
Amazing Products Quick & Simple April Fools Pranks

Awesome Tips Quick & Simple April Fools Pranks

Take your pranking on April Fools’ to the next level. Let’s get sneaky & clever and really mess with our friends and family this April 1st.
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Here are the pranks we will be doing today:

1. Let’s start with Donuts! Get yourself a box of glazed donuts and spread them out on some paper. Take a damp paper towel and get the tops wet enough to be sticky. After that, grab some basic flour and sprinkle it all over the tops of the donuts. They will look like delicious powdered donuts not all you have to do is offer one to a friend and let the dust fly.

2. Do you know someone who likes washing their hands… geez I hope so… Grab their bar of soap and cut out a block in the bottom of it. Make sure you keep the soap shavings on the side. Now grab some kool aid or any colorful drink powder and dump it in the gap. Carefully mold the soap shavings over the hole and form a good seal around the powder. Once it’s solid, put it under the water and rub the soap until you get the surface nice and smooth like it was in the beginning. After a few hand washes, the thin layer will burst giving way to bloody murder.

3. Grab a roommate’s shampoo bottle and get some syran wrap. Open up the cap and secure a small layer over the opening. Seal it back up and wait. Next time they go to use their shampoo, nothing will come out even though the bottle might feel full.

4. Alright… It’s chowder time. Some people love canned fruit. Snatch a can of theirs and flip it over to open it from the bottom. Then empty out the contents into a bowl to eat later. Now get another can of something they hate… in this case… clam chowder. Empty it into the fruit can and then bust out a bit of super glue. Put a seal around the the lid and secure it back into place. When your victim goes into get their delicious peaches, they’re going to find that they are CHOWDA this world.

5. Here’s a fun but harmless prank to pull on your friends who often leave their phone laying around. Next time they go away for a bit and leave their phone near you, get your hands on some rubber bands… might want to plan ahead and have them on you. Now wrap their phone over and over and over until the entire thing is encapsulated by a rubber band force field. Next sneak off and call their phone. Now stay hidden and smirk with wicked satisfaction as they attempt to answer it.

6. Time to get MAYO-RIFFIC! Get a hold of a friend’s hand lotion and empty it out completely into another container. Once empty, grab a bottle of mayonnaise and carefully squirt or load it into the empty lotion bottle. It doesn’t need to be filled all the way but get enough in there to prevent suspicion. When they go to use the lotion for WHATEVER reason. They get to celebrate Cinco de MAYO instead.

7. Now what to do with that empty bottle of mayo… Hmmm… In my case, I got served with a dose of revenge. Grab the empty bottle and fill it up with vanilla pudding. Spooning it in shouldn’t be a problem, just take your time. Once full, close it off and wait for your victim to make a sandwich. After just one bite they will quickly realize something just isn’t right… ugh this was nasty…

8. And finally, nothing is more juvenile and fun than the appearance of errant feces. Find a pair of white underwear no one needs anymore. Place it down on a counter and get yourself some chocolate syrup or pudding. Pop it open and spread it all over the garment… Rub it all together and take a look at your masterful creation…. Mmmmmm NOW THAT’S POOPY! Take it into the bathroom and drop it on or around the toilet. The next person to walk in might think twice. This is also a great way to secure the bathroom all for yourself.

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  1. VvvcOnly 800 something comments in five years

  2. Do you know someone that likes washing their hands?

    2020 intensifies

    • Melon
    • December 27, 2022

    I’m doing these but it’s not April 1

  3. Yes, I know many people who like washing their hands.

  4. I know everyone likes toe washe there hands

  5. I'd still enjoy the doughnut with flour

  6. I have a teacher prank me by removing the oreo filling and replace it with tooth paste

  7. who the heck places their phone on the edge of a fire pit while they step away for a moment or two?

  8. Fuckyou

  9. Who else came for tmrw

  10. I'd love to have a wee bit of crack on me at the mo

  11. April Fools day, here I come 😈 family, friends, BEWARE

  12. LOL.. I was expecting most of these to be stupid they all but one were pretty good. lol I want to try the underwear one when I drink at a friends out and spend the night. I'll leave them a surprise before I leave.

  13. Better than troom troom.

  14. Really dude I like clam chowder well kinda

  15. Get a bar of soap but some clear nail polish and than the soap won’t wash you it works apparently

  16. If someone did that to my donut…….

    ill whoop them so hard…

  17. yaaasss

  18. Do you know somebody who likes to wash their hands

  19. Or … place an order for pizza (or whatever), and tell them your friend Michael Hunt will be picking it up. Then send a friend to pick it up, giving him a slip of paper with the name, "Mike Hunt." Unless he's seen the movie Porky's, he shouldn't suspect that when he says "Mike Hunt" that it will sound like he said, "My *unt."

  20. Mix extra-crunchy peanut butter with chocolate syrup, then smear the mixture inside a clean diaper. Add a TINY bit of corn to increase the gross factor.

  21. I think the fastest way to prank some one is wait until they or him/her sleep and start to scream "I burnt the bed with a lighter help!"

  22. Not the donuts 😂

  23. Calm down satan

  24. Hide peanuts in a person that is allergic to peanuts sandwich! Its just a fun harmless prank that totally will never ever harm anyone!

    Disclaimer please don't do this please

  25. Lol “SOME people love canned fruit”

    • H
    • December 27, 2022

    Do you know someone who likes washing their hands?
    No I don’t

  26. “Do you know someone who likes washing hands?” 😂

  27. whos the other guy he looks familiar

  28. I like the lotion one

  29. I'm probably going to try the shampoo prank.

  30. He said the F word 1:39

  31. jesus christ the mayo one is horrible, I'd never like to jerk off with mayo

  32. the mayonese in the bottle prank will be much better if we switch mayonese with lotion….what a fun would it be!!!

    • pee
    • December 27, 2022

    2:53 will this work in school

  33. "Do you know who likes washing their hands?"
    A person who doesn't like germs.

  34. 2:18 I would actually enjoy that prank

    • GG
    • December 27, 2022

    The best part about putting flour on donuts is watching your friends die from E.coli! 😀

  35. I would still eat the sandwich

  36. 2:24 "when they go to use the lotion for what ever reason."

  37. I like to swap the sugar jar with the cocaine jar! I also love to swap the weed with oregano.

  38. Love the cell phone one.

  39. Pearl is on her way to celebrate cinco de mayo with her lotion.

  40. I got an easy one. Get those little poppers you get for like…500 for a buck. Put two of them on the bottom of the toilet seat where the dimples are. Place them lightly under, so the next time someone sits on it, they pop…

    Same can be achieved using mustard packets!

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