
Amazing Products TV How we test so much hardware – MarkBench Automated Benchmarking Tool

Awesome Tips How we test so much hardware – MarkBench Automated Benchmarking Tool

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MarkBench Development and Feature Request:

Benchmarking takes a lot of time. Time that we don’t have. And with our renewed focus on bringing more and better data to our reviews, if we want to create a quality video in time for release, something has got to give. So we automated it. Meet MarkBench! The benchmarking software that our lab is developing for use for our reviews and future Labs content. This exact software was used in our Nvidia RTX 4090 review AND AMD Ryzen 7000 series reviews. Take a look!

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Intro: Laszlo – Supernova
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iTunes Download Link:
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Outro: Approaching Nirvana – Sugar High
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Intro animation by MBarek Abdelwassaa
Monitor And Keyboard by vadimmihalkevich / CC BY 4.0
Mechanical RGB Keyboard by BigBrotherECE / CC BY 4.0
Mouse Gamer free Model By Oscar Creativo / CC BY 4.0

0:00 Intro
1:13 The Why
2:31 What Is MarkBench?
3:44 Why not use pre-made benchmarks?
5:20 What It Is pt.2
5:46 Our Current Process
6:31 How MarkBench Helps
7:45 Press Problems
10:40 Plans for the Future
12:22 Outro

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  1. I really hope they stay true and continue to grow to become a multi-billion dollar company.

  2. With a big database of games this will also be interesting in the 'reverse' on game studios since poor game perfromance could now not be linked to bad hardware anymore. This might motivate game developers to optimize the games more.

  3. There should be a device that you can mount like 10 gpus and it uses the same test parallel for each gpu allowing simultaneous becnhmarking

  4. this is why LTT is the absolute best tech channel. no bullshit at all, everything is laid out plain and clear for the viewer

  5. That Linus selfie Windows 10 wallpaper slays me everytime.

  6. We (Grafana Labs) have a few engineers in the Vancouver area, would love to meet up with you all and share tips/tricks + learn more about how you're using Grafana and any metrics/logging tools.

  7. More labs content pls

  8. Just want to thank LTT and friends for advocating for the consumer. Good job doing what you do.

  9. but didn't Hardware Unboxed get "banned" for not covering RTX? I still don't get why people call it crap and don't give it tthe attention it deserves lol I have an OG RTX 2060, and RTX makes a huge difference

  10. Nice

  11. Sounds like the Phoronix Test Suite, but for Windows.

  12. The way he reacted on 07:10 it reminded me of old commercial advertisments 😁

  13. free and open source ??

  14. The magnitude of how much the timing is more important than the quality and the depth of a review made me sad.

  15. Linus and LTT can go FCVK themselves.
    building their whole thing on OPEN SOURCE free software, and then being a bitch and not doing the same with their stupid MarkBench Automation thing.
    It just shows Linus is extremely pathetic.

  16. ah yes lets store everything in excel…

    • 7ECNO
    • December 28, 2022

    Call it MarkPlayer¡

    • eMDe
    • December 28, 2022


  17. That's such a cool project! Idk if it would be of much value but you could also implement some sort of presets feature that automatically tests different suites of games based on what kind of load you want to stress, either CPU, GPU or both. Idk if it already does that but you could also add an option to specify the graphics preset you want to test on each game so that you can change which kind of graphics settings each game runs at depending on the hardware you're testing. Cool project though, very exciting

  18. "…and stores it in a database…"

    * shows excel file on screen *


  19. When you say freely available, will it be open source? I've said before and I'll say again: happy to contribute to OSS projects managed by labs.

  20. Thanks for your efforts and ethics, everyone at LTT.

  21. How are you going to fund all of this? Are the results going to be behind paywall?

  22. GPU swapping arm alternative: Using virtualization with GPU/PCIe Pass-Through. 😉

    If using a resource friendly system such as Linux, there shouldn't be much difference in CPU performance since source is executed directly.
    With PCI passthrough / IOMMU, the same is true with the GPU or whatever else you install into a PCI slot.
    You could install two or even three PCIe devices in your motherboard, PCIe lanes willing, and auto-switch between them by script for each test run.

    This would allow:
    1. Running different virtual system-drives per VM, avoiding the need to reinstall and switch in between drivers.
    2. You could still use shared resources for testing, by mounting a secondary drive all VMs share.
    3. You could test the effect of different core numbers by adjusting them for each run.
    4. You could test the effect of CPU performance by throttling it for each run.
    5. This should also allow multi-system runs, such as Win 10, 11, 11-2 and perhaps a Linux for good measure.

    This should allow you to greatly reduce the time for testing and increase the quality of your tests at the same time, since #3 and #4 allow bottleneck testing. 😎

    All you need is a setup run for each VM prior to the test themselves to get your hardware working and your drivers up to date, and you are good to go.
    If you connect your integrated graphics to a display, and your testing hardware to one with multiple autoswitching inputs, you could also see the progress and state of things at the same time.
    Plug recording hardware in between, and you even have video material that only needs cutting. 🤓

    You may want to block internet services prior to testing though less the VM systems try running updates in the background. 😅

  23. The way he talks about Apple just shows how bad their company policies, their treatment and therefore their products are, if you have to basically twist the arms of everyone to make them talk well about your products, maybe theyre just trash with a lot of people acting like its art

  24. 3d Blender
    amd ryzen 5 3600 vs amd ryzen 5 2400

    But I get confused and doubt that both amd 5 3600 and amd 5 2400

    Graphics Card

    Gtx980 it vs Gigabyte GTX 1650

    But I get confused and doubt that both Gtx980it and Gigabyte GTX 1650

    I want to blender quality amd and GPU benchmarks.

  25. When can we expect that mining gpu video?

  26. i think this labs idea is great tbh, like written articles etc and data kinda stuff sounds good

  27. does this have linux support?
    if not, than that would be my feature request 😉

  28. that original title was scary compared to the current

  29. That mining gpu test better be up
    The rx580 is going for 80$

  30. Awesome video and initiative!

  31. Gosh, that GPU hotswap at 3:45 made me sh*t il my pants

    • 3REKD
    • December 28, 2022

    Mark bench is a funny very name

  32. I’m curious as to how it deals with outliers/errors such as game crashing. how much processing power it takes itself seems to need a consideration as that can affect your benchmark results.

  33. The transparency LTT is striving for is the single reason why I'm subscribed to this channel. Huge kudos to you guys!

  34. Your channel reminds me of walking into FRY'S (RIP) thank you, love it here.

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