
Amazing Products TV I forgot to make a video about this $150,000 server

Awesome Tips I forgot to make a video about this $150,000 server

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During a round of spring cleaning we found a heavy box with an expensive surprise, Optane!

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Intro: Laszlo – Supernova
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Outro: Approaching Nirvana – Sugar High
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Intro animation by MBarek Abdelwassaa
Monitor And Keyboard by vadimmihalkevich / CC BY 4.0  
Mechanical RGB Keyboard by BigBrotherECE / CC BY 4.0
Mouse Gamer free Model By Oscar Creativo / CC BY 4.0

0:00 – Intro
1:05 – UGREEN!
1:27 – LTT Intro
1:33 – Optane Refresher
2:47 – Memory Mode
3:40 – Memory Mode Example
5:55 – App Direct Mode
7:12 – A Quick Rant About MoBo Settings
8:30 – Storage Mode/Mixed Mode
12:13 – Why Optane Died
17:52 – DeleteMe!
18:45 – Outro

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  1. Let's play a game. It's called "let's see how many people read the pinned comment before scrolling down to make their own".

    We knew we had it, but it was a low priority because Optane's use-cases were few and far between and it faded from relevance shortly after our first video.

    Intel didn't ask for it back because of the same reasons.

    Also.. Please… This isn't hardware we bought, nor does it have any actual value. Engineering sample components – especially storage – gets shredded once they are sent back to to the manufacturer anyway. No starving kids were denied access to a 6TB RAM server.

    The "we forgot" is just a fun hook for the video because I stubbed my toe on the box in the warehouse a little while ago and thought "hey, oh yeah this thing.. maybe it would be a good vehicle for a video on what the heck happened to Optane"

    In a nutshell: Relax, guy.

    Also at 2:41 we forgot a zero and should have said 50GB x 120 = 6TB


  2. Um….intro is back now?! I thought having the intro, not matter how short, lowered viewership??? Welp, whatever, I'm still watching AND I left a comment, which is very rare of me!

  3. Another Itanium flop.

  4. I not even disappointed this is late. I've been wanting a comprehensive breakdown of what happened with optane. ( I'm only to the Segue so far. Can't wait)

  5. you sell it ?

  6. I smell an intel tax write-off

  7. When I hear on LTT, 'we had a terrible idea,' I expect to see Alex in the video, and when I do, I am fully confident that the terrible idea of 'we' is actually that of 'he,' or more specifically, Alex. (and BTW, that is a compliment; Alex's terrible ideas are always the most fun 🙂

  8. And I got a 280GB Optane SSD for $98 not long ago, don't really feel the difference

  9. I'm really liking the intro being back on the latest videos.

  10. Is this the only time page file would be beneficial? lol

  11. "still a shorter wait than Firefly Season 2"

    right in the kokoro

  12. I'll give you $4.69 for it.

  13. Its misleading to just say Optane is "a quarter the maximum speed of a modern gen 5 drive". Optane is slower in sequential but is faster for random speeds with low depth and latency where performance will actually be noticed. Sequential is only good for synthetic benchmarks with eye catching numbers which are rarely reached. NVME drives all have pathetic random speeds of around 80 mb/s while Optane is usually 3-4x that. Optane failed because the asking price being thousands for such a new unheard of technology was insane compared to an NVME drive with "oh wow! super high sequential speeds at such a lower price" and also brand name recognition from all the sponsors "Scamsung is the best brand so gotta go with the x80 or x90 pro!" or "Sabrent with super high sequential speeds" but don't pay any attention to their lifespan which is a couple months. I could not imagine buying an overpriced Sabrent NVME drive with a lifespan of 2-3 months but "oh the brand name recognition and sequential speeds!". NVME also has so many ways to lose performance just by using it such as cache because it goes to HDD speeds when the cache fills up and it fills up quick and must be cleared manually. NVME also has poor endurance compared to Optane and when more than half the drive is filled up say goodbye to speed. Optane is such an amazing technology that unfortunately was ahead of its time and succumbed to marketing failure and now copy paste NVME drives with the highest sequential speeds in synthetic benchmarks are recommended that all have the same awful random speeds. I am glad I picked up a 905p during the sales because I can tell the difference from a 980 pro 2tb with the speed of applications and the downloads being consistently high on game downloads when before with an NVME it would be a couple hundred megabytes. I wish Linus would have been more clear that Optane is only slower in sequential but is much faster than NVME in random speeds.

