
Amazing Products TV I’m Happy Apple Is Getting Sued – WAN Show March 22, 2024

Awesome Tips I’m Happy Apple Is Getting Sued – WAN Show March 22, 2024

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Purchases made through some store links may provide some compensation to Linus Media Group.

Podcast Download: TBD
Timestamps: TBD

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  1. You can time limit for chrome tabs in windows.

  2. 100$ donation on YouTube from iphone = 30$ cut for apple 15$ Cut for youtube then some 15-30$ cut for tax and effectively creator gets less than half ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚

  3. 48:19 based Dan

  4. Can we just mute Linus next time or someone give linus a microphone/internet sponsor

  5. i didnt realise smosh was still around

  6. โ€œYou guys have never done art, have you?โ€ might be one of the most brutal questions ever asked on the wan show lol

  7. I mean I don't know much about Cafes in Japan, but those would seam fairly obvious to me as having bad food. ๐Ÿคทโ€โ™€

  8. fix your audio problems, such a bad experience for your audience

  9. Luke trying to get linus to say something he likes about the trip is hilarious

  10. You forgot spotify

  11. in dutch(NL), a big "L" =*you know what*, maybe the slang is a combo of lul+inus, the word "lul" is mainly used in rude ways

  12. Linus, you seem to be making all kinds of bad choices in Japan. The stuff for pandering to child or fan entertainment will almost certainly be exploitative and purely capitalist. Touring as an adult just experiencing the culture, old and new, is awesome and you will find friendly Japanese who are a little braver to interact in the most random locations. I spent 2 months travelling there and had zero issues travelling by train, bus and metro. There are Tourist info booths with English speakers at least at every major station who can facilitate your ticket purchase, even some of the "regular" ticket agents speak enough English to cope with a booking. When you interact with the average person in the street they will shy away from talking to you in English because they can be very self-conscious about making mistakes or being misunderstood, so you could use phone translation if you have a data connection.
    Food wise, plenty of non-fish options; loads of different ramen, teppanyaki, grilled and fried chicken/pork/beef, and so much more. Check out this Brit for tips if no-one else, https://www.youtube.com/@AbroadinJapan plenty of expats in Japan with YT channels. Don't miss out on enjoying Japan in many ways.

  13. 1:15:05 Iโ€™m so tired of hearing this critique. Just treat it like ads and scroll past it. That easy. Itโ€™s marked sponsored

  14. Steam does force gaming companies to sell the games at the lowest price as they would on other sites or they wont let it be sold on Steam. Humble Bundle is an exception a sole exception.

  15. "workout and click on heads"
    Next t-shirt please.

  16. Love how much Luke is trying to make Linus say the good things about Japan while Linux just drones on and on about all the bad things ๐Ÿ˜€

  17. In regards to the US sueing Apple, there should be a law, such as there is on Pharmaceutical research, where new products from an IT Company could be "Walled Garden" for a number of years before they become interoperationnal with other systems. As such, They could keep the Apple Vision Pro "apple only" for some more years to get the product to maturity and everything else should play nicer with other OS.

    For the Appstore Fees, they they are charging a lot, not sure Google ain't doing the same thing though…

    As for Sideloading, that's frigthening… the first thing the US will complain after they win that argument in court is that security will crumble (cause the iPhone market is too big for malevolent people to not try to abuse that)…

  18. lol linus wish for big goverment, really gotta be careful what you wish for.

  19. Apple specifically aims to contain and mitigate user liberty in every way possible. I'm honestly surprised they haven't made the phones physically subscription dependent… to they point they self-destruct if you don't pay a monthly fee.

