
Amazing Products TV Why Apple hates Google

Awesome Tips Why Apple hates Google

At one point, Apple and Google were as close as two companies could get without merging. But these days, Apple barely hides its disdain for Google. Find out what happened between the two tech giants to cause this rift.

0:00 Intro
0:30 Google in iPhone
1:54 Android in Secret
2:31 The Board Overlap
3:11 Jobs Pissed
3:52 Tension Rises
4:27 Jobs Super Pissed
5:38 Bye Bye Google Maps
6:18 Cash Money Google

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  1. I hate both

  2. Both are greedy on spy 😝

    • Puro
    • December 26, 2022

    Apple wants a closed ecosystem.
    Google wants an open ecosystem.
    Apple is consumer hostile, Google is consumer friendly.
    I wonder why crapple hates Google..

  3. I hate Google 😒 😑 🙃 😤

  4. I switch between both and in the end and as I get older I hate tinkering with settings and just want stuff to work so I prefer Apple over Android. People buy Apple over Android not because of all the bells and whistles but because it just works .

  5. In the end it's all about money and innovation. Without Android Apple would move even slower with updates and features.

  6. Apple, "privacy"

  7. I love Steve Jobs entirely

  8. How about blueberry afgoo


  10. California needed Texas help back then desperately

  11. But texas said screw you to California

  12. Help was there in 2015

  13. But texas destroyed it

  14. Texas needs calufornias help

  15. What california did for us texas destroyed for enemies of the United states recently in the past 20 years

  16. But stupid people in austin disabled it screwed it up so bad they seem to be being controlled by the bazi gernans and the soviet union.

  17. Steve Jobs died in 2013.

  18. This had so much information. I liked the video.

    • Jing
    • December 26, 2022

    Apple's going to copy the Androids feature now? Both use similar UIs a lot.

  19. I wonder why Apple has a YT channel if they hate Google

  20. Meh.. I’m still using my Nokia.

    • mF
    • December 26, 2022

    I also hate gOogle

  21. apple sucks it feels constricted like I'm on a child device custormer service is terrible too 👎👎

    • Suiz
    • December 26, 2022

    I don't know why apple hates google but i hate google too

  22. apple + google = appgle

  23. One thing don't like about apple products is its lack of additional storage capabilites.

  24. I hate google too

    • Brian
    • December 26, 2022

    I'm staying away from Google services.

  25. They are not enemies. If someone paid me $12.5 billion to $15 billion That's how much Google pays Apple each year to have their default. I would consider Apple and Google More like best buds. I know Apple has to hate getting $12.5 billion They're like why Google Why

  26. Lol, Apple point and click GUI was a rip off of Xerox GUI. Apple never came up with anything original worth talking about. It was however great at taking other’s ideas and making them slick and easy to use.

  27. Didn't Jobs borrow from PARC?

  28. Why Apple hates Google…

    Apple makes iPhone. Then Google makes Android.
    Apple makes Safari. Then Google makes Chrome.
    Macs were popular in education. Then Google makes Chromebooks.

    I would hate Google too if I were Apple, haha.

    • Aman
    • December 26, 2022

    I love pixels

  29. Total rip off

  30. Of course Android is a rip off of iOS. We all know that android originally was to look like the BlackBerry OS. And of course when the iPhone /iOS was released Android engineers went to redesign it's OS to look and behave more like iOS. Samsung ripped off on the iPhone too and made tons of money bec of their copied look alike. Even to this day companies still copy what Apple does even when thet weren't first, lol.

  31. Android is 100% a ripoff of the iPhone. Google is up there with Facebook when comes to being an evil company.

  32. Apple makes money by building an app architecture that gets you to buy an iPhone. Google makes money by giving you free apps and services so they can spy on you and sell the product of their spying to others. Two completely different business models. Google is by far the more evil.

  33. Because all monopolies hate other monopolies

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