
Amazing Products TV How These Super Trees Grow Faster (and Store More Carbon)

Awesome Tips How These Super Trees Grow Faster (and Store More Carbon)

Living Carbon has developed enhanced trees to fight climate change that can grow faster and store more carbon than trees grown naturally.

Check out our video explaining carbon capture:

0:00 Introduction
0:47 Living Carbon
2:08 Climate Change
2:41 Photosynthesis 101
3:30 Living Carbon’s Trees
5:33 Carbon Credits
6:10 Ethics of Genetically Modified Trees
6:53 Future of Living Carbon

Andy on Twitter: @theandyaltman
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  1. Do you think Living Carbon's trees can put an actual dent in climate change?

  2. Start taxing the top 1% (Jeff Bezos, Bill Gates.. etc) for excessive carbon emissions. They do Not pay taxes anyway… Global warming will be over in a year or two.

  3. One day Alien will show up and ask if they can get extra carbon dioxide we don’t need in Earth.

  4. Age quicker?

  5. "There are no shortage of advocacy groups who are opposed to anything genetically modified …"

    The correct answer is that those groups are made up of idiots and should be ignored, not mollifying them

  6. Ficus religiosa tree has more carbon sequestration than all other trees in the world , please do more research on it

  7. I have a few questions. How much faster do the enhanced trees grow vs normal trees? Does wood from modified trees have different properties than wood from normal trees. Would the modified trees need additional fertilizer or water compared to normal trees? Would the seeds from the modified trees produce normal trees? Since these trees all come from the same gene pool, if an insect / mold / agent figures out a way to utilize the new trees couldn't a whole forest be lost in a very short time amount of time?

  8. Brilliant and people need to stop making children this much. We have to save ourselves and the planet by reducing the population and making the planet green by implanting super trees.

    • DCMX
    • December 24, 2022

    0 practicality
    what's the point if you can't grow it quicker by seeds & stem cuttings

  9. I guess this is one way if politicians and companies do not want to take action.
    My only issue is that those people in power will not change their behaviour when this technology comes to fruition.

  10. Optimal level of Co2 should be 1200 ppm

  11. Guy in the sweats looks like he rolls around naked in his trees at any given time.

  12. Well Biden said he wants to plant 1 billion trees. It would be foolish not to be these….

  13. First of all, the government has signed off on very fast growing trees. All the pine we use in new construction is a hybrid tree that grows extra fast!

  14. The Last Poets summed it up 50 years ago in their song about having a "God complex". Stop thinking you can overcome nature! There surely are good reasons why photosynthesis is inefficient. These folks should RESTORE nature; don't try to improve upon it. This project is ripe for unintended consequences. Just use natural landrace trees that are autochthonous, practice biodiversity and be prolific in replanting.

    • Jozh
    • December 24, 2022

    Create a super plant. bamboo x giant red wood.

  15. Don’t speed up the rythm of Nature. Better give it the space it needs, and stop polluting everything..

  16. Great in theory but apes, sorry, humans aren’t exactly known for doing what’s good in the long term.

  17. Fighting "climate change" is never the goal of these kinds of companies, monetize carbon credit is. Anyone with basic ecology/forestry/agronomy background will realize monoculture planting/farming would cause more harm to the overall environment.

  18. Force heavy industry to build carbon capture technology on their sites.

  19. Man thinking he can control the climate is the scam of the century

  20. Will these trees reproduce with this modification? I would think that getting carbon credits sold will be the bottleneck

  21. But, the case of Percy Jackson, a movie starring Christopher Walkin portrays percy in his seed right fight. Will they be the last trees? Patented unable for others to use outside of a contract?

    • Jesse
    • December 24, 2022

    I always thought trees weren't pulling their weight.

  22. Oh a tree that grows much faster than normal? Great! Where can I buy it? It would be great if I don't have to wait 20 years for my tree farms to mature before I can turn them into charcoal.

  23. Genetic compatibility with regular trees?

  24. Pretty stupid and impractical. But seemingly those are the solutions that get the most attention nowadays

    • L S
    • December 24, 2022

    I don't think gmo plants are a good idea

  25. Do trees that produce fruit , intake more carbon?

  26. James and the giant peach was a good book

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