
Amazing Products TV Apple Vision Pro: I Tried Apple’s AR/VR Headset

Awesome Tips Apple Vision Pro: I Tried Apple’s AR/VR Headset

An amazing display and impressive cameras: I found a headset that makes movies look great, and blends reality impressively. But there’s more we still don’t know.

Read the CNET Article for more information:
Apple Vision Pro Hands-On: This Is the Headset I’d Use to Watch 3D ‘Avatar’

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  1. You know what would be cool, if someone made for the apple vision pro a function that creates an AI similar looking to human, and have it stand in your room. If apple partners up with ChatGpt, this would be perfect.

  2. Looks like the goggles from demolition man…you know where that went 😅

  3. Dude 10-15 mins tops is enough to make you sick. This is pure nonsense

  4. Love it!!! I am not an apple person does this thing work independently with its own software or will I be needing a Mac or something?

  5. Microsoft created a developer kit(for developers only) of their Halolens for 3500. They had it for over 10 years now and the consumer product is not their yet

  6. I hope Apple creates a rental channel for expensive devices such as this for people to rent and try out. I would love to rent this device to watch soccer world cup. They can generate so much more revenue out of each unit through rental, as well as boost sales, because once people rent it and tries it out, most would be desperate to own one.

  7. 1TB IPhone Pro Max costs $1800+ $3500 for a Pro VR Headset isn’t expensive at all, they will sell them like hot cakes! 😂. Buy Apple stocks now so your profits will pay for Apple products in the future 🤑

  8. Many can hate on apple, hate on apple tax etc…. But this a step that proves its not only form, but also apple can nail function….

  9. i’d like to know if this could work on a daily enviroment and also if it could help people with poor eye sight to intantly zoom on things around them, id you are on a classroom help you read better, id this could be a good travel companion to read or translate text on billboards when you go to another country for directions… etc. or is this only suited to work on an office and consume media.

  10. I wonder will apple vision have spaces where you can interact with ppl virtually like Horizon World

  11. Seems like it’s likely the best version of this sort of thing so far – but I still think the demand for this sort of thing is pretty limited, not just because of cost but also at a more fundamental level in the sense it doesn’t really seem to either meet some need or create a compelling new use

  12. Disappointed that this video glossed over the physical aspects of the headset. The weight, how it felt having the cabled battery pack, etc.

  13. This is for early adopters. The fact that it’s “pro” means they’re gonna release a cheaper version after working out the kinks. That’s how it is for all their other products. There isn’t any product that is “pro” without a basic cheaper version of it

  14. I'm actually quite surprised that Apple opted invest in and develop the serially failed VR / AR Headset hardware model as opposed to investing in the development of the " Contact Lense Based VR / AR" that's a bit further forward in the Augmented Reality development curve.

  15. So you have a VERY heavy lens prescription. Did you have to give them your prescription info ahead of time? Without glasses it would look awful. So if you could see fine you had lenses.

  16. It’s not a VR headset, it’s a flop.

  17. How did you use it, considering you wear glasses? Did you use it with your glasses?

  18. Why do you say VR? I saw nothing that is VR where you are in a game or can walk around in a VR room.

  19. How does it compare to hololens 2

    • P T
    • June 7, 2023

    yes. The naysayers don't understand that Apple doesn't have to cater to everyone to be successful.

    Apple only has 10% marketshare yet gets 90% of the profit.

    Apple has 1.36 billion users. Even if just 10% of 1.36 billion users buy the Apple Vision, 136k users * $3500/unit = $476 million sales, and that's just the hardware, the software/apps revenue is infinite.

  20. For anyone who saw this video when it was first uploaded. Did anyone else hear him say "Apple is currently working on a cheaper non-Pro model at the moment…"?

  21. What is the field of view ?

  22. I assume this is the first AR devise that overcame the 50 or 60 degree field of view limitation.

    Do you know if the devise will allow you to share your camera view with other facetime participants.
    Like sharing a live 1 st person view of what you are seeing. Or almaybe allow someone to assist with something you are working on like the hololens hinted at years ago

  23. Can you be more specific on the NBA demo? was it like looking in a TV Flat screen? o was it with deph?

  24. This looks awesome… but 3500? I used my Samsung Gear VR headset yrs ago to watch movies on Netflix and surf the web and it was beautiful. I could choose a fireside living room, a moonscape etc. Plus I would use google earth to go all over. It was under 200 when I got it some 6 yrs ago or so. But I am sure apple will get credit for re inventing the wheel. But yes, this looks like 6yrs of improvements.

  25. Put the glasses and they take your soul!

  26. Was it easy enough for them to match the add-ons to your prescription?

  27. blah blah

  28. 34,99 ? Nope 3.499,00. say it it out loud , three and a half thousand dollars 🤣🤣🤣 for a VR headset. It's a very expensive gimmic that we don't need. I work on a laptop, I watch movies with friends. Ok if you work in 3d modelling maybe it's a thing, but there are no films in 180Degrees fomat & even if there were you's be watching alone unless everyone has the headset. Maybe something for gamers but not in that price range. Can't see this taking off & see it going the way of google glasses.

  29. While the nerds are wearing these headsets and living vicariously through others in an imaginary world, I’m going to be out seeing the real world meeting real people and having the best life possible. Apple continues to contribute to the demise of physical and mental health in the real world. Congrats nerds.

  30. Those look alot like ready player one headset

  31. I wish I could have one of these

  32. Your product is stupid.

  33. If it can replace a computer, iPad, phone, and largest tv screen I could buy, $4k might be worth it.

  34. Still can’t believe Tim Apple would help promote Indoctrination Bob. Never give a single penny to Disney. PROTECT THE KIDS

  35. If it lives up to the claims/presentation, there will be plenty of people who will buy it, even at that price.

  36. Need family packages of this

  37. What was the field of view?
    Or did it feel wider than other headsets?

  38. Wow the movie Incredible’s 2 warned us about this.

  39. Oh boy, Meta and PlayStation VR 2 has a competition.😮

  40. 3rd, 4th or even 5th generation Vision Pro is where I'm thinking, based on 30 years of technological experience right now. Yes, it's great, but the weight, universal use and real world use is way off. I still want a completely immersive holographic environment. Something I only trust  with to be honest, however, we are still another few generations away from it. This particular product is about 30% of the way there. 2 hours of use, stationary power and the weight restrictions being reported? Not right now. And the price? No. As a trillion dollar company, they could really lower the price by at LEAST $2k to bring this to the masse, absorb the cost, and watch this new 'spatial computing' industry come to fruition. I await my dreams to bring true futurism to fulfilment.

  41. Oh and no one seems to bother about the $4000 price😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫

  42. It would be cool if you and a friend both had them on, and were watching a movie together (displayed real huge in the room) and you could look over at your friend and see them watching the movie too..

  43. 3:38 ayyy thats @UrAvgConsumer in the back! I thought I recognized him, and it was just confirmed with his upload in the same shirt

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