
Amazing Products TV what are the most underrated/overrated games

Awesome Tips what are the most underrated/overrated games

is GTA 6 overrated or underrated?

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  1. balatro isnt a real game, its garbage
    fromsoftware games are also overrated

  2. Forza horizon 5.


  4. Minesweeper

  5. Like… I get it, people make fromsoft games their entire identity, but he's certainly right. While the whole "streamable" thing is true, it's not why fromsoft games do so well.

    With that said, it's absolutely overrated. As stated before, some people make it their entire personality, like they accomplished some incredible feat by beating Malenia.

    If you need proof it's overrated, its DLC was a contendor for GOTY at the Game Awards last year…

    And before you say "the Game awards is trash, and shouldn't be taken seriously", you're exactly right! That's actually exactly the problem.

    They're great games, but like…

  6. Imagine thinking the reason FromSoft games are so popular is because they're streamable. What an absurd statement

  7. Overrated? every game kids play… GTA 5, LOL, CS, WOW, Fortnite, Minecraft….

  8. Best underrated game has got to be Muck

  9. So weird seeing people get so upset at the guy saying Fromsoft games are overrated. The games are combat-focused, and there are gamers who don't play video games for combat. That's enough to see why they could answer that way

    But in addition, the games are nowhere near as incredible as people tout them to be. Especially Elden Ring. They're just fantastic games, not some of the greatest of all time. People automatically associate their struggles and successes with the quality of the game, but that experience can come from ANY video game with the right player. Heck, jump back to the NES era and Battletoads would be the best game of all time by virtue of building up that same struggle -> success loop

    Fromsoft games really are overrated

  10. The "Balatro" for underrated made me laugh out loud…

  11. LTT water bottle to hold up a lapel mic to make it look live a handheld. Im nit sure if this was done as they had no handheld mics or just because it's funny.

  12. Balatro overrated? Nuh uh

  13. Overrated is easily any Fifa game bc its always the same shit

  14. Why i didn't see ya,

  15. If something is successful, why does it need credit/recognition? Success means it sold cause people enjoyed it, what else do you need?

  16. Brother in christ… you saw the graphics of gta 6 from pirated footage. The game was 2 years from being done. Why do so many people hate on the graphics when it had 2 or more years before it was even done.

  17. Overrated GTA series, is for mindless people

  18. I don’t like Fromsoft games, but the rationale that streamable games somehow don’t deserve their credit is wild to me. StarCraft BW absolutely deserves every bit of credit despite it capturing people’s attention.

  19. none of these guys ever heard of Perfect Dark for sure, cause if they were gonna talk about underrated, thats IT.

  20. Hating on Balatro is a wild take

  21. Days Gone is Underrated 😐

  22. The Fromsoft guy is so unbelievably wrong, its insane.

    I have NEVER been into streaming of any kind. He honestly just sounds like he doesnt get them, and has attributed a random reason in his head as to why their successful. They're honestly terrible games to watch someone else play aswell lol…

    And his favorite game being some party game that is usually only played by STREAMERS is just painfully ironic lol Dude just had bad taste and blames everyone else for it

  23. Underrated: Tetris the grand master series.

    Overrated: Hollow Knight.
    I like the game, but I never found it as overwhelmingly incredible as everyone else does.

  24. Underated – Subnautica
    Overrated – Fortnite

  25. The one game franchise that's underrated is the Legend of Heroes: Trails series. It's one of my favorite RPGs and it deserves more attention!

    Hopefully, the remake of Trails in the Sky will help increase the popularity.

  26. Hey valornat is a fucking great game…. In a world where counter strike doesn't exist.

  27. The most underrated game is Linus Drop Tips Simulator

  28. You guys are my favorite pc builders!

  29. the guy who said fromsoft games are overrated never get passed the soldier of godric,. he needs journalist mode

  30. In stars and time's one underrated game. Its kinda surprising how little people know about it

  31. How does one hate on balatro

  32. This comment will blow up because it was sent 7 minutes after the video was up

  33. The dude that said Lego Horizons was probably one of the devs 😂

  34. hamburger

  35. I love ultimate chickwn horse!

  36. Hopefully my crusty dusty oc will be able to run gta 6 so I can call it overrated lol

  37. Lol

  38. I simply cannot accept the Fromsoft slander those games molded me into who i am today

  39. Crazy

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