
Amazing Products 5 Dollar Fog Machine

Awesome Tips 5 Dollar Fog Machine

Need that extra Umph for your Halloween party? Store out of fog liquid? Don’t want to cough up the cash for a fog machine? Well, it doesn’t get anymore Household than this.

Using some basic household items easily obtained at the market, you can create your own Fog machine for just a few bucks, and we will show you how.

Enjoy. .
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  1. Can I use a candle warmer as a heating source ?

  2. i wanted this for laser pointers lol

  3. Why doesn’t mine work?

  4. When I see fog I don't think about halloween, I think about the glory of God, so whenever I see a fog machine spraying off fog, I think about the Glory of God! I want more fog than that. I'd want enough to fill a small bedroom or something like that, so I guess $6 is too cheap for me. Right?

  5. Excellent idea

  6. Thanks man I am going to use this for a hologram

  7. I am gonna try this with my plague doctor costume

    I hand out candy in fun ways that I think of

    Last year I dressed as a scarecrow decoration and scared people who walked up for Candy, this year, I’m doing a plague doctor, and I wanna set up a lab

  8. He understood the assignment! 👍🏼

  9. I throw underground raves. I think you just upped my visual effects game by 200%

  10. Wouldn’t the foil burn?

  11. What is the names of both liquids

  12. Can you safely inhale glycerin though? I have a 6 month old. Can the baby be in the same room with this? How much of the mixture do you need to last an hour or two?

  13. I found this a day after I hit "save for later" on the $30 ones lol

  14. Is this safe for health

  15. Glycerin?

    I can get a 4 oz bottle of that stuff for $7

    Or just make it myself in bulk using stuff I can get for the exact same price

  16. omg this was so so SO helpfull!!! thank you!!!!!

  17. am i able to do it with boiling water instead of candals?

    • jxsh
    • December 23, 2022

    That is a pretty nifty idea

  18. Does the fog leave an oily residue afterwards? Just debating whether to do inside house.

  19. Hey I have a question can Vegetable Glycerin work for this as well?

    • Rin
    • December 23, 2022


  20. Can buy everything except the stand for less than 1 dollar in my country

  21. Will this set off fire alarms?

  22. Great idea

  23. Is it toxic

  24. Thanks, happy april fools in my highschool! Putting this thing in a bathroom

  25. Does it have to be distilled water?

  26. Damn. I thought you would be one of those dyi'ers that would just build one but this is amazing

  27. What was the ingredient besides distilled water?

  28. I’m curious, could I still use this method but use my leftover fog juice? My machine broke but I have plenty of the liquid left over and don’t really have time to buy a new machine.

  29. Bruh, you just saved my short film

  30. will this set off my smoke alarm tho 🥴

  31. Has anyone used this in there fog machine?

  32. One quick question : Is it safe if accidentally inhaled?

  33. Plastic will melt 🙁

  34. Omg this was made 8 years ago

  35. DIf h. For ugfhh fhthrhfff

  36. Sss

  37. How do I keep oxygen to the candle

  38. I am planning to use this for a scene in a film (fake smoke, fire alarm etc), is the harmful for the actors to breath in for an hour or so?

  39. will vegtable glycrin work?

  40. Is distilled water necessary or is just tab water or deminerelized water also a possibility ?

  41. THANK YOU. This is about the level of complexity I'm looking for: not pretty but will produce the fog I need for my project.

  42. HELP MEEE. My “pure glycerin” is kinda oily? and not that viscous compared to his.. and I mixed it with “ distilled drinking water” . Tell me what I did wrong?? Cuz I poured 1:3 glycerin and distilled, but the smoke is still really thin and it took me 5 mins to see smoke.

  43. can i use vegetable glycerin

  44. I deed the same and u can't almost nothing,piece of shut.waste of money

  45. I want to know if you can vape it

  46. Does it have to be a foil cup, what if i have the same shape in iron?? Ty

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