
Amazing Products TV These Robots Are Becoming More Like Humans

Awesome Tips These Robots Are Becoming More Like Humans

The world of robotics is moving fast thanks to developments in artificial intelligence and machine learning. Here are the robots of the future changing the world today.

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  1. Wow

  2. Would buy it for $8

  3. The human hand is still superior

  4. 7:53 Nice closing 🤖🙂

  5. If your a robot, I love robots 😳😄😘

  6. Jetson’s

  7. Please get another host.

    • Bear
    • January 4, 2023

    Absurd, dangerous and scary.

  8. can't wait for Quantum Computer based Ai.. XD

  9. Oh it was Beep boop…

  10. Sick and tired of the term A.I. being thrown around when 99% of the time it's actually machine learning. 😑

  11. I knew it Claire!!!!

  12. Yea… If the companies can just create a robot vacuum that does not get confused and get stuck on a consistent basis. When that happens, we will talk. Also, I only see little correlation between AI and robots. We can chat with AI, but can AI move that robot…. No.

  13. These are all interesting but few are the combination of market ready and general purpose. The Tesla, Everyday Robotics and Samsung general purpose robots are the only ones that could actually come remotely close to displacing human workers and I would bet they are a decade or more from deployment.

  14. Eventually, and probably within the next 50 or 60 years, these AI robots will think for themselves and replicate themselves! Then forget nuclear wars, viruses or any of that! This is where mankind will really really be in trouble!

  15. Forget robots taking over the world. Worry about Australian’s taking over CNET 😂

  16. Tesler

  17. Every year we the same predictions about robots!! So boring!

  18. We are doomed

  19. That ending was masterpiece … was not expecting that… I did not see that coming!!! ❤

  20. OMG, she's actually a robot all this time? … is it too late to buy Skynet stocks now?

  21. So I'm going to study electronics engineering or mechatronics engineering just so I could build myself Technological weapons that could fight and possibly kill off destructive AI in the future, just preparing for the worse🤷‍♂️

  22. So, they're gross, rude, thieving, overweight, traitorous, racist and selfish warmongers? Wonderful, just wonderful.

  23. We’re in an age where Reporters and virtually anything that we see on a computer screen could be CGI AI characters feeding us news and information. What evidence do we have that the reporter in this video isn’t an AI generated reporter?

  24. Thanks for sharing

  25. Keep it up and one day we'll be living in our own sci-fi movie "Rise of the Machines" with a simple plot of bots that become so self aware they deem humans as an unnecessary construct.

  26. 🤔🤔

  27. I ever knew you were a Robot 🤖😂

  28. I think Optimus is too tall and scary. Too much like iRobot. But I guess that's the point.

  29. "these ones" is grammatically proper but it drives me nuts, it's a form of a double plural..

    • Seva
    • January 4, 2023

    This is on CNET. That’s the mainstream media. Watch how fast this information about AI powered humanoid robots becomes mainstream and common knowledge, no longer just some weird and wacko nonsense.

  30. yeah, I think you are right

  31. Yeah no thanks! My robot vacuum is all I need.

    • Seva
    • January 4, 2023

    AI researchers I’ve listened to say AI is advancing at an exponential rate faster and faster due to the “emergence phenomenon” of complexity emerging from simplicity. The ground work was set for machine learning and that moves faster and faster. The legendary AI researcher Ray Kurzweil says by 2029 AI will be self aware or at least so advanced that it will be impossible to tell if it is or isn’t and by that time most people will simply accept that it is.

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