
Amazing Products TV Print Your Favorite Cocktail With a Machine Called Cana One

Awesome Tips Print Your Favorite Cocktail With a Machine Called Cana One

You provide the water, it provides the flavors, sugar, carbonation and alcohol. The result should be a tasty drink without the environmental damage of shipping water and plastic containers around the world.

0:00 Intro
1:17 Look Inside the Cana One
2:07 The Dirty Little Secret
3:28 Testing Out the Cana One
4:37 A Million Different Drinks
5:37 Environmental Impact
6:10 Pricing
7:28 Conclusion

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  1. does this serve brawndo?

  2. Well done Friedberg!

    • Funky
    • December 26, 2022

    yeah theres no way this actually works.

  3. I highly doubt you can completely empty those "cartridges" or even can enjoy everything. Even more so… you talk like "everyone" doesn't like it to buy a certain brand.

    No. I enjoy drinking a coke. And only a coke. I don't like Pepsi. I don't drink other cokes. If i don't get a coke, i drink regular water. Or a juice.

    Guess what. Water comes out of my tap. I can get it at any point. I don't need a probably overpriced printer that promises a solution to a problem that isn't as severe when people learn to recycle properly. More so it creates it's very own problems.
    Expensive. Who repairs it? What is the price of a cartridge? What happens with leftovers? How are those things produced? Is it safe to consume? Is it even healthy? How many jobs would it replace? How many jobs will it destroy?
    And worst of all. This whole thing comes at me like a "NFT" like thing. Trying to make money out of anything you can.

    if i get a chance to try it without having to cut out my ribs and what not, i may give it a shot just to get that "novelty" out of my head. But obviously unless the few things i really enjoy drinking are possible to be 100% recreated with it, i don't need it.

    • bersi
    • December 26, 2022

    The audacity to charge me 29 cents for carbonated water which i produced with my tap water (which i already paid for) and my co2 cartridge (which i already paid for). You can talk all you want about being environmental friendly, this thing is a straight up scam.

    • edbvf
    • December 26, 2022

    juicero 2.0?

  4. Mmh I still want my Coca Cola lol

  5. Transportation, distribution and bottling of drinks is a multi billion dollar industry. If this were real, the number of players that would try to prevent Canna One from happening are too many, to even think about. I keep thinking about the cold pressed juice machine failure, that was called Juicero.

  6. CNET’s credibility is called into question here. This is an obvious scam, any reputable chemist would laugh at the very notion.

  7. Just have many queries
    If we see many drinks have there some benefits like with red wine and coffee.
    Does this replicate it or just the one that just tastes the same?
    Most soft drinks already have their own formula that can easily be packaged and with co2 and sugar available it's much easier to make than most think so can Pepsi and coco-cola just neatly package them and make a better machine.

  8. This is poor solution. They should allow users complete control over their device, whereby we would supply cartridges and "print" (and I use that term very loosely) for free. I want to be able to download drinks for free. If they absolutely must keep their marketplace, though, paid drinks could be kept around as an alternative method.

  9. Okay so it's slightly better for the environment… maybe. Yes, they'd be preventing some shipments of water to stores, but they'd also be adding tons of direct-to-consumer alcohol shipments that would've been handled in bulk and grocery stores beforehand. Doesn't that burn more fuel?

  10. I’d buy this if I can get 2 liters of soda for the same price or cheaper than a quick drive to the local Walmart.

    • xguy9
    • December 26, 2022

    I'm getting this, but maybe they should do a subscription program for all drinks that are not alcoholic. Maybe $20 a month for unlimited drinks, and charge only for the alcoholic drinks.

  11. I want mango juice, snapples, cola Perrier, lemon tea and chocolate milk

  12. The cost per drink is a nogo for me. That tells me they are ripping off the consumer.

  13. Such a cool idea, and one step closer to food replicators, but I will never buy this machine while it has the dystopian 'everything is a service' type pricing model attached to it, in this case with the free cartridges and per drink costs. It's sad that this cultural seed has taken such deep root in our society, as it seems to disenfranchise the end user. I'm expected to pay a monthly bill for my drink machine that I am supposed to own? Just let people buy the cartridges and open source the recipe creation process. People will make so many amazing things for free. The modern tech world today is, ironically, built off of freely shared software that anyone can read and modify.

