
Amazing Products TV The Day the World Blue Screened – WAN Show July 19, 2024

Awesome Tips The Day the World Blue Screened – WAN Show July 19, 2024

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  1. I was in the Military for Y2K and we were on official Stand By, no drinking. Nothing Happened worst new years ever.

  2. Jet blue was flying to

  3. 🤣😂 micro soft sucks thank goodness for apple iOS 👍😊 my computer work great

  4. F-Secure survived their 2010 f-up. Nobody anymore even remembers it

  5. The reason the Y2K bug didn't wipe out the world is because programmers like me worked hard to update all of the code.

  6. 🤣😂 micro soft sucks thank goodness for apple iOS 👍😊 my computer work great

  7. if only lime day wasn't a week before pay day

  8. Responding to timestamp 29:56. Try home exchange. It is better than Hotels/AirB&Bs.

  9. I dont think never increasing prices for services is a possible option. Mainly because inflation exist. But of course if you start at loss and then increase once you have majority, that is not good.

  10. I work in a call center and it was really annoying that my job was pretty much completely unaffected… didn't stop IT from sending like 17 panicked updates about how stuff still wasn't working, very helpful lol

  11. That STI scan should have used Jian Yang's Hotdog or Not Hotdog software.

  12. Why is everyone blaming it all on CrowdStrike? Shouldn't part of the blame be on Microsoft for building an OS which can be literally brought to its knees by a bad program update? Really? One program which crashes, should not be able to cripple the entire OS! Microsoft should be accountable for building such a non-robust OS.

  13. I was flying trans-Atlantic on Friday + multiple layovers. Ended up getting lucky cuz none of my flights were outright cancelled, but it was still NOT a good time.

  14. Smartphone health powered by AI is going to be huge in the next few years and will likely make a real impact.
    If the D-pick one didn't lie about what it could detect then I wouldn't even have a problem with it. Such tools can be genuinely be useful for those that do not have access to or cannot afford healthcare or in the case of D's it might also just be discomfort of going to the doctor for it.

  15. I'm trying to build a free to access site, but finding an affordable video host that doesn't already moderates the content is a bit difficult.

  16. Cant wait for bald linus

  17. I hope this crowdstrike thing will cause people to rethink Snap and its "forced update".
    Everyone kept saying that updates forced by the developers of software is a bad idea and now we have proof.

  18. As an Aussie, where do I get access to the Chat Bot that scam's scammers? I want it

  19. Laughs in Mac

  20. If the world stops working, Dan can just fix it.

  21. I found the pay to win aspect of games just meant the game was not fun enough to enjoy without having the advantage, which to me makes the game designed to be not fun.

  22. Linus is going to have a Dorian Yates "Barn Door Back" very soon if he keeps up his gym going.

  23. I have had a 5950x go bad over time, where the issue got worse and worse. I troubleshooted for months, swapping just about every component untill I figured out it was the CPU. Then I did more targeted searched and found more people with 5950x-es with the same issue, so there seems to be an issue with at least that chip where it can deteriorate over time.

  24. Any one else smoking and trying to figure out the logistics of converting a hamster wheel power vehicle to husky wheel power because the wheel size would require huge retrofits

  25. man, its a rough show without timestamps…

  26. I mean, technically they can use some sort of USB bootable OS (like linux) and access to their files in windows. Right?

  27. That's what the world gets for continuing to trust anything or anyone McAfee-related 🤷‍♂

  28. 2:10 BROTHERR

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