
Amazing Products TV Apple Vision Pro’s Biggest Cringe Factors

Awesome Tips Apple Vision Pro’s Biggest Cringe Factors

The new headset from Apple is a technical marvel — and yet, there are some unsettling features that need to be addressed if this is going to be the future of computing.

0:00 Apple Vision Pro Announced at WWDC 2023
0:44 Cringe Moments From the Apple Vision Pro Announcement
1:34 See the $3500 Apple Vision Pro
2:27 Vision Pro is an Apple TV for One
3:57 How Apple Can Justify the Vision Pro’s Price
4:48 Addressing the Isolationism Problem with Vision Pro
7:29 Apple’s Virtual Avatars Verge on Uncanny Valley Territory
8:27 Vison Pro Eyesight Feature Isn’t Strange At All
9:34 Will Apple Developers Make or Break Vision Pro?

Read the CNET Article for more info:
The Apple Vision Pro Is a Dystopian Device for a Dystopian World

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    • CNET
    • June 10, 2023

    We made an edit to the video around the 8 minute marker and it's still processing on YouTube in the background. Apologies for the audio sync at 8:54. That's YouTube encoding the edit in the background. It should fix itself, eventually. Thanks for watching!

  1. Dear Bridget, you forgot 1 very important thing about the headset:
    You can take it ANYWHERE u want! Be it a plane, car, bus, train or even the mountains. So, no point trying to compare to a high end 4K television…….

  2. Bridget, I think you are being wayyyy too harsh by emphasizing dystopian so much. Apple is clearly innovating here – in 1984 we got GUI and Mouse interface through the intro of Macintosh which within 5-6 years become mainstream with Windows 95. Now EVERYONE in the world uses it. Spatial computing is a not just a revolutionary step, but rather an evolutionary step, and this is just V1. In fact, its a really polished V1 from nearly every reviewer that I’ve seen that has tried it (and there are many). I wouldn’t suggest seeing this as a replacement for all day use, or mobile (not at home) use, but I could easily see this replacing IPAD (for example) as the main consumption device at home. I don’t think that is far fetched. Also Apple is playing smart by opening up its own App ecosystem of 2D apps that are useable in a spatial environment quite nicely. But the real power will be short-burst 3D immersive experiences that will harness the power and provide all kids of consumer and business with great use cases. Also ,why are you so annoyed by the dad shooting a 3D movie. Like you said, it could easily be used for special occasions – wouldn’t it be NICE to bring 3D video experiences to the consumer level. I could see lots of examples of shooting my dog or other situations in 3D that would be awesome to watch in the future in a big spatial wide screen. Ultimately, its up to us to let tech rule our life or keep life in balance. But just pushing back on innovation for fear of a dystopic future or the unknown is crazy. Let me summarize. Anytime there is a disruption in tech, many pessimists (generally older) tend to find reasons to be haters. History has shown this in my lifetime, i.e. there are always many nay-sayers of disruption with BluRay, DVD, streaming music, smartwatches, touch based interfaces, home based AI, and so much more. Yet most end up finding great scenarios for use and become mainstream over time. This is a moment to embrace the new tech and look forward with optimism on the possibilities. Otherwise, you’d be stuck reviewing newer emojis on IPhone or something that has no significant impact on our future. Lastly, it ISN’T natural to type looking at a physical piece of glass (on our desk). Spatial is the future. This is V1. Thank you Apple for going BIG – we need more innovators and less nay-sayers and pessimists that always find why things will not work. Embrace innovation and disruption- always. Expect long long lines for this product. There are so many positives from innovation to enhance our well being, embrace those , dont’ fear change, and its on you to keep your life in balance. My two cents. Just as an FYI, I’ve had my own tech company and represented all kinds of disruptive tech from the Silicon Valley for 25+ years now.

  3. Loved your 80’s Vibe reporting.
    And I truly agree with your observation for apple vision pro.

  4. It’s seems that the vision pro could replace your TV or all TVs in the house (if longer battery life and lighter for full time use). And productivity looks amazing with Mac. Unfortunately life is a lot more than work and play. One aspect of many, is the social. Those floaty eyes and realistic FaceTime avatars is cringe on the social aspect. They need to revolutionize AirPlay for this to incorporate shared experiences. Natural Shared experiences is what is severely lacking in VR industry. Next year they have to come hard with vision os SharePlay next year.

  5. Your take on the headset is great. I Liked it better than any other reviewer.

  6. Fascinating take Bridget but I think certain segments looked like you were pushing a script rather than believing it. But sure whatever for entertainment. Fun to see how “cringe factor” has become part of the YouTubers product review cycle.

  7. As someone who works form home and doesn't see much of colleagues, I can see this taking conference calls to another dimension. If my colleagues are also earing such a headset and we're in a virtual office space, we can sit at our virtual desk and see and hear what others are up to.
    Take this to a personal level, watching a movie at home, I can sit in my living room and watch the same movie on the same screen as family on the other side of the world. In a virtual living room we can watch the movie – or the football game – as though we're in the same room.
    I would agree though, kids need to see their parents faces. covering the face is a bad idea. Seeing parents engrossed in their phone when they should be engaging with their kids is not a good look.
    And how do we keep track of a teen in a virtual headset? When it's common place for parents, it's a natural progression for kids / teens to learn the skill. With a phone, it's easy enough to see what's on the screen. No so easy on a headset.

