overly strict hardware requirements are awful. Not many people are going to want to replace their 2 year old laptop just to have 11.

  15. Microshit get a clue. You have tried for at least 35 years to copy mac and ios. Good try but grow up and innovate on your own without copying someone else. Really sad.

  16. 6:18 Here in India most of the companies tells you to use Microsoft teams only..

  17. When will windows have an apple emulator? lolz…

  18. It looks so Amazing, I really like OS UI update

  19. I love the idea of android apps coming to my laptop how exciting!

  20. Sounds to me like Microsoft just misses all that cash rolling in from Windows 10 purchases, now that everyone who was going to get Windows 10 already has done so, but is also now building themselves new PC desktop systems, since so many of us are stuck at home now… They aren't selling the full, clean-install version of Windows 11 (home or pro), they claimed they were going to have no OS's after Windows 10, and there aren't a lot of non-aesthetic changes to the OS itself. If you want Windows 11 on a new desktop, you have to buy Windows 10 for it, then upgrade it. Calling it "Windows 11" sounds like a sales gimmick to me. It acts more like it's just an update – new skins and all, but that's really about it.

  21. I already rushed and thankfully I haven't encountered any disastrous bugs

  22. Windows 10 x now windows 11 version 🥳🤗😅🔥

  23. Exactly when i moved from windows 10 to windows 7 on my laptab my attachable keyboard stopped functioning properly, Microsoft will probably say we don't support your device, really it wasn't that great but the keyboard had two full sized usb which are no longer working, and have to use a dongle to attach a device or a hub, really don't want to buy another bluetooth mouse for the tab, and anyways what would i do with the 5ghz wifi adaptor then.

  24. I tried it for a week and was underwhelmed. It was different wallpaper mostly with a few new tricks but mostly it was unwanted operational changes I didn’t want to learn. Cut and paste and the right click menu has been the same for years and I don’t want to change especially with 3 computers to work on. There were a few new tricks that hadn’t quite made it to the finish line like multiple desktops. Dolly, I just switched to Windows 10 last year from Windows 7 and that’s only because someone showed me Classic Shell.

  25. Its a little bit buggy with some apps such as the Netflix app where the screen flashes multiple times when you first start a video. Generally, it's fine, I like the friendly look of the file and app symbols but I Much prefer the previous start menu as I enjoyed the easy to find layout of the tiles but now I have to search a list of my programs every time I went to open a program.

    I am not buying a new PC so you can sell another Windows license.
    So what if my PC is not compatible with your strick Windows 11 sys req.

  27. anybody have issues with the max screen resolution?

  28. All they had to do was incorporate the old Quick Launch toolbar on the taskbar. But, noooooooooooooo. I want the ability to slide my app taskbar where ever I want and new app instances to be ungrouped and to the left, just like yesterday when we got on our knees and prayed… etc., etc.

  29. Looks fantastic with TaskbarX for a transparent Taskbar and Deviant Art/Rainmeter skins add-ons like clock and sound visualizer.

  30. Actually, the gadgets in Win7 died well before support for the OS did. This is not an impressive improvement. All they had to do was build an OS service pack for Win10 to get the same functionality they are selling in Win11. Btw, when a company like Microsoft starts giving away things like upgrades to a new OS then there are definitely going to be problems.

    • HS
    • February 17, 2023

    The new notification sounds all sound the same.

  31. I think you are the minority with MS Teams. Everyone uses it for business.

  32. Option for squared edges?

    Rounded Edges suck

  33. I used windows 7, then windows 10, and will upgrade when windows 12 comes out

  34. my 2nd day on windows 11. so far so good. its actually a bit faster also.

  35. im watching this on windows 11 rn and im loving it! also isnt the full version supposed to come out in october 5?

  36. I've had it over 30 days now on my gamer with not one single issue or glitch.

  37. All these are made for the release for phone

  38. It reminds me the launch of Win 8, a new design which not many liked, In 8.1 they came back to the previous look. I'll wait for Service pack 3 😀

  39. conclusion: whatever… get it or not get it, whatever.

  40. The worst thing I have had on windows 11 is ‘This PC ‘ doesn’t show up when searching. The search is completely unusable!
    I guess maybe it’s just my problem?

    • Temp
    • February 17, 2023

    Don't know about Microsoft anymore, I own a computer for the fun fact that it runs like a independent in-depth complex library (my world) that I can control to my own needs, not some simple widget apple-esque user serving pocket notebook.

    • Sean
    • February 17, 2023

    I'll be uprgrading ASAP. Windows 10 has been awful for me… Never ending stream up bugs from bluetooth issues, to the computer not shutting down, to losing all my personalization (no screen saver, no theme colors, etc), to a complete inability to handle 3 monitors at once. If 11 doens't fix all this BS, I'm jumping ship.

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