
Amazing Products TV Tesla's so-called Full Self-Driving just got even more controversial

Awesome Tips Tesla's so-called Full Self-Driving just got even more controversial

You already know the name is wildly misleading, but now the price is hard to follow as well. Here’s what you’ll spend and what additional hardware you might have to add to your Tesla.

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  1. Musk is a Con man

  2. Not a big fan of the self-driving thing going on. When I get in a car I like to drive and if I'm going to let a computer drive for me the only one I'm allowing to do it is K.I.T.T

  3. It’s a concept

  4. shoveling snow, etc…

  5. Does Tesla produce the basic model? No fsd hardware, just steering wheel, throttle and brakes. For 10K cheaper. So I could afford it

  6. In all this brouhaha, the one question I keep asking myself: where is the market of millions of drivers urgently demanding "full self driving," "autonomous driving" or whatever else you call it? This seems to be an idea cooked up by Elon Musk (and adopted by some other car manufacturers) that real drivers in the real world never asked for. Sure, I can see the benefit – decades from now when both vehicles and highways have been modified to accept this, thereby controlling all drivers' speed and behavior in a single system to prevent vehicular accidents… but what good is it as an outlier in a fairly backward highway system as exists today, with all the other vehicles human-controlled, the computer sensors and inputs still primitive, and no infrastructure in place to accommodate a "self-driving" car? At the present time, this innovation strikes me as 1) personally terrifying and something that I do not want to be a guinea pig for and 2) something the general driving public isn't demanding.

  7. If you have the navigate on auto pilot package it will change lanes for you, even at the date of this recording. This video is inaccurate

  8. All of this hate isn’t going to age well.

    • R
    • August 14, 2023


  9. It's now September 2021, and I think Tesla is claiming full self driving, or maybe it's Sandy Munro. There are many videos on Tesla which are making grandiose claims, such as the new Tesla robot. I'd love an update to this video.

  10. I love America, Lawyers and Post modern thinking. Just say what everybody is thinking. TESLA IS LYING. Everybody is scared to call ppl liers or call them out on their Bull-Jive because of lawyers and law suites,Thats all lawyers are paid to do, play with words.. πŸ€” And we wonder why there is less and less accountability in modern culture. 🀷🏽 Just saying

  11. I think he is confusing Autopilot with Full-Self Driving. They are different and what he described are the Autopilot features.

  12. Even at level "5", I still wouldn't trust it, and be ready to take over in a moments notice.

  13. how is it only level 2 if other manufecturers' cars with systems similar to tesla's autopilot (not FSD) can't turn left/right, do roundabouts, stop at stop signs etc., but only function on highways and in traffic jams?

  14. Lmao this is the guy who recommended everyone buy the Cadillac CTS electric version hahahahah

  15. Do not put your life on the line over the words of a corporation. Please do not sleep on the wheel. Your death will be inevitable if you do so.

  16. not a word for waymo

  17. The scam calling is not new though.
    George Hotz, a well known hacker that created a company that implements assisted driving into regular modern cars, had been saying it for quite a while now.
    Don't think I can post the link, but he pretty much said:
    "self driving cars are a scam " on The Verge… just do a simple google.

  18. A shill for Gm Obviously

  19. You are talking about advanced Auto pilot, not FSD.

    • Tone
    • August 14, 2023

    @CNET I think Cooley is totally wrong. Tesla has brought a lot of attention to the area of Cars Self Driving. In fact pretty much every Automaker has a Self Driving program and has invest large sums in those programs. This can only help to achieve the goal of Vehicles that will drive themselves. All Cars that drive themselves will kill or injure people at some point. People need to realize this is going to happen and it is not an evil. What is an evil is to let more people die unnecessarily, when cars that drive themselves are safer.

  20. I've given a πŸ‘ (thumbs up) to this vid Cooley & CNet – it's something I've also thought about a bit before.

    Driving safely is literally of life and death level importance but how the U.S NHTSA can allow Tesla motors to tacitly brand their Level 2 system as FSD is… REALLY disconcerting. Some other countries may riskily & blindly follow without a deep review.

    My guess is they (Tesla motors) want to reap the hype of marketing their vehicles as 'possessing self driving capability' without the legal liability that a Level 3 system / real 'Full Self Driving' would entail.

    With a real FSD system the manufacturer IS legally liable in event of an accident.

    Therefore it's evident they do not want to incurr any legal liability, blowback, image or reputational damage for an evolving system they are publicly marketing as FSD but actively pursuing the sales revenues that come with that tag.

    Mercedes started trialling a Level 3 system (for slow traffic, in Germany though not authorized yet) and one of their drivers confirmed the distinction & associated implication of this in another recent vid for YouTuber SuperCar Blondie, I'll link it below for an idea about the difference.

  21. Most obnoxious presenter.

  22. yep, quite the scam, there is no other name.

  23. In 3 years, Teslas will need another hardware upgrade for FSD. By 2024 FSD will still not be a thing. Biggest scam ever

  24. Thank you for this video helping to clarify what tesla offers and is doing. You are absolutely right that tesla FSD is a level 2 system, it's name is a blatant lie, and tesla is endangering the the future of autonomous driving with it's blatant lies.

  25. I'm sorry…. but the fellow in the video just doesn't present a fair or balanced story. Tesla has stated very clearly what the limits are at this time. And perhaps it is true that certain luxury cars have similar abilities at this stage of development. But the point is that those so called luxury cars will be stuck at level two forever ….because that is all they are designed to do. Tesla on the other hand will be accelerating right on past them as it continues to advance it's abilities in self driving. And that is a significant point that the loudmouth doesn;t mention to you. It is infuriating to hear such nonsense spouted off without regard for broader facts.
    It would be like comparing an old, outdated rocket at lift off with a new modern, highly advanced rocket. Yes…in the first few seconds of flight…they might "look" like they are performing with the same ability as you watch them painfully lift the massive weight off the ground , but if you waited a few seconds more….you would see the new rocket kick into high gear and take off with a speed and power unimagined before.

