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Outro: Approaching Nirvana – Sugar High
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Intro animation by MBarek Abdelwassaa
Monitor And Keyboard by vadimmihalkevich / CC BY 4.0
Mechanical RGB Keyboard by BigBrotherECE / CC BY 4.0
Mouse Gamer free Model By Oscar Creativo / CC BY 4.0

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  1. I dig motion blur when it's used right, like a nice per object motion blur to accentuate dynamic movement. However I agree full screen blur on camera panning, like we used to get a lot of during the 360/PS3 days, is just gag inducing for me

  2. I mean we had 90mio PS3, sure not the same as 1 mio steamdeck but…

    • Tea
    • March 29, 2023

    I don't think there's much of a choice between financially insolvent land and moving towards walkable cities

    The person talking about that couldn't fit everything in a tweet, but even suburbia can be transformed if the zoning laws werent so weirdly strict, some residential buildings can be turned into restaurants and convenience stores as a start, and cities can start beginning to invest more into public transport. Even just more regular trains and services that aren't just for commuters would have a massive impact on removing commuter cars from the roads. I believe Riverdale(?) in Canada is a good example of housing and quiet commercial areas coexisting, the reason that more places like Riverdale don't exist is chiefly due to zoning laws.

    Hell, if we're talking cities, Amsterdam used to be designed just like NA cities and even had plans for huge highways cutting through the city. It took some decades, but it wasn't impossible to transform it. If you want to take a look at a city going through this right now, Rotterdam is a very good example of a car-centric city that has realistic plans and goals. Suburbia is more difficult to tackle, but not impossible.

    Cars are always going to be necessary to some degree, but it's definitely not impossible to have incremental and creative solutions to turning car-centric cities and suburbia into more pedestrian-friendly places. There are examples of these kinds of car-centric reversal developments happening even outside of Europe, and even just having a better and more regular bus service facilitates that. At the end of the day, the equation between having an economically sustainable city and an environmentally sustainable city isn't that much different; continuing down the path of car dependence only costs more and more money for road maintenance than big box stores with extremely large parking lots could ever bring in, versus a walkable, dense, and adaptable commercial area.

    The way I see it, it's definitely not going to be easy, but it's not a question of whether it should be done; it HAS to be done for the sake of not only environmental sustainability, but financial solvency. There are a myriad of solutions, but the political will to enact chages like these require a lot of public education and awareness as well as a someone to represent these changes politically.

    • Phil
    • March 29, 2023

    Fantastic video!

  3. I didn't knew about the Noctua fan mount one. Thanks! And very fun content to watch!

  4. I legit cannot finish this video because some of these hottakes make me so annoyed lol

  5. Good old Linus. Complains about someone liking motion blur, complains about blur in general, and equates it to putting Vaseline on your display and yet he still never mentions that fact that Temporal Anti-Aliasing (the default anti-aliasing in most modern games) causes excessive blurring (even more than FXAA does) due to its jittering effect that blends pixels together, and adds ghosting to the game rendering pipeline so your "low persistence display" is pointless because the monitor isn't the only thing introducing ghosting to the picture.

  6. 5:53 "Except there's other buildings" Yeah there are, just like there are other "buildings" in the smartphone world, in this analogy that's Android with lots of manufacturers and app stores to choose from. So that Twitter guy isn't completely wrong.

    Also: why is it ok for Steam to just ask 30% and everyone thinks that's ok, even though there are lots of other options out there with varying % cuts (Epic store, Xbox, PS, etc), but why is it then not ok for Apple to do the same?

    I mean, car manufacturers also require you do have your car serviced at their dealerships to get their warranty, that could also be called a monopoly.

    I'm not defending Apple, but I'm defending choice. And don't give me that dumb "Apple doesn't give you a choice" bullshit, because Apple has become this big because for most regular users stuff "just works". And that's also why I like their platform. I like a lot of things about Android, but it's so convoluted and difficult to change even minor things since there's too many options, so much so that even I as a tech geek was done with that. And if iOS would be required to open up a lot of stuff, then it would loose basically all of the good things, being that most generic stuff just works. Yeah it has limitations and yeah iOS devices are expensive, but for all intents and purposes for me as a user it really feels like the best experience.

    On the other hand, I hugely dislike the HomePods and Apple Watch and such, so I'm using Sonos speakers and a Garmin watch instead. Apple doesn't block that, all I'm missing out on is Siri basically and we all know that's not really a loss.

