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  1. Anyone else remember watching this series as a kid? Never knew what happened to Traveler

  2. Guys, the outro song is called Shinichi Osawa – Electro 411 (Lies in disguise remix)

  3. Wow, that's nice, I like it.

  4. a rip off of doom

  5. You can tell it was inspired by Doom but with mega man

  6. go to the link and go to the top and cike 8 bit magaman

  7. Easily within my top 2 favorite channels of all and I subscribe to booty shaking videos ('.' ) sooo….Yea your welcome. P.S. Superfanboy level thanks!

  8. Blue Bomber for the win!

  9. Look bro, I made that comment like, pfft, I dunno, 2 years ago? I can't remember shitting fuck from back then. Any hostility I had is gone, and any retarded things I said I regret and apologize for.

  10. I'm on iPhone

  11. Don't you people know how to BROWSE an website? u.u

  12. You sir are dumb Doom was originally on the PC it was a big hit and released on every system. The Snes version was so cut down and heavily reduced from the original version. Also Doom II was never released on the Snes it wasn't able to run on the system at all.

  13. So? Minecraft can handle up to like 528 max. And also you think your a genuis until you realize that the SNES (the system Doom 1 and 2 were originally on) can only handle 16 bits, so therefore Doom could not possibly be 32 bits. You fail.

  14. Actually Doom 1 and 2 were 32 bit xD

  15. Yep πŸ˜€

  16. close enough

  17. No,it is mainly the gameplay. Story is a bit behind it.

  18. I know what makes a good game . The storyline ad the controls

  19. I'm still right. Also, graphics aren't why I like Minecraft, it's because it's fun. You're an idiot who doesn't know what makes a good game.

  20. *nor

  21. One more thing , Williamm's entertainement was responsible for the SNES port , not iD games no Nintendo

  22. u don't see the bit deps only , the DOOM.snes rom file binary says it have support for the FX chip to render 2.5d and 32-bit graphics . other games included the FX chip was ported from PC-DOS(1993-1995) to SNES (except for Star Fox) . Also , Minecraft "Retro" style graphics was lazily done , unlike SFxMM , which was released in 17 Dec 2012 .BTW , doom was hellish and better wheres minecraft was childish and terrible . ROFL on your fail

  23. Also for all you windo lickers, the original Megaman is only 8 bit.

  24. Yes, Minecraft does render for 3d, also it can hve a 128×128 textures, which is more than Doom. Hop off.

  25. Let me explain ok? Doom 2 was originally for the SNES which could only hade 16 bits, ok? 16! It was a rom that kept the same bits which measure graphics. Tha number was 16. Minecraft can have either 16, 32, 64, or 128 bits! So which is bigger Doom 2/MM8BDM's 16 or Minecraft's possible 128? 128 is bgger than 16. I never said Minecraft was better. Just face it, you jumped to conclusions and I was right. And BTW Minecraft is better. Trololololol

  26. doom has better graphics , minecraft does not use a render for 3d , not even openGL 1.0 , it uses a 2d render and draw shapes , doom uses a 2.5d render for 3d render and it is switchable to openGL 4.2 (Zandronum ,Skulltag,GZDoom,DoomGL)

  27. Which is more smarter? You or a rock?

    Hands down a rock…

  28. Minecraft run on it's on engine.

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