
Amazing Products TV It’s TOO Easy to Accidentally Do Illegal Stuff with This

Awesome Tips It’s TOO Easy to Accidentally Do Illegal Stuff with This

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While the hacking in Watch Dogs might still be the stuff of science fiction, we bought the HackRF One and a few other tools to help get us closer to making it the real deal. Very legal, very cool.

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Intro: Laszlo – Supernova
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Outro: Approaching Nirvana – Sugar High
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Intro animation by MBarek Abdelwassaa
Monitor And Keyboard by vadimmihalkevich / CC BY 4.0  
Mechanical RGB Keyboard by BigBrotherECE / CC BY 4.0
Mouse Gamer free Model By Oscar Creativo / CC BY 4.0

0:00 Intro
1:41 Van Eck Phreaking
3:51 Jamming
5:30 Why Aren’t They Banned?
7:35 Care To Comment?
8:55 Conclusion
11:00 Outro

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  1. WARNING GUN IN THIS VIDEO, thanks james 😉

  2. The guy on the thumbnail looks like Tim dillon

  3. Actually I can understand why these things should get banned.
    My car got hacked and the dude tried to get though the security stuff.
    Luckily he couldn't drive away with the car – he tried to override the system, but wiped it instead… so even i couldn't drive with the car anymore.
    There were 20 other cars, which got hacked and 18 of those got stolen.

    The workshop is currently working with MG to fix the system.

    I miss my MG4 Electric 🥲

  4. 5:27 andrew tate referance?

  5. Crazy, this is the exact same thing as the gun control debate in the US. Guns are a tool. They're not good or evil, the person possing it defines whiat it'll be used for

  6. oohragway?

  7. A ban hammer just a governments failure in policing public safety

  8. A bit serious topic, but I can totally see these devices being used in the Ukraine war against all the drones.

  9. No Linus that Kimono is illegal 😀

  10. Iv been hacked

  11. earrings, bleached hair, porsche
    man you really went deep with that midlife crisis stuff

  12. /s FU Linus now gov institutions will ban SDR.
    I do not think obscurity is the way to go when it comes to security but honestly… I do not expect governments to put pressure on companies and not users.
    I am using a Chinees knock off of hack RF that can only receive to a) Not get accidently arrested b) It was cheaper . I am using to read my neighbors weather stations and my water meter. I also integrated that to Home Assistant making it super useful.

  13. I'm 100% convinced the slippery slope is the goal of several Canadian politicians rather than a side-effect. The crime is just a pretext and they eventually want to ban hammers and kitchen knives. They need to inch us there culturally, first.

  14. and we all laughed at the people who put a padlock and pin set up on their doors. . . almost like A SECOND KEY HOLE FOR A SECOND LOCK THAT ISNT AUTOMATIC SOLVES THIS FOR CARS, mostly can still smash and hotwire/start.

  15. A red team should offer their service to automakers.

  16. when i was in the millitary they had a RF shield around the computer screen so that you couldnt read it with a device like that.

  17. There was no Samsung moon debacle. They had been clear about what was happening before it released and published papers on the process.

    There was no lies or faking anything involved.

  18. It is a powerful and useful tool in both peace and war, but then so is a hammer I guess, just less so…

  19. 0:20 Im sure asus would replace that laptop under warranty

  20. its 11PM and im seeing this 11 hours after upload and its 11 minutes long

  21. Making it illegal doesn't solve the issue just like guns. Instead, you should strengthen the security.

  22. So here is an idea. Instead of banning sales and import of $20-$100 devices that can help steal a $20.000 car, let’s ban sales and imports of cars that can be stolen with $15 worth of commodity electronics. How about that?

  23. Proof lies on him….him? How dare the Canadian law assume my gender!

  24. "Complacency" has become the name of the game among big automakers for decades now, and it shows not just in how crapulent and samey their market offerings are at the moment, but in how a lot of in-car tech is roughly the same quality as what I could slap together in my buddy's garage, except the duct tape I use sticks better than the cheap glue or press-fitting they've been using–just. If they're gonna be asking for as much as they've been lately for the price of a new machine, some significant improvement in security should be demanded…or just go back to having less electronics and infotainment, more people like it that way anyway.

