
Amazing Products $8 Homemade Air Conditioner – Works Flawlessly!

Awesome Tips $8 Homemade Air Conditioner – Works Flawlessly!

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Don’t spend hundreds of dollars on a portable A/C for your home, just build one for $8 dollars and 10 minutes of your time! You can pick up a Styrofoam cooler for about $4 at most stores. Dryers vents cost about $2 dollars a pop. All you need after that is an old fan and some frozen bottles of water!

Once your box is completed following the instructions in the video, simply add the frozen bottles of water and go to town. My home was 78 degrees and after running the box in the living room for a couple hours it dropped into the 60’s which is fantastic on a hot day!

If you load the cooler with frozen bottles, the cooler will last anywhere from 3-6 hours which gives you enough time to have another set of bottles freezing in the interim. This is great for single rooms on a hot day and will drop the overall temperature quite a bit. Enjoy!

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  1. I'll try this for my car, my car's AC stopped working a few years ago. 🙁

  2. I started living in my minivan and the air conditioner stopped working and it's an expensive fix. It's too hot to stay in the van during the day with two dogs. I'm going to try this

  3. Buy an old AC unit for absolutely nothing pretty much and recharge it yourself, don't do this.

  4. although the fans or pump can be low power, making the ice takes a lot of power. Therefore, have a long hose that goes deep underground for constant temps down there. This brings down the cost of the energy you have to expend to cool. Use windshield wiper fluid NOT water so that it doesn't freeze at that layer in the ground that can freeze.

  5. I made it. Cost me a little more money then originally posted, but dropped my room 12 degrees. Thank you!!

  6. The good thing anout water bottles is surface area. More surface area, more air can be exposed to more cool spaces. Keep doubles of the water bottles and when the originals eventually thaw out, you will have replacements.

  7. You can use this idea in the winter time and it works even better

  8. The best Rick and DYI hack from way back in the day y'all you know we've been making these all of you you know 50 or 54 and above you know we've been making these for years they're the best not that hard on the environment not that bad on the power grid y'all

  9. the better and easy way is a Styrofoam box, a small one. Cut out a square on the back on the bottom. Place a Fan on the other side for blowing OUT the air it sucks into the box anyway. Place frozen freezer packs inside. Close the lid and turn on the Fan. The small one will do the job perfect, easy to transport around, you have to change the ice packs as often as if you are using a big box. I tried it. The problem with the big boxes : you have to fill in a LOT of frozen bags, it is heavy and it is not big enough to cool a room anyways. Plus they melt fast too. So you keep changing a lot of melted ones against frozen ones. The smaller ones are effective and you can place them where you need them. I made one with a Fan I can charge so I do not need a power supply in the area I want it.

  10. I hope the freezer used to freeze the water is in a different building – otherwise the heat you just sucked out of the air gets put right back in when the bottles are frozen 😉

  11. Can I buy all this stuff at a Walmart?

  12. I've heard of people doing the same thing but with dry ice instead. I wonder how much of a difference there is.

  13. This doesn't work at all ya jackass

  14. I feel like no amount of thanks will go far enough. But thank you. 🙏

  15. Can this coolen a car??..has anybody tried this in a car?…

  16. You think this will work in my car if I get a fan that's battery powered or can plug in by USB cause my ac just broke and it's too much to fix :/

  17. Creative. I have heard though that this makes the air concentration of water higher though which risks things in your home

  18. What's the point of a dryer vent? Why not just let the cold air escape from a hole?

  19. People in the 2022 heatwave…

  20. here's a thing…. put water in as well then a massive handfull of table salt. the salt increases the freezing effect of the ice on the water..

  21. Ran out immediately and tried this … I call BS. Face right in the dryer vent… sweating

  22. I hate styrofoam. XD

  23. Useless crap!!!

  24. Hi there – thanks so much.

  25. Just make sure to keep plenty of frozen bottles to use. Yes this does work great but you go through a lot of ice. So if you use six bottles freeze at least 18.

  26. I’m putting this thing in my car with no AC until I can get a new AC system

  27. If it needs ice, it's not air conditioner.

  28. Thank you!!!!

  29. Wish I had known about this that one summer my truck's AC went out while I was in Louisiana. Truck was put dealer shop in Shreveport and I spent the night in a motel. The next day the parts were supposed to be in but the truck they were on(FedEx) was involved in a wreck. I ended up having to drive from Shreveport to Indianapolis(793 miles) without AC to deliver and then putting the truck in the shop there. At least my company paid me breakdown pay. I was normally a night time driver but had to change it so I could sleep at night when it cooler. That was one long, hot ride. The whole AC system had to be rebuilt which took a couple of days and another stay in a hotel.

  30. Great

  31. Doesn't work in Arizona, at all. Just blowing fans over a bag of ice split open at the top is working okay, if I stay close to it, though. Oh, and when I first tried this, somehow the fan almost fell into the water, so not so safe.

  32. Who's still watching this in 2022?!

  33. If you hear a knife up it’ll slice right thru it cleanly

  34. What was that vent you used back in the day? and in 2022… how would you made the same one? I want to know! i personnaly have a Styrofoam cooler box like the one you use with a 4 inch plastic 90 degrees white pipe and a honeywell vent (Canadian Tire. Work ok, could inmprove it i am sure!

  35. Do you have a link to the dryer vents or fan? Thank you for the video

  36. My A/C has been out for weeks and it's about to hit 100 degrees where I'm at so OBVIOUSLY I'm going to invest in making a couple of these.

  37. having built one of these before i think its important to note that the water bottles tend to melt pretty quickly, and need to be restocked constantly but it still works really well

  38. Can the cooler be filled with ice for the same effect

  39. What about using the blue cooler blocks instead if bottled water? Do they keep cold longer than ice or bottles? I like that its quieter than ac too!

  40. Just a tip: If you fill the bottles leaving a bit of air in the tops, you then squeeze the bottles to expel that air. It will allow the bottles to expand easier. I was surprised this does work a little. At least you will get a bit of relief. Do not just place ice cubes in the chest, as they will melt there, and then the vapour will be drawn up by the fan and let out into the room. The more vapour in the air, the more hotter it gets. De-humidify the air by keeping vapour out of it and then the froze ice water cools the air down. 😉

  41. how many hours does the cooling effect last?

  42. well I'm going to try this for my car. should work great cause it's a smaller area to cover right?

  43. Thank you for this video. I totally understand how good and money-saving this would be for a hot climate but it is also brilliant for the UK weather because we only need one here for a few days in the year when we have a heatwave…..and so then we can either put it away after use till next year, Or even discard it and build another then. 👍👍👍👏👏👏

    • Chris
    • December 23, 2022

    All these years later you still helping me rest in peace my guy

  44. On a whole, this will heat your house. The heat in the liquid water in the bottles is pumped into the house by the freezer. The heat in the room where you place this device will be transferred to the ice bottles. The cycle continues when you place the thawed bottles in the freezer. But because nothing is 100% efficient – the freezer, the fan, ect, there is heat produced by everything plugged in to the wall. Now this isn't to say this won't move heat from your bedroom to the kitchen so that you can manage to sleep without waking up in a puddle of sweat, but do try to think of this as a temp solution and not something to be relied upon long term.

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