
Amazing Products TV Making graphene from trash in less than a second

Awesome Tips Making graphene from trash in less than a second

Scientists at Rice University have developed a technique that can turn nearly any material into valuable graphene in a matter of milliseconds.

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  1. When non scientists stumble ppl blike😅 when scientists do:😲

  2. Why not just compost it?

  3. Update on this?

  4. If you'd live in an area where there are a lot of thunderstorms, could you scale this up and possibly make 10kg(?) of graphene instantly if you'd install some graphite inside every lightning conductor?

  5. Boron Nitride has been around longer and about the same in context of Graphene however far easier to reproduce. Both have uses but BN is dominating due to ease of production.

    Graphene has come down in price significantly since this process and many more processes have been developed. Problem unless you make it yourself you cant trust most sources selling it.

  6. Been hearing graphene since 10 years no tangible technology has ome out

  7. you could just make a big version of the mini thing and how much big it is from original version so: "energy times how much big it is from before version" so u can make more graphene

  8. Guys lets make youtube dominated by JESUS!
    Copy this in every video you see!
    💛HE LIVES💛

    • Luke
    • July 26, 2023

    It's a great idea. There are many many many ideas and solutions. Sadly the world functions on profit and not solutions. So this ideas will be shelved because those with funds will not fund it. It's sad. That's how this corrupt be selfish world works. 🙄

  9. Earth changing. Nobel Prize stuff here.

  10. I would've been more convince if they'd actually showed some trash being turned into graphene.

  11. All we need now is renewable energy sources to power, these high scaling graphene factories…

  12. That professor looks wicked

  13. Wow this is the method I needed I was thinking about using and induction heat to enclosed hemp charcoal power to graphene and here it is that means my idea work great

  14. I've seen that fella isn't he an inorganic chemist / crook

  15. White professor steals brown student’s discovery. Shame on him.

  16. Actually they can put this in vaccines to make people electrical beings…O wait…they allready did.

  17. talking about killing two birds with one stone, not only making graphene cheaper and more accessible but also getting rid of waste and reducing emissions. What a killer combo!

  18. Can i put some of this in my bones?

  19. So graphene is expensive, so ridiculous, if the graphene is expensive, the pencils are expensive. In the USA everything is expensive.

  20. They can use dead people for this.

  21. Very nice

  22. There's a Device to remove graphene oxide from blood now 👁

    • Fx M
    • July 26, 2023

    I've actually seen this method in the beginning when graphene was brand new. They used a xenon light bulb for a camera about 500 watts and described it as burning the oxygen off in the flash using graphite as the burn material. It was a short video in the very beginning of its history of short films.

  23. It needs to be tested for adverse effects.

  24. There's no way this solution of dealing with waste carbon is at the scale of the problem. We don't need that much graphene in the world. This might hit 0.001% of the waste problem.

    However, for producing graphene, this might be the closest thing to a miracle that I've seen.

  25. So.. now we know the pyramids, which are thought to be made of a geo polymer, were made with graphene.

  26. And now it's in our cv 💉 killing thousands by attaching to lung to brain tissue .. also making people magnetic. See @graphenevaccine on instagram

  27. You'd think the world would be all over this even if just to deal with waste, but graphene batteries re massively better and badly needed now too, among other uses, why is this not a priority?

  28. Yea we know where is it coming

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