
Amazing Products 7 Awesome Soda Life Hacks You Should Know

Awesome Tips 7 Awesome Soda Life Hacks You Should Know

Welcome to quick and simple Life hacks, SODA EDITION. We’ve got 7 great tricks that WON’T clog your arteries! So let’s crack those cans and get moving.
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Remove gum
Gum can be a huge pain to remove. Especially if it has been squashed down into concrete or any other surface. SODA TO THE RESCUE! Pour a healthy dose of pop all over the caked on gum. Let it sit and simmer for a few minutes so it can work it’s magic. Now simple pry off the gunk and scrap off any remaining particulate.

Fresh Flowers
Fresh flowers can really liven up your house or patio… The problem is, water alone won’t sustain them for long. They need soda… it’s the stuff that flowers crave! (mostly sugar). Pull the flowers and dump the water. Now mix 1 part water with 1 part soda… the clearer the better. Pour it in the vase and your flowers will stay fresh and alive even longer.

Car Gunk Remover
Got a nasty spot on your car that you can’t seem to remove? Enter the magic of soda… Pour a liberal dose on to the offending area and scrub away all your frustration in one fell swoop. Just let it sit for a minute or two and then rub it all away with a paper towel. Be sure to pour some water over it after so it isn’t sticky!

Wasp Trap
Pesky insects like bees and wasps can ruin your outdoors fun. Grab an empty plastic bottle of soda, and cut off the upper portion with a fine blade. Be extremely careful here and don’t cut yourself! once done, fill the base with a little soda and flip the top portion over. Just place the contraption away from where you will be sitting and the soda will attract the critters and once they go into the hole there is no coming back. Problem solved!

Did you soda go flat? Don’t throw it out just yet, we can still get some use out of it. Let’s make Soda ice! Take your flat soda and fill up your ice cube tray. Toss it in the freezer for a few hours and next time you go for a delicious beverage, drop in the soda ice. This will stop your drink from getting watered down but still keep things nice and cool with all the flavor.

Can Lantern
Now what if the power went out and all you have are some tiny candles for light. You can use the reflective aluminum of a soda can to help you through the darkness. Simply cut several slits in the side of a can. Again be very careful here! Once you are done, lowly pop out the side and press down on the can. Place a candle inside and light it up. You just MacGyver’ed yourself a lantern.

Clean Your Toilet
Need to clean your toilet but don’t want to get your hands dirty? Ahhhh! MOTHER OF ALL THAT’S HOLY! … Whew.. ok.. grab a can of soda and pour it all around the bowl. Cover everything that looks suspect and close the lid. Now wait 1 hour, light a candle and maybe even whisper a prayer to your deity… the soda’s citric acid is gonna go to work for you.

If you wait long enough you should come back to a fairly pristine looking bowl. It’s just like magic! Or SODA SCIENCE.


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  1. Soda and a wire brush are excellent for cleaning car battery terminals.

  2. Love this creative guy.

  3. Is this fake ?

  4. Rip

  5. That looks very…. S u s p e c t

  6. These are cool soda hacks

    • Kenny
    • December 28, 2022

    “Aww, mother of all that’s holy”
    Great panic sentence.

  7. I heard about the soda cleaning a toilet trick. I wonder if it works. I've always wanted to try it but never have. But with all the other stuff it can do how are we not dead when we drink it lol.

  8. 50 billion times better than 5 minutes crafts

  9. That shit ain´t real.

  10. Say a prayer to your deity 😂😂

  11. 🐝 0:57 oh it correct

  12. 2:002:17 🙂

  13. 1:57 wtf

  14. 1:572:00 holy $*&!

  15. “Light a candle and pray to your dieters” lol

  16. I've gotten to the point when I'm unsure on when he's serious and when he isn't😂😂😂

  17. Never mind, PLEASE pray to your deity.

  18. The bug trap is a good one. When I was in scouts at summer camp, we'd use that one with 20 oz bottles. You don't even need that much soda left in it. We'd drink it and the residue would be enough.

  19. What kinda shits you having

  20. Mother of all thats holy lmao


  22. “Pesky insects like bees and wasps can ruin your outdoor fun”

    What did you expect when you clean everything with soda

  23. wtf happenned to that toilet

  24. Carbonated water works for all the cleaning ones, without the stickiness

  25. If you can’t see how are you gonna make the soda candle

  26. Ive got a cool one: drink the soda abd burb loudly. It should scare unwanted visitors.

  27. 1:58 You need to see your doctor!!!!

  28. Gross

    • Nylon
    • December 28, 2022

    :'( wasted soda

    • Alpha
    • December 28, 2022

    I like flat soda

  29. This came on my recommended after I drank coke

  30. I ligitemitly cried at the last hack

  31. What a waste

    • M S
    • December 28, 2022

    HI ✅

  32. In the last one…..you just edited it out the part where you flushed the toilet…..and the soda did not do ANYTHING

  33. Soda actually doesn't have citric acid in it, or at least not a lot (unless it's citrus-flavored). He probably means carbonic acid, which is what makes the soda fizzy. That same substance is also what creates limestone caves.

  34. So….
    Soda is just said with sugar….

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