  20. Linus even talking about the smosh song makes this either the slowest news day or he's just insanely vanilla and this is 'so wild' to be connected to a kink in the smallest way possible

  21. @58:15. If everyone did this, I wonder what would happen to LMG revenue

  22. I'm sick of ltt store mentions it's honestly worse than ads

  23. This, plus the possibility of banning TikTok, and something else that my old Gen-X @$$ can't understand, are all driving my teenage daughter absolutely NUTS

  24. It might be time to let the streak go. Or have someone else sub in when Linus or Luke is on a different continent.

  25. I would mark Linus for partial attendance on this one. He made a good effort, but only half his audio showed up.

  26. Linus honestly sounds like more than just a reasonable and successful business man, but a really solid dad.

  27. Everyone listening later only hearing chewing and heavy breathing for 30 seconds ๐Ÿ™ƒ 2:05:50

  28. Make no mistake Epic CEO would do the same thing he criticize Apple for, if he have his chance. Rich ppl have it in common that they likes money very much and willing to fk others over for it.

  29. Apple do not necessary have a monopoly in smartphones, but they sure make sure to exercise a lot of power over the consumer who are locked in their Eco system (like me), so I'm happy that they're getting sued to remind them to maintain goodwill and not too exercise that pricing power too much against their consumer, if they want to avoid suits like this. This means Apple would have to think twice on raising future prices of iPhones, or making their ecosystem more locked in, or hike App store fee to developers leading to increased app price to consumer.
    So agree, DOJ is doing exactly what it needs to do. Any of you who took half of an intro economic class,. skip the other half then screaming free market like a parrot without considering the nuances can kick rock.

  30. Mome Boys – Still Beat ๐ŸŽถShe gave me brain, that's a Linus tech tip๐ŸŽถ

  31. The outro was great

  32. @Luke 19:10 actually as far as I know Steam does prohibit you to sell games on other platforms at a lower price. I don't know how humble is able to do it, maybe they have a special deal with Valve or something, but you are not allowed to do that. Valve will kick you off their platform, if they find out.

  33. Apple works best whey then make the whole widget. I just don't understand why its so hard for folks to understand that. Stop asking governments to fix Apple the way "you" want it to be. From a PC users perspective. Its not what Apple is. Can't you just admire what they make that's cool and different. While not liking it enough to spend your money on it? Is that really so difficult? Do you "have to" buy an iPhone? Clearly not. We have Android. Its open. Does all kinds of cool stuff. I'm not a fan of it, but I don't wish them ill or want the government to rip them apart because they don't make something exactly the way I want.

    Don't want them to behave the way they do. Don't buy the darn product.

  34. 1:47:13 I love how the cardboard cutout and Linus video almost line up.

  35. 2:01:33

    modern steam interface and setting up family is so incredibly bad and long and tedious it can't compete with 1 click torrents which offer better service for free. slow internet? here's a repack, super slow internet? here's a no fat version with no excessive languages etc. here's portable version

    i've bought 3000 games on steam my fam also about 1000
    we tried to do sharing twice. it was torture and both times i bought both games later (grey goo and pre-sequel) for my own account. ould be faster to download them than using steam drm

  36. i was wondering when this was going to happen it was just a matter of time

  37. Why do they still go on about the streak!!?? They missed a show last year.

  38. The android e-ink devices are extremely useful for language learners. Many of us love to read in a foreign language, but utilize various 3rd party software that makes language learning easier and more effective, and reading on e-ink is way more confortable.

    Custom dictionaries with pop up displays, known word tracking and language parsing, automated flashcard creation to use in spaced repitition programs like anki.

    This stuff is getting more popular and better made all the time. Im using kimchi reader to read korean books, and i can use it on mobile android devices (as well as desktop for books, netflix, and youtube).

    Im eagerly awaiting more devices like this, and will consider buying this one.

    My only gripe is the physical keyboard. I can touch type korean on a full size keyboard but it would take time to get used to that with a physical thumb keyboard…

    The boox might still be king in this area.

  39. I don't understand why everyone has a problem with the Apple Watch thing. How is it the place of the government to decide how apple makes their products. If apple says apple stuff is gonna work this way and you don't like it, then DON'T buy it!?

  40. 30:42 he made an absolute haven out of iOS while merely describing the oldest android features to date

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