  14. Classic wasteful … disrespectful linus

  15. you not giving them back their $150,000 server is what probably killed their business. I'm surprised that intel ever sends you anything

  16. It's almost as if there needs to be a thesaurus for bios mode names.. yuck

  17. I've always liked Linus without the beard better, his face isn't ugly enough to cover up with a beard.

  18. Could a video editor edit on this? With a GPU stuck in a PCIe slot, would it make for a more responsive editing machine? Legit curious about that.

  19. I'll give ya 100 Yankey bucks for it. 😎

  20. Sadly the Ugreen action with the discount is only for people in the US or Germany. Would've loved to buy a couple for me and family. (I'm Dutch)

  21. That firefly season 2 comment was uncalled for…..

  22. Linus discovered Ozempic!

  23. … wiping and rotating the encryption key for the drive does not mean a wipe of all cells.

    like. what are yall doing? You know, sometimes I wonder if the amateurish "oops we don't know how to sysadmin" is actually indicative of a problem. Surely you have enough money to hire an actual Linux nerd to work for you… like one who's actually been through industry a while?

    No? Maybe I need to send resume

  24. I bet that'd be neat for ML workloads…

  25. if Intel doesn't want it I'll take it, just ship it over

  26. AMD has something similar with their Vega 64 protocol on their discrete gpus. Unlike Igpus or apus the Vega 64 protocol is able to access system ram to use it as quicker storage buffers along with gpu's vram. Nvidia is trying this with DDA or DSA or direct disk/storage access.
    What would be a simpler route to go would be to have a simple 8GB m.2 ssd on the gpus themselves. Particularly on the lower end and mid range gpus. Not much point to having vega 64 protocol on a 7900xtx. Amd gpus are considerably quicker than even an RTX4090 when it comes to recovery times when a sag occurs. You can see this is some of the requirements in building an AMD based system. Especially in initial ram mapping. On the intel side that Optane wipe issue was always a problem and while it didn't take long to rebuild the raid like configured Optane. It really didn't make much sense to constantly do so. Optane really wasn't any different in concept to the plug in IC ram chips we used to install in 486 up to pentium-II or early amd althlon systems. Our Promise brand pata controller cards had the same memory slots for buffer chips that were more or less the same as Optane. You could delegate some of that pata card ram as a kind of ramdisk.
    I don't see much point to the Optane structure when it comes to intel. The schedulers alone would be crazy busy if you were to compare them to Amd Epyc.

  27. When you just think LGM might be a real company now they really video like this

  28. Ok maybe no starving children were denied access to a 6TB RAM server, but I'm running out of memory here! I might even have to close some browser tabs one day

  29. Try rendering Interstellar's blackhole using this server

  30. Whonnock 11

  31. The server was probably a tax write off…

  32. What do you mean by calling the optane sata drive at the end “one of, if not the best drive on the market” you can buy larger NVMe drivest for half the price like a 980 pro.

  33. That Firefly Season 2 comment? Still hurts…

  34. i dont think the thumbnail is gonna make much of a difference…. when i subbed to ltt and a new vid is out, i watch it or i dont, depending on the title and subject.
    a different thumbnail barely even changes it for new viewers


  36. Intel needs some write off shirts.

  37. Aw man. Firefly what a show

  38. I wonder how these Optane Dimm’s would perform as extra VRAM in page filing for gaming.

  39. Nobody…
    Intel "Write it off"

  40. … I like how the server sat in a box for three years and depreciated into oblivion

  41. Hey Linus If Intel doesn't want it back I'll take it off your hands free of charge

  42. "Take this back for tax reasons" That makes no sense, it was free, therefore a gifted item. It holds zero tax implications.

  43. This video made me think my phone was ringing 4 times. The faint music is kind of driving me crazy

  44. As an engineer who worked on the development of the 3DXP technology from Intel & Micron, I really wish I could comment on some of this. It was such a cool technology and fun/innovative to work on.

  45. And this is why Linus always looks for 'stolen' stuff at employees houses in the upgrade videos…because even he doesn't know how much gear the company has and just guessing usually leads to being right.

  46. Where else in the world do you forget you had a WHOLE server in your stock 💀

  47. Linus, I actually have an upcoming research project that need monumental amounts of RAM. (it's not a "runs slower if you have less". It's a "won't run if you don't have enough") If you still have it a month later, could you run something on it please?

  48. Hey I’ll take it for free don’t worry I got you! 👍 I’ll take it off your hands!

  49. stop shaving!

  50. Ship it to me if y'all have no use for it, I'm sure I'll find some.

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