
Amazing Products TV This Car Tech Upgrade Went WAY Too Far – feat. Mighty Car Mods

Awesome Tips This Car Tech Upgrade Went WAY Too Far – feat. Mighty Car Mods

Thanks again to Ridge for sponsoring this video and making this project happen! Check out their Holiday Sales event at and get a free AirTag attachment when you buy an original Ridge Wallet!

Previously we’ve modernized Plouffe’s Civic with an Android Auto head unit, powered windows, and sound deadening – but today we’re going all in. Everything, engine, suspension, brakes, speakers and more are coming out and thanks to Mighty Car Mods and VTEC Academy some real shiny new components are going in.

Mighty Car Mods Video:
VTEC Academy Video:
Stratified Automotive Video:

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Purchases made through some store links may provide some compensation to Linus Media Group.


Purchases made through some store links may provide some compensation to Linus Media Group.

0:00 – “G’day Mate” -Honda D17, 2024
1:40 – What is scope?
3:02 – What engine is going in?
4:18 – Car nerds vs. Computer nerds
6:00 – Is this worth more than the entire car?
7:50 – Shifter
8:28 – Engine removal
10:06 – Where in the world is our K24?
11:21 – New trunk panel
12:05 – Car audio
14:41 – Massive Wing
17:05 – K24 located! Install time
18:56 – Linus has a gander
20:32 – Wing and car audio continued
22:12 – Wheels and Tires
23:00 – Alignment?
24:18 – Dyno
26:27 – Linus reveal
29:00 – Plouffe reveal
33:03 – Outro

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  1. And thus the LTT time attack quest has begun 😬😬

  2. Move over XZibit, this the LEGIT PMR! 😀

  3. We got LTT doing K-Swaps before GTA6?

  4. Steaming Pile of Rice!

    177 HP. How cute..

  5. Definitely didn't expect to see this collab.

    feels like Neutron and Turner, but for adult me

  6. Awesome crossover!!

  7. Nothing is better than a car nerd with some pc nerds to build a car, 2 worlds come to getter🎉🎉
    Whats both on mcm and ltt, love it.

  8. this may very well be one of the best videos i've ever seen

  9. well, you guys didn't show us the POV while driving like MKBHD with DJI camera :p

  10. "We're Mates now" and that Smile <3 So happy for this collab!

  11. Way to Fing Cool both of my Favorite channels In 1 Video

  12. Petition to get Linus Car Tips as a whole new channel

  13. Now we need a turbo install update!

  14. Now get it Dbrand wrapped

  15. Seeing Linus losing his shit over "normal" project car stuff will never get old.

  16. Would've been cooler if they made it electric.

  17. civic of theseus

  18. Hear me out, as a lifelong channel viewer, a series working on the employees cars would be incredible, such a fresh content for the channel, this video went hard, the civic is going to be insane when is fully done.

    The combo nerdy guys + car modding is gold.

  19. Not even 10% of this is legal in Europe unless you spend big euros into pieces of paper called "homologation" lmao

  20. The same model Civic that we got in our country had a 1600cc 130hp engine, all-round power windows and side mirrors, abs, esc and airbags. The one we had also had a sunroof and a five speed manual short shifter.

  21. these guys are great haha!

  22. This is a turd of a car…. Civics are total junk. Plastic tin can of shyt.

    These got popular when I was in highschool in the late 90s early 00s. I'm class of 2002. After fast and the furious came out, everyone thought their Honda was a race car. And today, they still do. Joke of a car!!

  23. full engine swap was the last thing I was expecting from ltt

  24. They turned it into a manual. Absolute chads

  25. Plouffe, you lucky son of a gun!

  26. Linus's Dad Face when he heard the exhaust for the first time. Haha!

  27. Now all it needs is a turbo and double the power again LOL

  28. Showing off illegal muffler, cool…So cool…

  29. Is it really a sound system if their only using 4 gauge power wire? I'm just memeing, my first system as on 4 gauge, but now I'd rather run 1/0, and call it a day, but I also run about 4.5k watts of power

  30. I hate that it's so loud. I understand that people find it cool, but sound is something that affects everyone around. It's like saying "I like it loud and you will like it too".

  31. Next , Turbo Yoda it!

  32. The children yearn for Pimp My Ride! Wouldn't mind seeing Alex do 6 of these a year while collaborating with other car youtubers!

  33. GTA 6'dan önce LTT'de keko arabası yapıldığını gördük. 😀

  34. More car videos is a welcomed theme imo

  35. one of my favorite videos on the channel, holy moly

  36. That poor guy wasn't a car guy, but now he will have a life long addiction.

  37. What my TDI + remap makes 185 😂😂😂


  39. 120db… jezuz

  40. I love this take of cars. We need more of this!!!!

  41. This is pimp my ride but they actually fix the engine issues and the car will actually run when all is said and done.

  42. never thought i would see this on LTT i love it

  43. The only thing missing is a silencing valve in the exhaust, so the fun is on demand and the neighbours are happy. Great build!

  44. Next step , remote cloud server in the trunk with stable speeds transfers while driving 200km/h (100% legal speed on pubic roads) o

  45. A 2nd order filter is really just two filter put together. You get batter attuention but you get some funky ressonance stuff too.

  46. Wrong channel. Should have uploaded to @LinusPimpTips

  47. Collaborate on a car project with TDC in the UK!

  48. TÜV says no.

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