
Amazing Products Defying Gravity

Awesome Tips Defying Gravity

An awesome physics experiment. Copper and Aluminum are non-magnetic metals which is what makes this so cool!

What you need for this:
1. Aluminum foil buy at any store or already in your pantry, or if you so choose a copper pipe even an aluminum heavy rod

2. A neodymium magnet (you can now get these much easier today and cheaper! Amazon or radio shack 5- 10 bucks!

Personal recommendation save your money and get the aluminum foil it works just as well as the more expensive copper pipe!

A simple demonstration on Lenz’s Law which is (an electric current induced by a changing magnetic field will create its own magnetic field that opposes the original magnetic field) These opposing fields occupying the same space at the same time create two forces. The more current you generate, the greater the force.

An example of Lenz’s law is take a copper pipe or even better and 30 times cheaper a simple box of aluminum foil (it’s conductive but non-magnetic) and drop a piece of steel down the tube. The piece of steel will fall through quickly due to gravity and lack of induced current.

If you take the same copper pipe or aluminum foil tube and drop a Neodymium magnet
you will see with your own eyes the magnet falls very slowly almost defying gravity!. This is because the copper tube creates a magnetic field from the falling magnet. This magnetic field induces a current in the copper pipe or aluminum foil tube

The induced current in the copper pipe or aluminum foil tube creates its own magnetic field that fights the magnetic field that created it. So even though the tube is not magnetic in any way it will cause gravity to be resisted. Pretty amazing what science can do when you understand it! .
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  1. a forgotten remnant of the internet, in all its glory
    rip dylan

  2. i thought he was going to sing wicked……

  3. Ugh, eddy currentsJust… wow.

  4. I thought it tells you how to defy gravity…

  5. I actually came here thinking this was a cover of a song named Defying Gravity ._.

  6. aluminati

  7. OK, then

  8. want the magnet to stop? see GEET Engine.

  9. this is motor action in a generator. by dropping the magnet through the pipe you have 1. a conductor 2. a magnetic field 3. and relative motion between the two. these three things are the requirements for a generator.

    however, when you create a generator you also meet the requirements for a motor which are 1. a current carrying conductor 2. in a magnetic field. this "torque" works in reverse of the torque applied in the generating action.

    this is explained in more detail in motor/generator theory.

  10. Few the dislike button is at 665… NOBODY HIT IT AGAIN!!!!!!!

  11. it doesn't work with small magnets

  12. #king copper

  13. Make a rock candy bomb!!

  14. bush gradens cheetah hunt does tht 

  15. what would happen if you jumped down a n aluminum tube in a neodymium suit. uhh… brain damage. third degree friction burns. death…

  16. Your My

  17. Can you make those penny batteries without pennies and just alluninum

  18. What About The Rust

  19. Yes i do have a really long copper pipe

  20. it's aluminium. there are 2 I's. England made a deal to spell sulpher with an f for america to spell and say aluminium correctly. don't forget that


  22. if it looses magnetism with heat. what if you freeze the magnet and pipe

  23. Tin foil is rapped around a metal tube

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