  25. The Government banning something won’t stop it. Almost everything has a nefarious use. Ban everything.

  26. So where's the DIY protection for these kinds of devices?

  27. ofcourse it was a dutch who figured out the electronic spying XD

  28. The andrew tate bit was hilarious

  29. The problem is that, as it's almost always the case, bans on something only means the good people don't have it and the bad people do.

  30. The problem with car companies is even if they fix a security issue, these hacker devices has someone who'll find a way to bypass it within a week or 2

  31. My 50c worth!,…

    Australia is going the same way but it's all about intent from my understanding. There is nothing these form factor devices can do that a seasoned hacker, or engineer can't.

    If purchasing one or a few of these, treat it like any other tool.

    For example using a drill to install a wall hook is fine..its DIY fun! 😊. But walking around the street drilling into objects is property damage 😔. The big problem i have with the form factor devices are; ease of use, little education and they look too much like toys.

    Developers should take some responsibility for distributing and education of their products. Another example i can think of is buying spray paint or ammonium nitrate. These products have legitimate uses but giving them out to anyone without a control is risky.

    I'm a cyber security enthusiast and i love these devices for what they are. Developers of these devices are doing a good service to the cyber community but not without consequence.

  32. Computers and cars have no business becoming so integrated, sure I can see a few benefits, but the detriment is significantly worse, especially over time as these cars tend to break down and become bricks and modern e-waste since they like to try and keep everything proprietary and limit repair.

    Things I've learned with modern cars vs old.

    The computerized bullshit tends to fail randomly and brick the entire vehicle, (Backup cams on Dodge trucks), the computer clusters sometimes fail and again brick the trucks, the new computerized transmission has a piece of plastic that has to be broken and pulled to get it into neutral if the vehicle doesn't start, (Which costs $3,000 to replace at the dealership.)
    The infotainment systems/computer clusters end up becoming so dated that they don't integrate and half their features don't work anymore after just a few years. (Smartphones/Computer OS development moves at a faster pace than cars do.)

    I could understand designing it so these things aren't integral to the operation of the vehicle, like aftermarket stereos, but as things stand I refuse to ever buy a brand new 2010+ vehicle, they're all shit.

  33. Would it be possible to bring bearded linus back 😢

  34. 0:55 "…Kinky!"

  35. my truck has mechanical locks and no mechanical ignition switch 🙂

    the stickshift also helps, most ppl stealing cars probably wont drive stick at this point

  36. wait hang on… does this mean the BBC having "TV detectors" in the 90s to catch out people not paying TV licenses might not have been total BS???

  37. i just had a thought, and im just cookin' here, potato batteries still work underground, we use these devices plugged in to growing potato batteries buried in dirt and essentially build potato powered emp's that nobody can find, and we put these under every Starbucks nationwide and their customer base disapears because they cannot maintain wifi. our corporate overlords overtaken by potatoes. Glados was onto something the whole time.

  38. Scrapyard wars video? Why delayed?

  39. Why Brazilian jail ?😂

  40. Letsgo Romania mentioned

  41. What incentive do vehicle manufacturers have to beef up their security? If the car gets stolen you need to buy a new one. We've seen countless instances of people with boomerangs or airtags in their vehicle knowing exactly where it is once its been stolen and police make little to no effort to recover it. It's all a big scam

  42. Just interested to know what aerial you were using

  43. Great video. I agree it's stupid to ban the tools while the real problem is that manufacturers fail to implement proper security. The problem is with the manufacturers being unwilling to invest in security and leaving us vulnerable.

  44. that laptop had my exact bday and time on it :0

  45. I wasn’t expecting that blazing saddles reference. I love it

  46. ROMANIA MENTIONED 5:26 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1

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