
Amazing Products TV New US Military UFO Videos EXPLAINED

Awesome Tips New US Military UFO Videos EXPLAINED

Congress just held a hearing on “Unidentified Aerial Phenomena” or UAP for the first time in 50 years. CNET’s Claire Reilly breaks down what you need to know about the new unclassified videos we saw and everything the Navy and the Pentagon told us.

0:00 Introduction
0:18 Background on UAP Hearing
1:00 5 categories of UAP
2:23 UAP Video 1 (Unidentified?!)
3:34 UAP Video 2 (Identified!)
4:45 The Military wants more UAP reports
5:52 What’s your verdict?

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  1. All of those videos look so FAKE 🤣

  2. Research the alien patent

  3. NASA just launched their own investigation.

  4. As good as those 3 released UAP videos seem ladies and gentlemen,rest assured it's not the best classified UAP footage in the Pentagon's possesion.It's been said that a U.S.Military craft in flight recorded a UAP that flew within 50 feet of his plane where it stayed in sync a while before flying off.What's the idea?—save the best UAP video for last?The main thing I wait to hear the U.S.Government say is "Aliens do Exist".—That may never happen though because then the U.S.Government will subsequently have to admit and fess-up to a systematic UAP cover-up that lasted for decades!

    • GRONX
    • December 25, 2022

    Distortion through a camera lens may well be true but what about the bigger picture? Several aerial objects were directly above a US Navy war ship and nobody knows what they were? That's huge!

  5. Your face expressions are like UFOs out of this world 😅

  6. Your thoughts on the current controlled extraterrestrial disclosure process and related US GOV cover-up?

    When the nervous giggling stops, what will be the potential implications? Do we really want to know the full truth?


  7. This is an excellent video by this channel concerning New US Military UFO Videos. But do not become mesmerized by the lies. Satan never sleeps. Individual’s experiences may appear real to them however, the “ancient deceiver” and his minions are experts at appearing as something they are not. “Gold seeking aliens”, “time travelers”, “dead relatives”, “crypt beings”, and/or “other dimensional beings” are just some of their latest efforts. God help us all not to fall victim to this “great deception” in the name of Jesus, Amen! (Matthew 24:24 KJV, 2 Thessalonians 2:11-12 KJV and to avoid deception John 3:16 KJV)

  8. IF YOU BELIEVE Earth has the most advanced species in our gigantic extremely old universe, then you are wrong, it's highly more likely there's a more advanced planet and species out there considering the age of our universe

  9. One last thing. Not more than a handful of people on the planet, including military soldiers, sailors, and aviators, have a clue how good our most up to day technology really is. Nor do they know how good out behind the scenes analysts are, or how ridiculously intelligent and highly educated black project scientists really are. If they say one thing, and all the public scientists and analysts out there say another, believe those in the military. Chances are they're at LEAST twenty years ahead of anything and anyone in the public sector. There are too many semi-scientists and too many with no scientific educations at all making judgements.

    Oh, yeah, this fake blonde is either a talking head, or she has the intellect of a roach. Or both. Is everyone in Australia so dimwitted?

  10. Before anyone can even hazard a guess on many of the UAP sightings and videos the military has, they must first see the radar results. I've seen a number of them, and nothing any country on this planet can make is possible of doing these things. I seriously doubt anything we have in a hundred years could come close. They really need to find a way of declassifying such things, but how do you show what classified technology shows without revealing the capabilities of that technology?

    And only a complete novice who has zero experience with the military intelligence, counterintelligence, and black ops communities will EVER assume something has been identified just because the military says it has been. This also works in reverse. Just because these departments and groups tell you something is unidentiified doesn't for a econd mean they don't know exactly what it is.

    The only thing I know for certain is that the latest and best radar on the planet would make a believer out of anyone. NOt necessarily a believer in aliens, I'm a long, long way from being conmvinced of that, but certainly a believer in saying for certain that something far above our understanding is in the skies, or else we have suddenly jumped a thousand years ahead in technology.

  11. They are possibly Jehovah's War chariots searching for those who are rightful for everlasting life!!!!

  12. Real or not it's a serious discussion.
    Let's broaden our horizons

  13. What better way to cover up top secret aircraft we are developing that’s periodically spotted by letting the masses believe it’s ufos 😂. Deny ufos for a century and then all of a sudden agree they are possibly real.

    No better way to keep alien believers hyped up and down that rabbit hole while show casing to other nations we are playing with tech they aren’t even within eyesight of obtaining.

  14. wunderwaffen!

  15. What a cube

  16. The flying triangles video was debunked by a lot of people and it's fairly obvious to anyone who understands how a camera aperature manipulates the inbound light. You can see a similar phenomena in videos that show 6-sided blurry splotches in videos where rain gets on the camera lens. When you squeeze light through a pin-hole sized opening of a specific shape (6-sized for most cameras, 3-sided in the case of the night vision system), the light takes on the shape of the pin-hole/aperature when viewed from the other side.

  17. If aliens came to our world people would have seen them in the droves. They could hover by the space station and there's nothing we can do about it. Obviously their technology is way more advanced than ours so why would they be afraid of us. The objects people see in the air are really United States aircrafts. People thought the stealth bomber was a UFO. The three rb3 mana people thought for years that that was a UFO but that's ours. It's from the Aurora family it has levitation abilities and super fast.

  18. I don't think the military is lying when they tell congress "its unidentified" it could be a national security so great congress is not allowed to know what it is. So Military is not lying to them after all. They can't ID the experimental aircraft in front of congress. It's not the first or last time information was withheld from congress knowing.

  19. They are smarter than me, but smartest in America? Eh, I'm not too sure about that. Lol

  20. I still think that anything with any kind of light source will be human made. It’s such a silly concept. Why would aliens use flashing or any kind of lights in general?

  21. Wonder why presenter behaves like kindergarten teacher, and advertises xmas ugly sweater? Materials are good, but low quality of presentation makes is harder to digest and take serious. Maybe this is kids channel?

    • Bella
    • December 25, 2022

    To me…the most intriguing thing about the Fravor incident is that the UAP was waiting for him at the confidential “CAP” point…only known to the pilots/top brass but somehow the UAP knew the location and was waiting for him/other pilots
    I vaguely remember hearing that this has happened more than once…

  22. You know that something is an incredible waste of time and $millions of taxpayer dollars if Adam Schiff is involved.

  23. Why does this girl look like a UAP? 😱

  24. Miss roll your eyes around.

  25. I've said since day one that private interests are more likely to be hiding this stuff from the public, not "the government." Which, is just a blanket term anyways. It makes more sense that a corporation or business know more about uap, and is why going after the Navy or government in general never finds anything. They aren't the ones who have it, or are studying it to that degree. Places like Haliburton, Boeing, Lockheed, etc, are the ones we should be asking. Not navy and air force officers. It would also be a lot easier to hide that way. Too many people go through the government to keep something that big under wraps. You'd need something more like a corporation who tells a handful of people, under threat, on a need to know basis only. The government isn't efficient enough to keep a secret this long.

  26. Don't let them fool you. All news channels are run by the government.

    • PEG C
    • December 25, 2022

    US govt will never admit that they worked with a Satanist who conjured up Aliens (Demons/Fallen Angels) resulting in Roswell. These sinister spirits were stripped of their original physical bodies by God, but they can manipulate their spirits in and out of harvested hybrid bodies. Ancient Egyptians, Mayans…..worshipped them. Cow mutilations supply body parts (black eyes……).

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