
Amazing Products TV Where's Apple's Foldable iPhone?

Awesome Tips Where's Apple's Foldable iPhone?

The Galaxy Z Flip 4 and Z Fold 4 were announced at Samsung’s Unpacked event. But where’s Apple’s foldable iPhone? With its …

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  1. No more than 1300, more than that, I’ll just get an iPhone 13 and an iPad mini!

  2. apple having a foldable will be a major issue for apple. which os will it run, ios or ipad os, will it have split screen, pop out apps etc.. also will draw sales away from Ipad. for these reasons i dont see apple releasing a foldable any time soon, but it may be too late by then…

    • JSR
    • December 30, 2022

    i need iphone Flip yesterday!!!

  3. apple is good because pictures are good in the dark

  4. Guys, you do know there is already a foldable iPhone? It’s the iPhone 6!

  5. It would be great if apple will have a foldable phone soon.
    I’m an iPhone user and I’m strongly considering switching back to android to get my hands on something else than a candy bar phone.

  6. Yes I’d definitely give it a chance. 😉

  7. I hope they start selling foldable phones otherwise I will have to switch to Samsung I really want a foldable phone.

    They are falling apart and Samsung is charging you to fix them. They are not taking responsibility for known manufacturing defects. You have been warned!
    You have made a big mistake not taking responsibility and shafting me.

  9. Apple is very focused on design and won’t be making something with a giant, ugly canal running down the middle that collects oil and dirt over time. The folds and flips only get uglier as time goes on.

  10. Little did apple users know that smasung parts make up their phones lol

  11. Samsung mobile s copy

  12. 科技美学做出来了

  13. Why? Simply because this tech is not for future at all. Samsung knows that, they simply making it to create hype towards the brand. Chinese brands copying samsung simply to kill the hype that samsung had made.
    Apple wont waste money to create such hype. Because, apple's position makes each of its anouncements hype for the world itself.

    • S D
    • December 30, 2022

    Extremely reviews LG have up with new innovation

  14. Apple has become boring repetitive upgrade every year for the same thing ..

  15. I’d be pretty excited for an iPhone Fold instead of a Flip. Just hope they do it once there aren’t issues to worry about

  16. Nowhere, because it’s a bad idea. I’m not interested in an over-complicated plastic screen which is prone to failure and expensive to fix.

    Maybe future tech will make this idea more practical, allowing larger screens without the list of drawbacks, but all versions that I’ve seen appear to be a poorly-implemented solution to a non-existent problem.

    • Aidan
    • December 30, 2022

    Apple is literally always last in everything lmao

  17. ⚡️It’s gonna be an all-screen foldable iPhone.

  18. I don’t get the clamshell style foldables. That seems more like a gimmick to me. Candy bars are already plenty pocketable. Doubling the depth to halve the height doesn’t change that.

  19. I think a z fold style iPhone / iPad crossover is exactly the product I’d want. iPad screen and pencil support, iPhone versatility and portability.

  20. I would buy a foldable iphone in a heartbeat. Its all about the size of what I have to carry around with me. And no more butt dials!

  21. Apple already had a foldable phone, unintentionally.

  22. Yes I will buy for portability. As far as it’s battery life is great, I will pay same as a pro

  23. What i think Apple could do to have a good start on the flip/fold phones area is making an iPhone mini that unfolds into 3 screens to the size of an iPad mini. Like a Z or a triptych pamphlet.

  24. Definitely going to wait for an iPhone foldable. I would definitely buy one.

  25. Forced lisp doesn't bump up your nerd credibility. Makes you look like a corporate hack

  26. I heard a rumor that apple already has 2 working prototypes a Flip version and a Fold

    • A. B
    • December 30, 2022

    Without Samsung Apple is nothing sad but true

  27. They better come up with it soon. I have been waiting to upgrade iPhone X Max for a while now but can’t justify the tech upgrades to do it yet. I might have to upgrade to another brand soon.

  28. I will not buy an iphone… whether it folds in half or break in half

  29. As history shows, apple will release a folding phone when they are happy with the product. when it does release, it will probably have little to no crease and will be very polished/refined even with the first generation. For example, samsung flips and folds had many many problems with the screen, with even the z flip 3 showing wear on the screen after only 1 year.

  30. is that Tweeten in the bottom left hand corner? thanks.

  31. Rollable phones are already a thing they aren't new…

  32. Where is apples foldable iphone? cancelled!

  33. Apple’s already had a folding phone. It’s called the iPhone 6.

  34. I would need a durable inner screen a plastic one wont convince me to buy

  35. Foldable phones have got to be one of the dumbest trends in technology rn

  36. I really like the tablet folding phone because the main reason I don’t have a tablet is because it’s too big to carry around. But if I had the iPhone foldable tablet option I would use that alll the time

  37. maybe in a couple of years when they 'invent' it..maybe they'll call it 'dynamic shape' 🤣

  38. I need a bigger screen, and I have to stay with Apple's ecosystem so I'd pay up to $2500 for an iPad like size iPhone.

  39. One thing that I love about apple is notice how they seem behind a little bit on the huge changes but they wait until they have it really good long before they release it say for instance the notes battery issue with some phones that stuff don’t be happening with iPhones because they wait and spend lots of time perfecting things before they release them

  40. 2023 is apple year!

    • steve
    • December 30, 2022

    I feel like I upgraded my phone every 3-4 years now. As I get older, it’s starting to be just a phone and Internet browser. No games or random apps anymore. I liked when a Phone was just a phone.

  41. Patrick❤️

    • qqd A
    • December 30, 2022

    Apple dont have factory
    Anyway only samsumg can make folderble screen with chip money

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