
Amazing Products TV The TRUTH about working for Linus – Employees Answer

Awesome Tips The TRUTH about working for Linus – Employees Answer

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Linus Media Group is a pretty unique place to work, but what is it actually like? Is Linus a tyrant? Is cool tech not all it’s cracked up to be? Is Colton fired? Find out what employees think in this set of interviews. Management had no say in the production of this video. Select full interviews will be released on Floatplane.com

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Intro: Laszlo – Supernova
Video Link:
iTunes Download Link:
Artist Link:

Outro: Approaching Nirvana – Sugar High
Video Link:
Listen on Spotify:
Artist Link:

Intro animation by MBarek Abdelwassaa
Monitor And Keyboard by vadimmihalkevich / CC BY 4.0
Mechanical RGB Keyboard by BigBrotherECE / CC BY 4.0
Mouse Gamer free Model By Oscar Creativo / CC BY 4.0

0:00 Intro
1:50 Best Part of Working Here
2:46 Worst Part of Working Here
5:09 Working with Linus
8:44 Is Linus the same off camera?
9:52 How has LMG changed?
11:29 Has Linus changed?
13:23 What do people get wrong?
14:31 What would you change?
16:28 Weirdest thing that happened to you?
18:53 Outro

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  1. I didn't realize Butt was an actual last name. It makes me feel a little better about my last name, which is Bott.

  2. I mean was a disclaimer necessary? Who would publicly berate their employer..

  3. Now I'd love to have linus' reaction to this video

  4. More videos like this. Love the tour videos and the interview and what it's like videos.

  5. Have to admit, I'd much rather have Quality over quantity even if the videos are longer.

  6. Holowachuk! Wow, a Ukrainian surname. Proud :3

  7. I find things are too rushed now, I can't keep up with all the videos being release ans always at least a week behind 😅

  8. None of them would say bad things for obvious reasons

  9. This makes me wonder. Whenever Linus decides to actually step down and retire, who's gonna take over? What will happen to LMG? Would it be in good hands? And would it remain successful?

  10. Am I the only one that finds the topic and idea of this video extremely lame and cringy?

  11. The worst part is probably the very average salary that linus pays

  12. This company has definitely grown over the last 5 years or so. Interesting projects, and investment in both employees and the company. Congrats to 15 years of LTT!

  13. I wish all bosses were like Linus. Most of the ones I worked for were twats. Lol.

  14. Linus please dont beat me for this comment, but im gonna like it, if you do too.

  15. It is a Boss Fight 🤣

  16. Sounds like the team needs a union

  17. Really really loved this video. Didnt expect that I loved this so much. Wow LMG is the people – love it!

  18. Missed opportunity to make a skit. This is just a masturbatory corpo doc my friends

  19. LTT definitely needs to move the office to a much cheaper spot or even switch country, this would allow them to spend less and allow more time to produce quality content, instead of brainstorming and spamming videos each day simply for the sake of the schedule and algorithms 🤔

  20. Jake B needs to do some narration, he's got a great voice for it

  21. I love how Kyle is just naturally holding the lot screwdriver

  22. 2:14
    didn't know that Babish is working at LMG 👀

  23. while this is a great video, they seem overworked

  24. Wait, when did Babish start working for Linus? 2:13

  25. Mis respetos from Latin America

  26. "I`d probably say Colton"

  27. The roast of Linus was the best video I’ve ever seen to date. I still rewatch it from time to time, I can’t imagine any boss doing a video like that. Linus, you’re awesome!

  28. Ofcourse he watched it! Noone believes he did not.


  30. I saw colton's egg challenge in channel superfun in this video. Now I am gonna watch it again 😀

  31. How'd that pool loop perform over the winter?

  32. I know I'm an outsider and cannot be sure of how LMG works behind the scenes. But this is how you show us what's happening behind the scenes so we have to base our conclusions off of it.

    Considering how Jono ended up with MKBHD, you guys need to slow down. Their production seems more relaxed.

    We've seen the monday sponsored video, exaggerated or not, I'm surprised James didn't call it quits yet. Stressing and panicking may seem exciting sometimes but being on the edge for years? Even in this video I feel like he's on the edge. And in all the sponsor spots he did on other shortcircuit, ltt videos he seemed tired.

    I love to tinker with the latest tech but being this stressed around it will make me hate it in a short while. I would not want to work at LMG for any reason. It really does feel like a bunch of people trying not to piss off their boss while he runs around from one thing to another.

    I know some people, especially ceo/hr kind people won't like what I just said. They excuse overworking citing "passion" or whatever. YouTube is competitive and you always have to be in front to pay these large numbers of people, but you're already so far in front, either slow down or bring more people to work for you.

    It will help in the long run.

  33. I do agree that a car channel would be cool but I can definitely see how expensive that would he to start up.

  34. Hard to imagine I've been watching Linus since I was 12 and I can't imagine the channel without James, Riley Anthony and the others

  35. Could we get a supercut of Colton’s clips?

  36. Some good points in this.

  37. Is this a response to r/LTT?

  38. Linus please listen to your employees. Back up the threadmill, we need better vídeos. You run things too much.

  39. God, a LMG car channel would be so awesome.

  40. On the note of doing cheaper product reviews I really enjoyed the 1030 review more than I was expecting and more than any of the $500+ gpu review for the past several years. I'm looking to bring more people into pc gaming and the lower that hurdle to entry is the more excited I get about that tech.

  41. I think this whole team is just made for each other , all of them somehow fall in to pieces and have a monstrous contraption being controlled by a knucle head names "Linus" and i love all of them

  42. Completely agree with Nicholas on wanting more "Budget Friendly" content.

  43. I still remember Linus unboxing stuff while working at ncix 👍

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