  8. This is probably the most succinct summary yet of all of things that make Vision Pro iffy (although I don’t think you mentioned the weight; why does the front screen need to be glass?!).

    Clearest of all to me is that this could go so many directions — from “straight into the dust bin of tech history” to “the beginning of a new age.”

    I can’t see people wearing it all the time, but at key moments on life, yes, I definitely can imagine that.

    I can see myself using it for entertainment — 3D movies that actually work — but not for work or anything else that has a social element to it.

  9. Anyone else think this is intended to lead to having a microchip in your head… and AI controlling humanity?

  10. Dang ur voice is so sweet.

  11. not the way ..

  12. You are 100% correct ~ Apple hasn’t been creative since Steve Jobs passed onto the Universe ~ These headsets should only be worn while driving a car at the Apple Headquarters ~ What a farce ~ I wouldn’t buy one even if it was selling for $500 ~

  13. one of things i noticed right away in the demo video was that the people that are wearing them are all alone experiencing it by themselves, it might become more "collaborative" down the road sure, but that would also mean everybody would have to be wearing one in the same room, or be the odd one left out on the experience by not having one, its a remarkable device but only for the people privileged to actually own one at the moment

  14. OMG ! Long time no see ! Carey didnt get old 😱 still so pretty & skinny👍🏻👍🏻

  15. ca existe deja ca sapelle un Varjo XR-3

  16. I think the vision pro is an incredibly innovative design and one persons cringe is another persons idea of awesome. I’m waiting for the price to come down & for more apps & uses to be introduced, as I’m really excited to see where this tech goes from here

  17. Can you airshare your view? 🤔

  18. You do have a lot of nice points

  19. You know, whilst this is emphasised heavily and we as a family have experienced this to different degrees as well, but
    when you look at your past trips and look at vacations that were lived "in-the-moment" and the ones that were "actually recorded with a camera/smartphone glued to the eyes", it's actually the LATTER that most of us in the family remember, not the former. That's right. So even if we actually enjoyed those trips 10% more by living in the moment, the actual footprint they have is MUCH much less.

    So, it's not cringe if you actually pull out your phone/camera/camcorder/visionpro to record it.

    What I do know is that we only need to click a few solid pics and record a TEENY tiny 5 second snippet, as I still haven't watched the full 1 hour recording I did of some cultural show in Bali or somewhere that I initially found amazing but is barely worth a watch in blurry dark recording for the full hour. And birthday recordings are usually done in a rotation, so everybody gets to actually clap and sing once in a while.

    So it's actually not cringe to actually record and remember more so than our teeny tiny brains can actually handle and remember across our lifetime. This live-in-the-moment thing is an overshot counter to social media companies pushing people to record and share everything in their lives (for content ofc). And am not interested in swinging to any of these extremes.

  20. Spatial computing
    Apple 🍎 😂
    No game changer
    Cloudy vision
    Great tech but many flaws

  21. Spot on. Very entertaining to watch 🎉😂

  22. Bridget,

    Kritiek is prima, maar knorrigheid is wat minder. Zie de mogelijkheden en zie dit als een begin. Jammer dat je er zo in staat.
    Ik denk dat je als ouder meer in het moment bent met een dergelijke headset dan achter je phone. En een vergelijk met een oled televisie als je een full screen bioscoop ervaring kan beleven is erg magertjes.


    Criticism is fine, but grumpiness is less so. See the possibilities and see this as a start. It's a pity you are able to do that.
    I think that as a parent you are more in the moment with such a headset than behind your phone. And a comparison with an OLED television if you can experience a full screen cinema experience is very meager.

  23. @5:55 – 📹👈🏼☝🏼👩🏼 OneM❤reThing

  24. google did the creepy "record your family" thing with their "glass" headset over a decade ago.. and most people have forgotten that product already.. the only thing apple has going for it is better marketing but it really is the same old garbage with better hardware.. great segment CNET and this host is really great, hope to see more of her!

  25. I’m ngl a lot of this is only a millennial perspective you realise all of this was said about iPads and iPhones and now there are children who’s parents give them an iPad when they are 4 or 5
    I honestly see this becoming cheaper over the next decade and then being a replacement for an iPad for a kid it will be a terrifying world

  26. For me it’s not necessary about it being cringe or even the price it’s just the fact that we’ve been down this road before for literally decades. And each decade there’s always some VR or AR device that gonna change the world but nothing happens and each decade the tech gets better and better yet for the most part no takers,I don’t know maybe Apples the one to do it or maybe people just don’t want VR or AR and the tech industry just hasn’t got the memo. I mean we already have enough screens in our faces as it is, with us being no more than 2-3 inches from our phone screen a the daily and then sitting in front of a computer monitor 6 to 8 hours almost every day just to come home and sit down in front of another screen that’s anywhere from 55 to 65 or 75 inches or even bigger. Now we’re expected to put 2 more screen basically on top of our eye balls 👀 for even more hours, Nah bro I’m good 👍🏿

  27. Apple bootlickers all disliked this video

  28. A toy for rich people seems accurate

  29. Missis Bridget analysis, comments, & conclusions, nails every cringes & cons of apple vision pro, superb!

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