  26. Wow, Tesla's full self driving is meant to be exactly that, but it has yet to leave the Beta phase. That means that it is still undergoing tests and updates. Basically the are just opening it up to Beta testing to provide more data for its AI to learn from before it actually becomes full self driving. I am going to continue to watch this video and might have more comments.

  27. Don't worry about it. If anyone Can do it, you can. If they don't want to allow you to do something in your own company, move on. Pick your battles. Proud of you.

  28. For those people confused about the 1k thumbs down its because level 4 is only on the beta. Just look up videos of it. It shows regular people with level 4 autonomy driving to starbucks with out any hands. Its true that the fsd right now is only level 2 but its about the potential of it. I held out buying a nice car and have 2 dual motor cybertrucks on pre order one for my parents both with the extra 10k fsd add on. My fiancees parents have the new honda pilot but it will never have the capability or upgradability as the tesla in the future.

  29. I was thinking of subscribing to CNET but now you proved yourself unworthy. This is definitely a hit piece on Tesla this coolie guy doesn't know the difference between self-driving and autopilot. It seems it as if he is in the pocket of General Motors. I used to respect CNET I've been a follower of you guys for decades. Now I do not trust you guys. Maybe because you guys are part of CBS who is definitely an unpatriotic and it hates the United States founding

  30. Cooley is confused between FSD and AutoPilot. AutoPilot is level 2. FSD is level 4 maybe 5. Furthermore He doesn't mention that FSD is BETA.

  31. OpenPilot has about the same capability as Tesla's AutoPilot. The Cadillac system is rated level 3 rather than Tesla's level 2. But one tremendous misconception is that this is an engineering problem that will be fixed in future versions. This is completely false. There is no development path today to reach level 4 by any company working on driver assist systems. We are stuck at level 3 until we get some progress on theory.

  32. Well…. It's not actually released yet, everything he mentioned I have with Enhanced Autopilot and have since 2018 so he doesn't even know what FSD is, so yeah… Don't always listen to "professional" car guys. And SuperCruise only works on select roads…

    • KD9
    • August 14, 2023

    Good video, great info as always, thanks Cooley. πŸ‘πŸ»

  33. The more you look into a Tesla the worse it gets

  34. what a propoganda of defaming Tesla some facts are true but level 2 autonomy is false and sentances used are kinda jealous…. hahahahah

  35. What he fails to realize or at least admit it on his video is that we all know that FSD is a DATA COLLECTION problem. Whoever has the most data to collect and Label to make their system better will have an insane advantage to reach LvL 5 autonomy. Supercruise is in TRAINING wheels on premapped LiDar roads and IS NOT SCALABLE. Tesla is going pure Vision on and unlike supercruise 7 million miles driven Tesla has 4 BILLION miles driven and collecting data at an astonishing rate. Tesla has better engineers and is estimated to have the 4th MOST POWERFUL computer on the planet and growing.anyone educated on the matter knows that Tesla will be the first to achieve FSD and it could literally happen at any time and everyone of their vehicles can be open to getting the software

  36. LMAO, comparing it to supercruise is ignorant. Supercruise has been around for years. The total number of miles driven with supercruise engaged is 7million. Tesla has 4 BILLION miles driven! And RAPIDLY growing that number exponentially. Tesla will get to 10 billion before supercruise even reaches 10million. FSD is RAPIDLY getting better because they have superior data collection.

  37. No talk of the Tesla beta software and a inside look into how Tesla's software/hardware is far more capable then advanced cruise control on other automaker's vehicles

  38. Okay Boomer … Exponential growth… Show me the self driving system that's safer….Or that's improving as quickly as FSD. ??? Words do matter. If you tell ppl to not wear a seatbelt and they die in an Auto accident, their blood is on your hands you shill. Competition is good and I hope they catch up but it doesn't appear that way, because they have fundamentally different approaches to the problem, Tesla's sheer volume of clean data and ability to easily aquire more.

  39. Wait…what… It's difficult to understand you with the Legacy Auto "Gordon Johnson"s in your mouth…

  40. I'm confused since he keeps referring to the current AUTOPILOT as fsd. Autopilot shares its feature set with a number of different car manufacturers, full FSD beta is currently unmatched. You are essentially paying for something that doesnt exist on the road today so it would be inaccurate to say FSD is equivilent to autopilot

  41. It will be fsd with updates so it's not false advertising

  42. To compare Tesla's driver automation to other manufacturers is like comparing apples to oranges. This is a very poorly done skin deep level analysis.

    For anyone interested, teslas system unlike all the others is a true self driving one that's improving all the time through AI training, it does not rely on any kind of mapping, markers or anything else.

    They have their own edge computing node making the inference decisions in real time (Ie. Inside the car), designed by the greatest chip designer in the industry (Jim Keller). No other chip company (let alone car company), has ever made anything so advanced and custom.

  43. Actually $1000 to upgrade HW 2.5 to HW 3

  44. I am astonished no one until now took the cult leader to court,brainwashing became so effective nowadays!!

  45. At last someone is speaking about it,and standing against the ongoing cult which has promises on the same level as Theranus with it's blood testing machine.great video and well said.

  46. It was already a problem when Tesla called it "Autopilot" setting up a false impression to people who are not pilots.

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