  14. Cana is like where Jesus turned water into wine, right?

  15. I like the concept but did he really just showed me a picture on the wall?

  16. The per drink pricing for something you have in your home is going to make the product fail.

  17. Nope not sold on it. I think artificial flavored drinks are gross and that’s all it will be able to do. I’m not going to make a “coffee like” drink.

  18. make it cheaper this is crazy

  19. You still have to pay the water and the electricity..

    • DAN
    • December 26, 2022

    Was super interested until the initial cost and price per drink were announced. I'll stick to what we have right now till it's way cheaper to own and use on of these things.

  20. Why would I pay for those drinks!? I own the machine and have the cartridges etc. And everything I need for that machine which again I fully own to make the drinks so why do I have to pay per drink!? That's just ridiculous it should be a monthly/annual subscription and then I can make all the drinks I want and then pay for the cartridges at a fixed price so they're making revenue off the cartridges, machines/accessories/flavors, and subscriptions

    How would this solve the issue of bottles when this is going to make me want to just flat out buy a bottle of whatever instead? For example a 2L of coke cost $2 So in order for them to really make it worth me buying it would have to end up coming out to roughly 0.80¢ for that machine to print me 2L of science coke

    which again you need to think about the fact that you're literally doing all the work all they do is make the machine and supply the accessories/flavors but you're the one actually using electricity and counter space as well as your own water which you still pay for when you run any faucet to collect plus the water you need to use to wash the containers you use as well as the containers the machine uses to hold your water and alcohol etc. And I'm also sure the machine requires cleaning of the nozzles and what not because you don't want a little bit of coffee to get mixed in with your orange juice so there's a lot of hidden costs you're not seeing in order to have this machine

    So unless that's going to give me 2L of science coke for 0.80¢ and keep it similarly priced for all other beverages then that machine isn't worth it

  21. This is making the idea of the Star Trek Replicator one step closer to reality, and I'm here for it!

  22. So….a fancy sodastream?

  23. Soda Stream with DRM

  24. Just pre-ordered mine! Can’t wait to get it😁

    • Dingo
    • December 26, 2022

    I get the feeling consumers will be throwing away quite of bit of the flavor cartridge, since they won't realistically drink every drink

  25. I can see it goes into smellevision and teletaste test arena. It is cool. 👍

  26. Cyan is low can't print black text

  27. basically a sodastream where each glass is locked behind a paywall i don't see this being good at all unless you have so much money that it doesn't matter but at that point you can stock up on the drinks you like either way or have someone deliver them even having a sodafountain and have syrup delivered, this is an insanely bad idea, what would be better is paying like $10 per month to have unlimited drinks then yeah it would be worth it, but right now it's like a sodastream minus the mixing and buying syrup but also a cost per glass 3 glasses of a drink and you're up to what 3 dollars? and thats for one day you can buy a case of coke that lasts two weeks for 10 dollars or sodastream syrup around 5, no i don't see this as being viable for anyone really, it's like netflix but you get a harddrive sent to you each month and pay for the movies and shows that is on it, if this thing mixes what you already have then it's basically like the juicero reimagined, just rip open the container and manually mix yourself for free, or hack the machine

    a propriatary sodastream

  28. sooo like sodastream that you pay per glass, that is even more expensive than buying drinks yourself that is like a drm for drinks

  29. I'd rather get 24 can of coke for $8 than having to buy a $500 machine and then buy cartridges for the drinks.

  30. Nice

  31. Tea, Earl Grey, hot.

  32. Could be a better idea to pay a subscription fee like for Spotify. Where the most popular brands are paid by the company

  33. Yup I want one. So futuristic and if it’s able to make any drink in one device that’s really mind blowing. The times we live in 🤯

    • Max X
    • December 26, 2022

    Mmmmm no i will go with simple water. Who’s the target market?🤔

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