
Amazing Products TV America's cities have always been changing, and COVID took them into a new direction

Awesome Tips America's cities have always been changing, and COVID took them into a new direction

Our work and our lives may never return to a pre-pandemic normal, and that’s caused for some major shifts in where people are choosing to live in the US.

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  1. I hope those who moved don’t vote in the same mistakes that made them want to leave in the first place.

  2. 0:36 I wouldn't consider Denver and Phoenix and Miami to be small cities

  3. Again, Metro Phoenix is going through a full blown housing crisis because of the demand and it is completely ignored.. Why do these “journalists” not research anything?

  4. I live in Ohio and no one is moving here, no one has any reason to.

  5. Lies

  6. Did anyone else notice how they put the dot for New York City on Albany, not NYC?

  7. Don't bring your shitastic California ideas to the real America!

  8. wrong, people with agendas are taking us there. not covid.

  9. You know we don’t have to orient our cities to be so car centric. There’s plenty of space if you build up and not prioritize cars. People walking, biking, and taking transit don’t contribute to car congestion.

  10. I’ve noticed how mobile Americans are too. I live in London, England and having met Americans, they usually tell me they were born in one state then went to a different state for school and then settled in another state as adults. Such movement within England is very unusual. If you’re born in the North of a England, people will generally stay there.

  11. Google employee earning an upwards of 200k as a new grad complaining about cost and taxes. Ironic lol.

  12. Californians cashing out on their homes and paying cash for a home AND land in cheaper states will become the new boomers.

  13. No mention of people looking for freedom from oppressive state governments? I was one of those people that moved from CA to TN to avoid high taxes, regulations, and covid lockdowns.

  14. As a Missourian. We appreciate the fact you marked us on the map lol. We’ve been seeing a huge influx of people from the West. This last year has been a crazy increase.

  15. California should be forced to go back. They are like locusts driving up real estate prices and voting for the same BS that caused them to leave California in the first place. They should be forced to stay in the festering crime infested overpriced hellscape they created.

    • Udon
    • December 24, 2022

    please don't come to St. Louis

  16. Oracle had been in Austin since 2014 so they didn’t just move

  17. Completely ignoring that the two cities with the largest pop. loss (ny and sf) were the two cities with the strictest vaccine mandates. Lotta people moved because they lost their jobs for being unvaccinated.

  18. Yet NYC and LA still are the most populated cities in the country and immigration is also keeping these areas busy. Here in NyC things have came back to normal as alot of people who left have returned

    • J J
    • December 24, 2022

    California needs to stay tf where they’re at instead of spreading their brain virus

  19. if your job can be done remotely, it can be done REALLY remotely

  20. NO…

    Many People are fleeing Democratic Run States for more of the Republican Run States that have less Covid-19 Restrictions.
    And less cases of covid-19 in Republican States

    • A B
    • December 24, 2022

    This is good. The more movement within states and shifting of demographics makes it easier for progressivism to spread

    • J W
    • December 24, 2022

    People are fleeing BAD government. The entire state of California is held hostage by some of the most horrible, cruel “leaders” the country has to suffer. They are destroying one of the greatest states with terrible policies and stupid decisions. They can’t control their water, they can’t control fires, they can’t control crime, immigration or homelessness… because they don’t WANT to control them. They want these horror shows, and create policies that support their existence and grow MORE of the same.

    • VerKA
    • December 24, 2022

    People leaving blue states and going to red states. Imagine that… socialist policies don’t work people. Wake up before it’s too late.

  21. I cringe everytime i see those giant 10-lane american highways, they cut the cities in pieces instead of connecting neighborhoods

  22. If you're going to Miami for a lower cost of living, you're definitely smoking something lol 😹.

    It's one of the worst places I have lived. Traffic is atrocious due to lack of public transit for a city that size.
    The city is trying to improve it's transit with bus routes having a higher frequency, but it needs better infrastructure such as dedicated bus Lanes.

  23. Oh. That poor graphics guy/girl has never been to new york…or seen a map of new york.

  24. Stay in California liberals

  25. American citic are miss managed thats all and some more houses wont solve that much .

  26. Charlotte north carolina one of the fast city in grower

  27. people left because of self-serving politics

  28. Labels NYC; puts it in the middle of the state.

    • Kevin
    • December 24, 2022

    It’s making some cities not livable

  29. Global housing prices have all spiked so it's not just an American phenomenon

  30. Yet, those same regions you talk about actually grew during in the last census… the people leaving are those in the suburbs

  31. You’re forgetting one of the biggest reasons people leave blue states like cali: they can live their lives without bs Covid restrictions. And stupid blue state politics.

    • DONUT
    • December 24, 2022

    Yep cause Denver, Miami and Phoenix (the sixth largest city) are smaller cities. Sorry. I am from South Dakota and the fact that people live in giant concentrated places is kind of crazy. A smaller city than NYC and LA for me would probably be somewhere like Wichita, Albuquerque, or Milwaukee.

  32. LOL, maybe that's because the people running those places? 🙂

  33. Lower cost of living in Denver? Man, that's scary…

  34. Maybe this explain why my rent is up 25%

  35. Traffic is caused by a weak public transit system

  36. You lost me at the first infographic where the "New York City" arrow pointed to Utica. Like how could I possibly believe anything else you have to say?

  37. Ask the Sioux, Cherokee, Iroquois, Apache, Chickasaw, or any First Nations people if "north, south, east, and west trajectories seem to be very easily taken by Americans." So much so, that it's "part of their history." Lol

    I'm sure they have much to say on the subject.

  38. Yeah and rent is skyrocketing in my city cuz it’s in the top 5 fastest growing….I don’t make enough to live here now, but don’t have the income to leave either!! I’m stuck and am being evicted EVEN THOUGH IM WORKING…but at full time I can’t swing it…y’all “remote workers” need to understand that y’all are like locusts…my gawd

  39. I like how people and companies fleeing Covid restrictions gets totally ignored as a reason for these changes – they even talked about Tesla, but forgot to mention why Elon Musk was moving it's headquarters because of problems with Covid restrictions in California!

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