Awesome Tips Ultimate Smart Home Dashboard Guide!
If you want the PERFECT smart home dashboard, I created 7 rules that apply to any dashboard, in any house!
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Home Assistant Beginner’s Guide:
Home Assistant Green (AmeriDroid):
Home Assistant Green (Amazon):
Pixel Tablet:
Lenovo Tab M9 tablet:
Dashboard desk arm:
Room Presence video:
Paul Hibbert Star Trek theme video:
*Theme code*
Custom Mushroom:
light: {}
dark: {}
mush-spacing: 6px
mush-icon-border-radius: 6px
mush-control-border-radius: 6px
mush-chip-border-radius: 6px
mush-rgb-state-light: 255, 255, 255
mush-title-padding: 12px 12px 6px
ha-card-box-shadow: inset 0px 0px 0px 1px var(–border-color)
ha-card-border-radius: 4px
ha-card-border-color: rgba(0,0,0,0)
accent-color: “00ff00”
I had to remove the “hash” symbol for the accent-color value because of the YouTube description but just add that right after the first ” and before the 00ff00.
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0:00 Intro
0:27 Why customize
1:09 Rule #1
3:43 Rule #2
6:29 Rule #3
9:28 Rule #4
13:10 Rule #5
14:59 Rule #6
17:30 Rule #7
19:21 Custom look
20:15 So beautiful
Digifunk by DivKid
All of the music throughout is by Nihilore.
Spotify playlist:
Ending song is The End by EVA.
Deals for Days. Big home savings are happening now.
Who here likes customizing their dashboard for fun? I might be in the minority but I absolutely love it! It feels like I'm pushing out my own software updates that always make things better.
Great video! One tip I would add is that one of the first things you should see on a dashboard are notifications of important stuff or actions that should happen. For example, a light that's on that shouldn't be. Or, something that's off that should be on. (Even if you create routines or the like to "self heal", some things should have a notification that it happened.) Also, stuff like the mail has been delivered, washer or dryer is done, etc.
I know you already do that in your dashboards, based on previous videos, but I think this should be a tip by itself.
Are you able to share your YAML code?
Love your videos especially the outros. I swear it's like someone else is feeling exactly the pain (and joy) I feel. This one hit especially hard
very helpful as usual. This helped me setup my iphone app.
Didn’t the most recent HA update add a dropdown control for the Tile card?
Every much need this thanks

Great ideas Reed, thanks.
Reed, you’ve got to do an LCARS version.
In my dashboards i use conditional access. So daytime / night time, if something is in a specific state (gate is open, specific user, if kids lights are on etc) works good for me.. Much good ideas in the video, next time i use it i will try the 3 second rule..
weird you used horizontal stack when there is a grid editor inside sections to edit how individual controls show
Reed, love your vids. This one was a cracker, and very much needed. Dashboard frameworks! Nailed it. Thx.
Thank you! Very helpful.
What magnetic tablet is that? The kitchen one?
I am so fed up with you showing 100 % Home Assistant stuff now. I should unsubscribe because there is nothing of interest for me anymore here. I may hang around a bit, but really not too long. I should remind you the overall percentage of home automation users that DONT use HA is pretty high.
Great video, I don’t think I’ve seen one that takes this rules approach before and it’s really smart!
Good video but I think it is funny. My house isn't big enough to have tons of different room setup
19:26 Can you show how you did that with the Dishwasher??
I love all your videos
How do you handle you and your wife both needing to look at a different room and the same time?
I use 1 giant section with all my tiles just having limits to when they're shown. With either time, location in the house or state of an entity