  7. Oi, I while away many an afternoon playing MAME games… but I get your point. 😉

    • Tea
    • March 29, 2023

    hard agree with the ipad thing. you can have a brand new, high end lamborghini in 2023 and the infotainment will be complete garbage. even an 5-year old android tablet haphazardly strapped to the centre console of a car would be more functional than 95% of car infotainment systems

  8. American Cities could be just a bit more walkable with simple corner stores in neighborhoods. Never say never

  9. A reaction video? I'd rather eat my toe nail clippings.

    • Vap
    • March 29, 2023

    The smell of burn after watching this video is disgusting! 😂

  10. I feel so much better.


  12. https://youtu.be/0IhmkF50VgE?t=1486 – didn't even realise the pun there 😀

  13. No the note 9 was actually peak. It had everying, the fingerprint, eye scaning, notifction LED. so much stuff i miss but I upgraded for the 0.5x zoom cameras we have now

  14. Max is clearly just a fanboy not knowing what he's talking about

  15. Steam Deck… is not even here yet. Not until it's sold, first party, in all places. Not grey market imported by the shady shops, but sold through legit channels.

    I can walk into a game store and buy a Nintendo Switch, so I don't think it's fair to say that the Deck is "here" until I can do the same for a Deck.

  16. 5:57 Before I got a car with Carplay, I literally had two magnet holders that I’d put an iPad Pro on that was connected to a bluetooth module on my car’s AUX connector and that was my “infotainment system” Worked great, looked great, controlled great. I couldn’t have been happier.

  17. I find it amusing when people run to defend Apple because spyware exists and only cites China and Russia like the USA and big corporations like Meta or Amazon aren't already logging every single detail about you that they can.

  18. Yo Linus watch Digital Foundry's vid on motion blur

  19. How are some of these people real?!?

  20. yes the DC first time user interface experience was horrible for me

  21. I never get the hate against USB Micro-B. I've never had the connector nor the port break on me because I'VE NEVER STUCK IT IN THE WRONG WAY ROUND! I thought the port broke on my LG G4, but I just had to clean out the port with a toothpick. It's always the wire that gets a kink and breaks.

  22. I miss MSN messenger sigh

  23. This max bloke is just straight up apple fanatic…..deep in the cult.

  24. Motion blur doesn't look good per se, it's realistic. Try pan your head around quickly, it's blurry. And for a community that loves "realistic" graphics it's kinda hypocritical to not like it. When I first learned motion blur being a hot take it surprised me.

  25. 11:00 moto g 5g on sale for $199 USD. Pretty great phone imo

    17:41 so cocky when threadripper left his mouth 😂🤣🤣

  26. You're right that micro-HDMI is garbage, but what your editor popped up there was mini-HDMI and that's considerably less garbage, if a little inconvenient. I know no devices more than a year old with a working micro-HDMI port. The pins just rip off the motherboard after a half dozen uses.

  27. Nah Linus, motion blur is great and there's a good reason it's in every game. Some implementations suck and do way too much at way too low of speeds, but good motion blur makes motion significantly more convincing. And no it's not just for 30 fps, it's incredibly easy to see judder at 60+ fps and it's very distracting (at least for me). It's not until you're well into the hundreds on a very high refresh rate screen that you don't need it for convincing motion. If you can't see the judder, idk what to tell you, have better eyes. Besides, blur inherent with sample and hold technologies ensures that you *aren't really seeing motion well anyway*. You're just making your games look worse by turning it off, if it's well tuned. Now if you are playing on a CRT or an OLED with BFI, turning it off makes a lot of sense.

  28. Here's a hot take for the headphone jack debate:

    Whether wired or wireless headphones are better is completely immaterial to whether the headphone jack should exist or not. It does not matter one single bit. The problem with removing the headphone jack isn't that wired headphones are "better", it's that you're removing options for no reason.

    Both wired headphones and wireless headphones are good! They both have advantages and disadvantages! You gain NOTHING by removing the headphone jack, you only lose options and choice.

  29. Linux already runs as a background OS for machines for years now and even when many use it via a steam deck it’s not the same as people siting down and installing Linux on there pc.

  30. The issue with reviewers swapping products every week is that you become impressionable by obsolescence..
    Oled TV and Electric Vehicles are good examples.

  31. I collect free plugins, but in the past Waves has taken away the perpetual plugins that I’ve had, for no reason, without explanation. Simce than I don’t even bother with collecting their ones.

