


Check it out! Only 3 levels but its so epic you have to play. I LOVED IT!

Can’t get the game to start? You have to push the enter key by the NUMPAD. Don’t ask me why, it’s stupid.

Music by Pascal and Pearce .
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  1. Uhhhh

  2. im watching your 2016channel not2 10

  3. holy god you used to play thi s junk

  4. looks awesome!! 😀 I would so buy this over sonic boom!

    • EK EP
    • December 30, 2022

    Who cares mate, you're making a huge deal out of one small thing this guy has said when the real point is that someone has recreated a better looking Sonic the Hedgehog game from their own individual skill/time and not a company who gets paid. What's lame is finding a tiny issue and making it a big deal like it matters. Also, im pretty sure NO ONE at SEGA is insulted by this video, only you.

  5. Shut the fuck up bitch.

  6. Also it's funny how you steal from sega to make a game then insult the,!?! really?! I hope this game gets shut down and you look and sound like a total idiot dude. You must be a follower that thinks he is cool. Your not. just another idiot who thinks he is cool cause he plays retro

  7. Wow how lame your actually braging that it's not made by sega?! I love how cool it's become to make fun of the company that you grew up loving now that they have gone though a hard time all i here is shit.

    I got news for you sonic generations is wayyyy better then this shit. lol this is a laughable game at best. I enjoyed the level and graphics but the level design sucked. I may have liked it more had the person not insulted sega before showing it.

  8. F**KING NO

  9. its sonci 2 remade, and forget paying them, they might sue them

  10. The link on the download page is BROKEN!!!
    Thumbs up so he can see.

  11. just because it's your opinion DOESN'T MAKE IT TRUE! Gosh i can't believe i have to teach this to somebody, YOU have to learn that not everything you say is so!

  12. What can I say, many 13 year olds on the prowl I guess. Also, argumentum ad populum; just because my opinion isn't a popular one among the Sonic kiddies doesn't make it any less true.

    • mep
    • December 30, 2022

    i press every button and still cant start it.

  13. The don't. Onl one o two do and those onl happen if u cause them to happen on pupose. I apologise fo the tipos. Me keboad is messed up.

  14. unless it breaks the game.

  15. wow thats funny, but with a little more work and more team memebesr this coukd be better than sonic 4

    • mep
    • December 30, 2022

    i cant even play it. it says press start button and theres no start button anywhere

  16. coughcoughsonicepisode4coughcough man i need to get that checked out

  17. Glitches don't ruin a game.

  18. lol. you do realise every comment you've made has been thumbed down and has been censored right? now little one, use your brain and think "have I been stupid?"

  19. I know but still!


  21. can you give us a new link please?, it doesnt work

  22. Honestly, what was the point of that title? The game title would've been enough. Anyway, as fun as they may be, Sonic 4 and sonic fan remix both fal short because all both games do is try to emulate the genesis games, and offer nothing new. You guys won't good 2D sonic games? Play Sonic Nebulous, Eggman Hates furries, and Mecha Madness. All three games are 2D both offer much more then the genesis games did. It isn't the 90's anymore, we(the fans and sega alike) are capable of much more.


  23. This looks like better than sonic 4 episode 1 but I think sega learns with episode 2.

    • Kaze
    • December 30, 2022

    Your wrong stormtrooper this game is beast and every1 watching this video knows it 😀

  24. So most people like the game in the video?

    If I made my Sonic fan character's game you guys would like it, right?

  25. this game is dead and that is sad

  26. Nerd rage is fun.

  27. @keithyhuntington fileplanet has it still

  28. the site says it's not available… i just torrented it. works great!

  29. Sonic Generations.

  30. This thing is so amazing, I would pay 60 dollars for it without even thinking.
    But of course it had to be cancelled. Shit…

  31. What sonic 4 shoulda been

  32. @animebryan It's not as easy as you make it sound. English is one of the most complicating languages that there is and sometimes people struggle speaking or writing it. No need to get your panties wrapped up in a wad.

    Back to the video at hand, I'd like to play this, but too bad MU was shut down. Sucks balls haha

  33. @animebryan "PROYECT" is how Spanish-speaking people refer to it instead of "project." Quit being a grammar-Nazi, you're not funny.

  34. Don't flame each other for the sake of a video game. It's childish, even if you aren't children. At least take the arguement somewhere else. Also, FYI, I'm YOUNGER THAN ALL OF YOU, and yet…
    P.S. Sorry if that last statement seems offensive to you. I'm not here to insult.

  35. @SuperPekka What just because I said thanks? By your logic that means that a simple Good morning, or Hello will mean that someone is sexually attracted to that person. Your logic fails.

  36. It's because of people like him that the Classic games were ruined for me when I first got into Sonic. By definition I realize that the Classic games are great 2D platformers and I can see why people like them. But thanks to people like AKnothole Resident, Mariotehplumber, Ravekidd, and SuperPekka I can't play a Classic Sonic game without thinking about how overexaggerated the problems in the newer games are and how overpraised the Genesis games are which makes me have an unpleasant time.

  37. @SuperPekka He's my friend nothing more. Also I'm 18 about to become 19 and he's 16. He doesn't sound like a little boy to me.

  38. @SuperPekka It's both. He has always been called Dr. Eggman in the original Japanese versions of the games (even the Genesis games) so technically you are calling him the wrong name just because it is what you knew when you were younger. Another sign of fanboyism.

  39. @SuperPekka I have to be sexually attracted to a Sonic character to be a furry and since I'm a straight male who likes Human girls with curvy figures, big breasts, and cute faces then by definition I am not a furry. You aren't a true fan if you criticize everything new just for the simple fact that it is different from what you liked when you were a child. That is just plain fanboyism. A true fan would take each game for what it is and relize that while different the games are still great.

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