
Amazing Products TV This Exolung promises 'unlimited' air supply underwater

Awesome Tips This Exolung promises 'unlimited' air supply underwater

The Exolung is aiming for the sweet spot between scuba and snorkeling by using the power of kicking legs to pull a steady supply of air down from the surface.

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  1. next step making a device that acts as artificial gills that take oxygen from the water and make it breathable for an actual unlimited air underwater. like that special tank from star wars the clone wars

  2. Where can we buy or to order that kind of snorkel

  3. gas mask but with a really long hose would work too

  4. I think it's a great idea, and it will have a place for those who love the sea

  5. It looks problematic for several reasons.

  6. I see a whole lot of really stupid comments with people trying to feel smart by nitpicking this thing but I have yet to see anyone question as to what would happen if water somehow got on the inside of the diaphragm or another part of the diaphragm out right failed or even if one of the straps came loose and you could no longer pump the diaphragm? Could you quickly swim to the surface with no issues?

  7. Just a warning the difference in air pressure between the breath you took at for example 5m deep vs the pressure of the air at the surface will be enough to burst your lungs.

  8. Where can i buy this ? its looks pretty comfy.

  9. This is more of a toy for using in pools and for snorkeling shallow reefs. You couldn't actually dive with this.
    It doesn't solve the problem of air toxicity and DCS. If it's recycling oxygen it needs to have CO2 scrubbers or the user will black out. It also requires constant finning/propulsion, which brings additional problems in overhead environments. People have planned dives in excess of several hours on closed circuit systems.

  10. I’ve been tricked into watching a an ad four an overly complex elongated snorkel

  11. why do you need the exolung to begin with? you could just breathe straight from the hose

  12. So basically when you get tired you drown….

    • I E
    • December 25, 2022

    If you had made one for a video would it have violated some patent law? I'm not saying it's a good idea, but would it have been illegal?

  13. This is the dumbest looking contraption I think I've ever seen

  14. Wrong dive kick.

  15. A garden hose is a really long snorkle.

  16. Well, this seems like an extremely good way to die

  17. Please Advise me when EXOLUNG is available for purchase 🌟🌟🌟🌟

  18. Would be better to have a compressor

  19. I’m making one of these with tubes and a floaty and j don’t need to kick or anything with the current design

  20. Nah this is stupid

  21. So far proven not possible!

  22. "A preliminary education course is not required". 🤨
    Mh… maybe because traumatic gas embolism went out of style? 🤔

  23. But you have to swim with frog kicks, right?

  24. Really looking forward to trying one of these. I have reached out to the company over the past two years to get an ETA on its sale. They haven’t responded at all. ☹️ I’m starting to think it will never come to market.

    • ace
    • December 25, 2022

    Great concept, but I'm sincerely hoping this NEVER goes on sale

  25. Imagine your enemy just blocks the hole where you get oxygen from at the top

  26. So bad. Surface supplied diving would be better, even a hookah

  27. I think yas need to find a element that can extract oxygen straight out ocean for breathing

  28. cool for shallow water with no obstacles. Could be cool for getting down a little bit deeper near coral reefs. But thats about it.

  29. Good video 👍

  30. I'm disappointed in my expectation

  31. Nope breathing requires kicking legs oh no hot a cramp

  32. Scam

  33. So, limited to 5m dives? That's not much. Black Rock near Ka'anapaali on Maui has most of the interesting stuff at twice that depth.

  34. The manual pumping system has to change. Maybe use the wave action ( its energy) and add solar cells. Do not rely on one source of power. Getting stuck. Unable to move for 3 min. Death.

  35. So it’s a fancy pipe?

  36. They already make rebreathers for technical diving which recycle Ur breath so U can dive for hours on end

  37. What a load of crappola ..problem number 1 :pressure loss at 5 m .. problem 2 : exerting leg muscles problem 3: pressure regulating

  38. Is it for sale

  39. Can you simulate something like fish like they breathe now that will be more scientific than that this is more basic

  40. I like it. I would by it. Please link it here

  41. Put a pump handle on the rebreather with a a small air tank and pump air into the tank.

    • Z.K.R
    • December 25, 2022

    What if it flips over

  42. Imagine if the balloon on the surface was compromised

  43. Very dangerous aparatus. Probably the reason why it didnt hit the market.

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