Awesome Tips IDK what I just bought…
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Sometimes we stumble upon a device that just doesn’t make any sense. And sometimes we buy that device. This is a USB drive unlike any you’ve probably ever seen.
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Intro: Laszlo – Supernova
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Outro: Approaching Nirvana – Sugar High
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Intro animation by MBarek Abdelwassaa
Monitor And Keyboard by vadimmihalkevich / CC BY 4.0
Mechanical RGB Keyboard by BigBrotherECE / CC BY 4.0
Mouse Gamer free Model By Oscar Creativo / CC BY 4.0
0:00 Tech Void
0:48 What is this thing?
2:38 Why use this?
4:40 Why all NAND isn’t equal
5:58 SLC vs Other NAND
7:00 Should you get one?
8:03 Outro
Deals for Days. Big home savings are happening now.
4:17 Micro sd: Im 2 million parallel universes behind you.
all you had to say is server grade.
It's Anthony!!!!!!!!!
coming in early to say this is absolutely meant to run a small OS installation for something that runs entirely in RAM and can have its logging saved elsewhere, like ESXi. I will say that some modern USB flash drives in the age of USB3 are considerably better quality compared to the tripe we put up with back in the day for shuttling data around when online storage just wasn't a viable option. Having said that, there are also some server manufacturers who are designing their cases and riser boards to specifically allow their customers to option in an NVMe RAID card for their OS boot drives for hypervisor installations, which is a significant improvement in read and write speeds over using any type of USB internal storage device. Despite this, though, it is still industry standard to set logging to an external storage solution so you don't need to configure log cleanup on internal drives. Still, it makes the installation and update speeds far more tolerabe.
he…got me….the saygway….
I worked at a point of sales repair shop and they all used UDOC usb flash modules.
Ok, that was the best Linus sponsor segue I've seen to date. Kudos!
I'm only here for the segways.
Does it have the serial number Unraid requires for it's licensing?
Seems like a device for some hacker who has physical access to a data center Mr. Robot style. Although even then they'd want something more like the additional capabilities of a Malduino or BadUSB.
10 dollar scrunchies.. Nice
So…. I just bought a small internal header adapter and have a standard (high Quality) USB stick internally in my small home server. With a script to just back up the "OS" from time to time
Is that a UofL hoody?
Satan Anthony has got to be my favourite character.
Anthony should just run everything
drives slower than your internet, quite a weird world we live in
Anthony the chosen one, we need more of him!
remembers me of Tron Legacy xD
The editing for this video was something else!
Bro, I can make that with normally Flash drive
The second I saw it, I kinda wanted one for my Proxmox homelab
thats an InternalMemoryUnit from an Xbox 360 Slim Tinity xD xD xD
hmm, have a pile of these somewhere. i hate how they only use one port, but take up 2.
1:25 beta males and their fetish talk, i bet you guys can't see straight
Puede ser usado en una placa madre que no tenga UEFI ni soporte NVMe, but has PCI-EXPRESS => 2.0
Con un adaptador PCI-EXPRESS to M.2 NVMe Instalas Linux en un SSD NVNe y usas "that weird thing" para instalar el Grub… The same as a sata driver.
PCI-EXPRESS 2.0 is 3x better than a SATA 3 6 Gb. I think is a great improvement to reuse an old motherboard.
I know that you know about all of this. It's just a comment. Sorry for my english. Great video. Saludos desde Argentina.
Lol I was looking for one for my qNap
Anthony: says it's Dom
Me: goes to comment to make joke
Anthony: fucking beats me to it!
USB 2.0 SSD seems like a more accurate name for flash drive
Any server I've seen for the last 10-15 years have internal USB ports AND headers. Even if you Buy a HP USB Internal Storage USB drive the have external headers (And some have Raid-1 kinda cool) – VMware ESX just like whatever was mentioned in the video runs from ram so if the drive fails we just replace it and vcenter takes care of the rest. Cant think of any use-case for this, perhaps industrial..
I still don't even have USB 3.0 on my computer yet. I just haven't had a need for it. I bought my computer refurbished with an i7 processor in it and 16 GB of memory. Otherwise, the HP tower is 12 years old.
anthony is so damn loveable. love the videos he does, would love to see a spin off series of his own! <3
So it's 10 yrs old, but rated up to 1,000,000 hours between failures? Wait, that's over 100 yrs.
we use them at my job. we make pro audio gear and all our digital equipment has them.
Dell IDSDM (Internal Dual SD Module) is a thing
*laughs in AMD FX CPU's and nods. I found out after buying a FX6300 six core, that it was a failed FX 8 core with 2 shut off (and you could turn them on back then lol.) Dunno about now, but you certainly could turn on switched off cores for that series/generation. It generally wasn't recommended, but sometimes, the problem with the shut off core(s) is so minor, you might as well. Sometimes it's major and was shut off for good reason, other times, not. It just didn't meet spec. and could be just a hair under which is meaningless to an end user in most cases.
VMWare ESXi…
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