  32. Lol the headphone jack guy is dumb af

  33. 9:16 I still like physical keyboard in phones)))
    I have less mistakes with it)

    • Wink
    • March 29, 2023

    Apple owning the Appstore is not a monopoly, it's THEIR service. They have competition, like the Android Playstore, and no developer is entitled to publish their apps on either.

  34. My rebuttal to some of these:
    1) It IS possible to sideload on iOS devices. And jailbreaking doesn't always lead to piracy (hell, the main iOS jailbreak Discord has a strong anti-piracy stance; ditto w/ the Nintendo one). I've done it myself. I even watched this whole video on a sideloaded version of YouTube.
    2) Smaller phones should still be an option for people like me who have small hands. My hands are so small I struggle to hold my iPhone 13 mini in 1 hand, & I'm a 30 year old man.
    3) I've studied fine art, & where I live, it's standard for galleries take a 50% cut of any art you make that they sell for you. Granted, art usually sells for more than 99 US cents.
    4) Relatedly, AI art sucks out all the passion, creativity, & skill an artist spends YEARS honing, then distills it into a mere shadow. AI art is destroying jobs for artists when they were already hard to come by. Plus, the art that AI makes reminds me of the stuff I've seen while suffering from psychosis.

  35. Linus has a hard time understanding that "We don't need a union because…" is the "I am not a pedophile but…" of the working world.

  36. Also linus please consider doing this again. I enjoyed this alot.

    I wished i had seen the tweet id have joined in. Ive got two. I wished mobile displays were kept at 16:9 and stopped just getting taller. Its less functional it slides out my pocket easier as is and videos are made to different aspect ratios then current phone displays. About 6inch is about the tallest i feel like id ever need. Beyond that might as well just get a tablet.

    Second point: while i value my current tech ive recently been thinking how much of a waste it is. When i had an old crt and console. My crappy dvds you couldnt notice the bad quality. And games looked and played great. My current awareness has created thoughts in mine and most peoples heads that make us spend more

  37. Who play Mame all time? Well…. I've played with my brothers a lot. There were a LOT couch simple multiplayer games and we used to do it a lot. Probably, the main way in which we used our modded Xbox first gen.

    • m
    • March 29, 2023

    9:23 Even if most people did have Bluetooth earphones before headphone jacks were removed, it doesn't get rid of the cons of earphones like running out of battery.
    9:33 Wired and wireless have pros and cons; listing tangles as a pro but not loss as a con is disingenuous.
    9:35 With earphones of equal audio and manufacturing quality, wireless ones will ALWAYS be more expensive than wired ones by sheer nature of how they work and their materials. The batteries, controller circuits, and Bluetooth modules will always make them more expensive. Yes, companies can sell them at a loss or even give them away for free, but that doesn't count any more than comparing Chinesium wireless earbuds to expensive wired studio monitors.

    9:54 Also, not all games need photo-realistic graphics.
    10:17 I was writing ray-tracing code and using Pov-ray to render wallpapers 25 years ago; I wouldn't say it "simplifies" lighting a game. In fact, I specifically appreciate the clever old-school tricks to fake IRL lighting. Using ray-tracing to "simplify" it is like programming with high-level scripting languages or 5GLs like Scratch and having no idea what assembler is or how to interface with actual hardware. All that will accomplish is to stratify developers into a tiny handful of ultra-specialists who know how to do that stuff and will create libraries that everybody else will use. It's already happening; look at how so many "game developers" today can barely even be called "programmers" since they essentially just assemble blocks of pre-fab components. I suppose that's not all bad, it democratizes game development, but if artists can whine about AI bringing art to everybody, then why should programming be excepted?

    11:14 * YET. There will eventually be $300 folding phones. Just like how color laser printers were $10,000 when they first came out and were down to $100 within a decade. Tech starts expensive and gets cheap once adoption hits a critical threshold Likewise with flat-screen TVs and cars and computers and everything else.

