Awesome Tips Come Join Me In Linus Town USA – WAN Show March 14, 2025
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we welcome the 51st state
The defintion of Freedom Citys is more like be a slave, don't complain and consume product no matter what.
I think Linus doesnt know how complicated fire evacuation is. There is Software for calculating the flow of people and if there is any jam on the way
'I have to move this much to the side' – yes, and now imagine the entire LAN center in a massive stampede on its way to the exit.
Nicely illustrates the company town arguments though, well done
I don't really like to comment but on the first issue I feel like I need too. You guys are thinking way too 'left' and not trying to think of a middle ground. The Freedom cites/towns will have Federal oversite and have regulations. Just not the current over-abundance that stop innovations and progress.
On the Nuclear plants, they will still have All the safety regulations/tests but not be limited to what other types of testing and outputs that are currently being blocked in Nuclear plants in the US by regulations EPA and other DPMTs.
On the 'human drug trials' they will be voluntary and you have to pass certain tests to apply. Its not like they'll just take people off the streets or from their homes in the town.
A Freedom city/town will be a Manufacturing/Industrial hub of the new city/town and create jobs, homes, and fresh life into the US. Its been decades since a new town/city was created and the US has plenty of land that is not being used.
Maybe I missed something, but i've read and watched alot into this recently so if I am wrong, please let me know in a polite manner. Thank you
Im glad i picked up my 9070xt for $1400Australian or $885USD thats only about 10% more than normal for the Australia tax we get shafted with for MSRP prices
Day 22 of asking for a 5000$ upgrade
First topic: Helldivers rapidly moving from dystopia to documentary…
Linus Tech Town
Prosperity zones… Doesn't China have special business districts?
It’s like the current administration looked at the last 50-odd years of dystopian fiction and decided to be all the bad guys all at once.
Never thought I would hear my country in a WAN show I would say the Prospera situation on Honduras is spot on. On a personal note I don't like the idea though I have a cousin that swears for them being the best.
Feels like I’m watching MSNBC for the first 30 minutes of this WAN show…
When ever an American corporation or politician uses "Freedom" in the title of something, I assume it's going to be just as free as the Democratic People's Republic of Korea is democratic.
America financed Covid in China, now they just want to bring it home.
The Simpsons Ep.155 "You Only Move Twice" features the "freedom city" Cypress Creek
Fordlandia is a good example of a failure Nazi town… I mean company town
the devil's advocate play by linus at 20:00 is a great demonstration of how profit and free market is not acting in the in best interest of all, because is that what we consider the greatest good for humanity? Is our top priority to make the countries race eachother to be the first in everything, and because of that break every social progress made since 1789? Maybe it is time to really think about what motivates all of us to wake up in the morning, maybe it is time to start thinking about things such as, food and a roof for every single person, personnal emancipation, greater cooperation, proper democracy, etc etc?
Oh wow. Linus looks like a grandparent through that webcam…