
Amazing Products TV New House Streaming Setup!

Awesome Tips New House Streaming Setup!

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Outro Screen Music Credit: Approaching Nirvana – Sugar High

Intro animation by MBarek Abdelwassaa
Monitor And Keyboard by vadimmihalkevich / CC BY 4.0
Mechanical RGB Keyboard by BigBrotherECE / CC BY 4.0
Mouse Gamer free Model By Oscar Creativo / CC BY 4.0

0:00 Intro
0:48 Construction Zone
1:20 The Plan
2:00 CORSAIR One
2:40 Gaming Monitors
3:01 Wave Panels
3:53 Wave 3
5:30 Setup
6:44 Microphones
7:44 Software
8:55 Cam Link
10:35 Lights
12:34 Software
15:04 Gaming
16:06 Green Screen

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  1. Linus shilling so hard, he just marketed the lack of a feature as a feature. Damn.

  2. Just a comparison and i don't have a room with 6 PC's in it. that said, I've had great enjoyment of my LG 32GK650F 1440 p 144hz monitor for about 3 years now and its still going strong. very similar to the monitor features in this vid just a little bigger at 32". both solid choices and price wont break the bank ( I paid about $400 for mine years ago now) 🙂 I also have highly corrected vision and the bigger size is easier on my eyes.

  3. My husband is a professional streamer and uses the elgato pop-up green screens and the stream deck, he loves them both. The green screens are especially nice, he uses two because his monitor is set at an angle and it allows him to get wide coverage to give space to back his chair up for breaks and such. He also uses a DSLR for his camera and I know he has a really nice mic with a fancy arm… was neat to finally watch a video where I went "oh hey, I know what some of that is!" (I'm a tech idiot, but your videos are so fun to watch even though half the words go over my head lol)

  4. I think I watch so much Linus because he’s the dad I wish I had

  5. That simple just spend like 10 months worth of salary and you can be a top notch streamer :))))

  6. they put the mic arm behind the monitor and put it up high so its out of the shot

  7. For the streamy peeps 👌🏾

    I'd actually be surprised if Linus wasn't even considered to be reported after THAT lousy of a performance, casual or not. There should be like a calibration period for players that hasn't played in awhile.

  8. guess if linus kids going to become the popular ones

  9. I wish I had a Nice home and the Money he has to be able to do all this cool stuff 🙁

  10. Linus: Builds balls to the wall LAN room
    Also Linus: Cheaps out on the mics

  11. I wish Linus was my dad

  12. his mic when he's playing cs is so compressed and awful sounding and idk why lmao
    did he think he needed the compression? a lil compression might not be too bad, but they added wayyyyyyyyy too much

  13. A LAN room should like the good old LAN houses: dark, smelly and with a lot of people screaming. Big no-no to a RGB LAN room.

  14. Bruh is setting up the isometric room!!!!

  15. i love you linus but why you gotta say mark 2 as in mk.2 and say it as M K 2

  16. sponsored by el gato 💀

  17. what was the controversy around the monitor? i have the gl850-b the 144hz 1440p ips panel and it's amazing i love it. I don't stream but i got a stream deck last month and i love it you can do a lot with them.

  18. 11:25 Yeah the power brick is big but it looks like the plug is twist-able.

  19. Tony stark mode enabled 👌

  20. all the products are great but I am not rich.

  21. I find that a flat XLR interface doesn't make a difference, why would you be adjusting your audio settings while streaming/recording? Shouldn't you already have that stuff dialed in?

  22. Doesn't look like Messi with his beard.

  23. @Linus Where is the wireless keyboard u setup last time in ur last video?! 🙂


  25. I'd be Linus's friend.

  26. What are those headphones he's using?

  27. Linus can I come play in your game room?

  28. Linus I'll be your friend

  29. 6:00 "Some people mount the microphone behind their monitor and come over, idk why you'd ever want to do that" – this is actually exactly what i'm looking for for my desk setup, because I have an L-Shaped desk with an LG Ultrawide monitor, a second monitor to the left, a fan to the right, then a wall. I'd like to put the mic arm behind fan on the right and come over. Perfect!

  30. Honestly, my only real problem with Elgato is the ridiculous prices. You can get comparable and sometimes even better products for half the price or even less. Elgato makes decent products but for what they charge it's just outrageous. I have been finding much better alternatives for 30-70% cheaper from other brands and that has definitely set me back from ever going back to Elgato again. And this is coming from someone who once was a diehard Elgato fanboy.

  31. All these products look pretty great, but those power bricks are a joke and would single-handedly be a deal-breaker for me. I thought we were past that kind of design.

  32. why didn't he apply microphone filter… it would make the stream audio so much better

  33. Could just have made a working setup for the WanShow, but what do we care.

  34. Btw regarding the monitoring and sound processing latency , it's a fault of windows aful sound drivers.
    The way around that is to use an asio supported interface (which most of them do nowadays) and use sar audio or other asio based drivers so you can then send the audio to a DAW for applying effects or spliting/creating virtual lines (for discord desktop games etc). This gives you latency bellow 5ms so you can also use it for monitoring.
    Also don't use VAC audio or any other of their products as it's based on ancient tech and from my experience the latency and other issues that occur doesn't worth it.

    My current setup is a focusrite Scarlettn usb interface thats connect to their mic , then from there it's connect to my laptop and uses SAR audio driver(where I split and add additional lines for discord and my games) and then it's going to Ableton live where I do my sound processing and effects (also configured a sound board with Ableton) . The latency on my processed audio is less then 1ms so I can comfortably listen to myself with my effects without any issues.
    This setup requires a lot of time but it's totally worth it.

  35. The new house arc is a good one, important linus lore

  36. Linus I'm all of a sudden up for adoption

  37. My fully settled into my house using a lifetime table…

  38. I own the wave 3 and just wanted to add that you can add all the audio streams with the wave link software to obs.

  39. With the capture card you can’t put that in a console that’s for a pc

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