    13:25 Nobody expects EVERYBODY to throw out their functioning ICE cars and buy EVs all at once. The expectation is to stop producing ICEs and NEW cars be EVs. That is not an overnight transition, it will take literally decades to migrate. As people who can afford to buy new cars replace their old cars, they will migrate to EVs, and people who can't afford to buy new cars buy their old ICEs as "hand-me-downs". This long-term transition buys time to retrofit everywhere to support an eventual all-EV world.
    13:32 As the Taco Bell commercial asks, why not both? Nobody is saying to switch to EVs and continue to have car-centric hellholes (*cough*NorthAmerica*cough*), this is just ONE step towards trying to improve the environment. We absolute can and should also expand public transit, build walkable-/"15-minute"-cities, and reduce e-waste as well.
    13:48 Sadly, Linus is right. The automotive industry has bought the entire continent of North America 100 years ago. It's pretty much done. The continent has been TERRAFORMED to cater exclusively to cars. Many North America cities are actively hostile to pedestrians and cyclists, they're designed to kill anyone not in a car. They've not only been designed to have roads everywhere, they've been designed to be so spread out that you NEED a car because EVERYTHING IS SO FAR AWAY! It would take some unprecedented MASSIVE reform to even attempt to change things (and we all know how North Americans feel about activism, they prefer slacktivism). At best, only new towns will try to design walkable cities and maybe the rare existing town will change some of its parts.
    13:52 To be fair, Linus likely lives in a big fancy McMansion out in the suburbs now, so of course, there's nothing within walking distance of his home. He should watch NotJustBikes, AdamSometing, and ClimateTown to question his real-estate choices. 😛 But you don't have to live in a gated-community to have this problem. I live on what was the "edge" of town just a few years ago but they've been building it out for the past few years, and yet, I still live in a "food desert" because the closest grocery-store is a "luxury/premium store" where a head of iceberg lettuce costs $6. The next two closest stores are also luxury stores. 🤦 The closest "normal/affordable/discount/etc" grocery-store is a 15-minute drive/30-minute bike/45-minute walk away.
    14:00 Linus is forgetting that you literally can't do what he's suggesting because of zoning laws.

    14:12 RCSRex said Linux will never take off like people say it will. Linus ignored the second half. RCSRex didn't say Linux will never be used, they said it will never take off in terms of replacing Windows and Mac. Sure, it's in a lot of things like servers and embedded systems, and you could even argue people use it a lot without realizing they're using it, but that doesn't count, not in the context of RCSRex's tweet, which I agree with. I've been checking in on Linux every now and then for 25 years, trying out the latest distro that people are talking about and seeing how user-friendly that new "user-friendly Windows-killer" actually is. I've tried Ubuntu, I've tried Mint, I've tried them all, and I still use Windows. Sure, I use Armbian on my Pi server, and I've even grown a little fond of it, but my daily-driver is still Windows… for a reason.

    14:52 Um, Danellos thinks Apple was right to resist USB-C because it is "not a good standard" because it has too many inconsistencies? 🤨 Does Danellos not realize that Lightning has EXPOSED PINS‽ 🤦

    15:25 Windows 12 would have to suck harder than a $2 garden-tool because Linux is just NOT user-friendly enough to supplant Windows, not matter how crappy Windows gets. Just this morning, I had to look up how to renew the DHCP lease on an individual NIC in Linux whereas in Windows it's trivial. Likewise, I still can't find a way to bridge an Ethernet NIC and WiFi NIC to use a single IP address in Linux whereas again, in Windows it's a couple of clicks, and that's coming from someone who lives on the command-line so much, I have a hotkey to open a command-prompt because I use it constantly.

    15:32 Linus skipped Jeff's last point about a 10yo computer still working fine for day-to-day use and not needing new ones. I don't disagree on the whole; I'm literally typing this on a laptop from 2010. That said, I'm able to keep doing so because of my supernatural and heroic efforts to keep this thing clean and optimized. I've stripped Windows 7 of all of its bloat to keep it like functioning a Spartan warrior. And yet, it still regularly chugs now thanks to modern software being so poorly optimized (if at all 😒) and bloated with junk, not to mention slow-downs incurred by things like mitigations for vulnerabilities like Spectre/Meltdown and such. Using 10yo computers would either necessitate using risky outdated software, or updating to newer versions that are unoptimized and full of garbage, assuming newer versions even support older systems at all. Moreover, most people would not have the ability or at least wherewithal to put so much effort into keeping such old hardware working.

    16:35 I remember when AMD bought ATI and immediately destroyed the Catalyst drivers which used to be full of features, stripping it down to nothing. I also remember even back then, Nvidia's drivers having a lot of features, let alone later.
    17:05 I guess Narwhal forgot about Nvidia's numerous feature rollouts over the past 2-3 years like their Minecraft RTX campaign with numerous YouTubers, or RTX Voice (Barnaculese tried so hard to foil it), or the recent AI media-generation stuff, or as Linus said, the new video-upscaling one. Um, yeah, I think those alone would tempt people to use Nvidia instead.

  38. Gib me Moar, the subtle hint of drama, tastefull flow and mix of opinions never too one sided.
    Love it

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