
Amazing Products Scientific Tuesdays – Pneumatic Projectile Launcher

Awesome Tips Scientific Tuesdays – Pneumatic Projectile Launcher

Watch as we take some commonly available items from a tire store, a hardware store, and maybe even your garage… and turn it into a device that will launch vegetables of all kinds. We used potatoes and we kept them up longer than the best NFL kicker.

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  1. Rest in peace Dylan :''(

  2. That was clearly not 50 and 80 yards, lol

  3. Me: I dunno this seems kind of boring
    Him: today I'm going to show you how to celebrate New Years how nature intended… by shooting a potato out of a cannon
    Me: pays fullest attention to screen tell me more

  4. You didn't prime both pieces going together. You should of done that.

    • M
    • December 27, 2022

    What is the diameter of the pvc pipes please reply

  5. If you use a solenoid valve (about $10 and your hardware shop [irrigation]) over a ball valve you get instant release. push button fire.

  6. OK  discovered your channel yesterday about 3 pm PST,been watching ever since , is no sleep a bad thing? Seriously I'm hooked, and plan to do many of the hacks you show for my own entertainment and building up my cool factor with my great grand children! Thanks!!! Stu

    • Pylon
    • December 27, 2022

    Like father, Like son

  7. How do you keep the air inside and keep the air pressure constant after pumping it?
    (Please answer me. Thank you.) 😀

  8. what the fucking hell


  10. Cool

  11. XD that mortar shot was so awesome!!!

  12. I wanna learn how to take out my foes with potatoes not shoot the wildlife! 

  13. Nc.. I'll try this1.

  14. What the hell? Every ball valve that I own never turns as fast as that.

  15. I made this same exact one and it launched a potato over to house and some woods with 100 psi

  16. Imagine aiming that at a mans groin

  17. Girl: am I pretty?
    Boy: no
    Girl: do you even want to be with me forever?
    Boy: no
    Girl: do you even like me?
    Boy: no
    Girl: would you cry if I walked away
    Boy: no
    She'd heard enough and was hurt… She walked away with tears in her eyes
    The boy grabbed her arm
    Boy: you're not pretty…… You're beautiful
    Boy: i don't want to be with you forever….. I need to be with you forever
    Boy: i don't like you…… I love you
    Boy: i wouldn't cry if you walked away…… I die if you walked away
    Boy whispered: please stay with me
    Girl: i will
    *tonight at midnight your true love will realize he/she loves you
    *something good will happen to you at 1-4pm
    *tomorrow it could happen anywhere!
    *get ready for the shock of your life!
    *if you don't repost this to 5other comments…… You will have badluck in relationships for the next 10years

  18. Yah me to

  19. I use a barbecue igniter and aqua net hairspray

  20. Good but my patato launcher goes about 2,000 ft+

  21. Good work!

  22. Now when people go fishing they'll catch potatoes

  23. Put an impact grenade and aim at your enemy's house.

  24. I powered one with dry ice and warm water not to mention it couples as a one shot water canon

  25. I love how you make experiments that can actually be done in sweden

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