
Amazing Products TV Elon Musk's Tesla SEMI Event: Everything Revealed in 9 Minutes

Awesome Tips Elon Musk's Tesla SEMI Event: Everything Revealed in 9 Minutes

At Tesla’s SEMI event, company CEO Elon Musk shows off its all-new EV semi-truck and talks about why it was made. Subscribe …

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  1. Man they haven’t even released the cyber trucks 😂🤣 and they announced that like 6 years ago?

  2. I just recently rode in a telsa car and was so amazed with it's design

  3. That’s 2000 lbs overweight

  4. If a black person talks as staggering as Elon musk talks, he would be considered dumb

  5. The 500miles quoted by Tesla is a completely and utterly useless claim without knowing the weight of the truck & batteries pessary to go that 500miles, which Tesla refuses to tell anyone!

    Max weight of a truck + batteries + payload in US is 82,000lbs. unless you know how much the truck + batteries weigh in order to have batters to take that 82,000lbs 500miles and so how much is left over for payload and if that is a reasonable load to be financially viable we cannot know if this is a viable product! BUT Tesla REFUSES to tell anyone this info.. WHY? This is BASIC information!

    Think about it.. maybe you could get a semi to go 1000miles, but the payload could only be driver and his lunch box, because to go that 1000miles 90% of that 82,000lbs has to be batteries.. why does no "experts" seem to understand this??

    Bottom line is that until Tesla is willing to release the weight of truck and batteries necessary to go 500miles and so amount left over for the LOAD no one can say if this is a viable product or not 🤷🏾‍♂

  6. I dont trust elon he fired people from there job to replace them with robots

  7. They din mention about charging time of those vehicles and range.

  8. I love the sustainability points discussed here. However, Tesla still don't monitor their environmental impact effectively or disclose their data with organisations like the CDP so all I really hear is greenwashing

  9. Next there going to setup logistics for an f1 entry 😂

  10. 7:53 one of the trucks have pepsi logo on. Elon supports pepsi which are rivals of coca cola and have a bit market and starter in India.

  11. All well and good, but these things will litterally blow up in Western Australian heat. Not to mention the pathetic 800km range. Pointless for Australia.

  12. i wonder if drivers will start sleeping during the day so they put the green power right into the trucks

  13. Looks exactly like from Wolverine Logan

  14. This will not replace diesel trucks in your wildest dreams lol

  15. Is it a one person cabin?

  16. Nuclear, geothermal and solar is the way to go. Along with Hydrogen

  17. Yall welcomed theses EV'S but wait to to yall gotta charge them at a truckstop..

    Waiting a hour and a half burning up your 14 hr clocks.

    Especially when all the charging station are full.

    Like I said have fun with your EV

  18. Nope. Would never risk my business buying one of these. They can’t stop recalling the cars, so the expectation is for much of the same or worse with the trucks. Charging stations don’t work half the time, leaving people stranded. These might make good toys, but they won’t be hauling cargo for a long time…

  19. thank god he has someone help him talk after a while elons hiccups stop my train of thoughts until i become disinterested

  20. Piece of junk, Tesla sucks take it from a mechanic

  21. Will it drive itself on the freeway and remain in the lines? The human truckers can't seem to do the latter

  22. I think I want to change jobs and drive a Tesla truck for a living. I don't care about how much less I'll make.

  23. the future is now,Congrats

  24. ok, but using it for themselves first and not releasing it to the public only means that the product isn't ready.

  25. While you were pulling over because your brakes were overheating, i was filling my tank with these regenerative brakes!

    • MS84R
    • December 31, 2022

    Musk is a terrible public speaker

    • CSV
    • December 31, 2022

    it’s going to kill someone instantly because of how heavy electric vehicles are due to the battery pack…

  26. Enron Musk the scam artist Ponzi king

  27. where’s my cybertruck

    • Ali
    • December 31, 2022

    Nobody can beat Optimus Prime

  28. looks idiotic and based on the build quality of their cars this ''semi'' is trash

    how much coal will we use to make electricity to power these ''semi trucks''

    • TimF
    • December 31, 2022

    The shills in the crowd get sooo excited when a new "feature" is announced. LOL. Gimme a break.

  29. I know that Tesla really wants to make trucks energy-efficient and efficient, but I hope not to sacrifice design for aerodynamics, at least there is a dashing touch to the truck's design.

  30. Where are the TESLA COILS for exhaust stacks. Missed opportunity here.

    • DES
    • December 31, 2022

    Still waiting on the CyberTruck. 😂

  31. I love it, but why does it have to be so ugly 😀

  32. Thanks for polluting the earth with your poisonous batteries not to mention the destruction of earth to retrieve your lithium

  33. He developing more information technology, on automobiles, but Tata can give safety for people 👭

  34. Show after show, promise after promise…

  35. Check my page. For info you Didn’t know about the Semi Truck

  36. 00:04. The roof top panel doesn't fit with the one below

  37. Kill people even faster 🙄

    • 100M
    • December 31, 2022

    @7:46 "I am actually a fan of nuclear, which we should support"…. The crowd wasn't sure how to respond.

  38. the worst idea in the world. this will create so much future polution.. the cleanest method of shipping is hydrogen come on wake up world. too many ignorant people in this world

  39. they'll never survive on aussie's desert highways.

    • ricky
    • December 31, 2022

    Still no cyber truck

  40. Can it drive by itself into a tree like the cars do?

  41. No space for rest?

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