
Amazing Products Quick and Simple Life Hacks #10

Awesome Tips Quick and Simple Life Hacks #10

A list of seven interesting Life Hacks you can apply to your daily life to save time and money. For a full description of each, read on below.

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Life Hacks:
1. Need to fit 2 bowls in the microwave but there is no room? Place one bowl on top of a coffee mug and the other on the bottom this will allow you to fit both in at the same time.

2. Is your SD card stuck in lock mode? Grab a small piece of tape and wrap it around lock area and it’s business as usual.

3. If you ever lose your flash drive or sd card always name the drive your phone number so whoever finds can give you a call.

4. Use Glass Cleaner to kill flys without needing a swatter.

5. Make a Tablet stand using 2 hangers and a cardboard tube!

6. Use your Sunglasses as a stand for your smart phone.

7. Make a secret compartment that looks like a picture frame by using an old VHS tape holder.

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  1. This is so old 😂

  2. Burnt flies

  3. newest comment in a month

  4. R.I.P

  5. Ok and my sorry but this is not simple cmon a hot glue gunnis not simple ok say your a kid, you can't use it 🙂

  6. having problems opening a jar hold it firmly with your lefth with the bottom 45° up and hit it with the lower end of your palm and you should here a slight pop and it will be easy to open

  7. "Normal" 1:15

  8. a viking burial is when there put on a lake in a coffin and have flaming arrows shot at them

  9. that was only 7 life hacks

  10. Number one guy life hack is to spray your favorite perfume at a fan and turn it on at high..

  11. suscibe to my channel

  12. My life hack is watch life hacks

  13. Do skating life hacks

  14. Cat Rape

  15. Vacuum flies and spray wasp nests with WD40

  16. you are a parrot 😂

  17. do gardening life hacks 😁😁

  18. You fuck, how dare you do that to mask of the phantasm.

  19. Make a school hack

  20. u want a cheap blonde hair dye?
    or maybe even red hair dye?


    because I have a solution!

    get lemons and rub it in your hair soon it will start turning blonde or red!

    its permanent and with darker hair colours it will be red and with lighter colours it will be blonde


  21. 1.43 you say you have everything on wickipedia stored in your head in just three days,, i find that hard to believe.

  22. LIFE HACK — wanna use your smartphone for music or whatever while you're taking a shower. Just put it in a ziplock bag and hang it on the wall using pushpins. Now you have your music and you can still change the song and answer calls if you need to

  23. "Make sure to give them the proper Viking funeral they deserve." OH MY GOD THAT IS BRILLIANT

  24. "And they have some really cool stuff to see" 1:50 LOL Audible has stuff you can see? wtf

  25. R.I.P flies😭

  26. XD the fly funeral tho

  27. 1 minute into life hacks & chill and the ads come in


  29. what is VHS??

  30. I liked the ceremony at 0:40 …..Very insirational

  31. Sugar and shag carpets don't mix. If you spill some on the floor, wet a tissue, and wipe up the sugar. The sugar will stick to the water in the tissue, and then you can easily dispose of it afterwards😃

  32. G

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