
Amazing Products TV Facebook changed its name to Meta. But does that mean you should trust it?

Awesome Tips Facebook changed its name to Meta. But does that mean you should trust it?

Mark Zuckerberg laid out his utopian vision for the Metaverse and announced Facebook (the company, not the app) is changing its name to Meta in order to reflect its new focus. But the company’s tone wasn’t exactly in line with all the lawsuits, scandals and information in the news recently.

Facebook Connect Recap:
Facebook renames itself Meta:
How to read the Facebook Papers:
Meta’s Cambria VR Headset:
Meta’s Project Nazaré:

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#Meta #Facebook #Connect

0:00 – Introduction
1:06 – Bigger company, bigger problems
2:08 – Whistleblower
2:58 – Facebook’s response
3:29 – What is a metaverse?
3:53 – Zuckerberg’s metaverse
4:49 – What Meta means for you
5:27 – Zark Muckerberg
5:51 – Why Meta, why now?
7:39 – Conclusion

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  1. Is META BETA?
    “ rose by any other name still smells as sweet” (or sour)

  2. Keep playing with Mark he will shut all your electronics down, along with your Tesla 😮😢

  3. Screw Facebook. After all, Who needs them? Every one needs to get a life!

  4. Meta is the internet it’s the future of like the internet now reason why Facebook changed to meta is? Isn’t it obvious they want to reach it first before everybody like Neil Armstrong on the moon the space race, streaming wars console wars, meta wants to be first before google, apple, Amazon, Snapchat, byte dance the metaverse race began when mark announce to the world the next step in world economy, trading, and everything so if meta makes it first they Get recognized as the first company to lead into the next level of the internet. So the question is who’s gonna reach it first, even the military wants to reach the metaverse first.

  5. Is it safe to say Meta puts you in Facebook jail by montering your comment or post or pictures? Thanks

  6. This is way beyond mental health this is theft and will be exposed in the news and I'm proceeding with my claims. Hopefully the FBI will stay involved in this case

  7. Who would you want to create the Metaverse then?

  8. He spends 22 million dollars on his own security rather than the security of millions of other people

  9. And create personal profiles on each mata profile

  10. Mark Zuckerberg is just trying to recreate COVIDverse and collect data

  11. You guys are going to trust the guy who sold millions of people's personal data and information (mark Zuckerberg), when it can't even get Facebook on track you think metaverse/escape goat is going do any better

  12. From Tokyo thank you very much for sharing video 📹 happy Friday,

  13. From Tokyo thank you very much for sharing video 📹 happy Friday,

  14. LMAO Meta means “fishing” in Swedish. 😂

  15. I love this lady. Finally found someone that have there head on.

  16. My fb account hacked please received

  17. I did it this.

  18. People get a life

  19. The fact that users need protection because people can’t differentiate fact from opinion is scary

  20. Name recognition…who needs it?

  21. I don't used Facebook not even insgram

  22. Hi guys

  23. If us business owners will be able to display our products to buyers, using the Metaverse, I would stay. It would be good to showcase a phone or tablet to a customer before they buy it, all using the Metaverse.

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