
Amazing Products TV Build a PC while you still can – PCs are changing whether we like it or not.

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Arm CPUs are taking over. Apple Silicon showed us that desktop computers need not be power hogs – Why haven’t AMD, Intel, and Nvidia done the same, and would you want it?

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Intro: Laszlo – Supernova
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Outro: Approaching Nirvana – Sugar High
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Intro animation by MBarek Abdelwassaa
Monitor And Keyboard by vadimmihalkevich / CC BY 4.0
Mechanical RGB Keyboard by BigBrotherECE / CC BY 4.0
Mouse Gamer free Model By Oscar Creativo / CC BY 4.0

0:00 Intro
0:53 PCs are great, but…
2:05 They still run on old tech
2:53 Intel and AMD are in trouble, but that’s a good thing
5:27 Contracts, monopolies, and Qualcomm’s failure to compete
6:32 PCs have already taken the first steps to change
8:14 Arm’s advantages are integrated
10:10 Arm chips can go bigger
11:19 Conclusion – This is going to suck for enthusiasts

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  1. The industry is just waiting for someone to step up and become the Hyundai of the chip industry. Sounds ridiculous but chips (or lack of) are holding back the car industry, don’t put it past them to diversify to solve their supply issues and get an edge over their competitors.

  2. So Anthony is apple fan boy with soothing voice lol 😂

  3. You do an amazing job!

  4. I do not ever want regular PC parts to be phased out. They literally play into what many people want. If you want a full modern device, you could go all the way with a 12 or 16 core CPU, and something like a 4090 or 4080. Or if you have an older device, and can’t upgrade everything, then you could get a lower tier gpu, like if you have an old device that used some higher watt Nvidia 700 series gpu, but wanted an Better upgrade, but nothing too expensive, you could get something like a GTX1660TI, or a 3050, or an RX 6600, and do fine, even if the device has some older 6 core cpu or whatever.
    Then there are people like me who have to use low end, low power usage GPUs like a GT1030, just to give this thing a boost to last longer, even if that doesn’t play that many games.
    Instead what should happen, is that desktop CPUs made by intel and AMD should maybe become ARM based, but the keep the current way of CPUs, till the adoption of ARM stuff is wide spread with consumers.

  5. Is this the voice wolfepit?

  6. I sincerely hope we don't go this path. Sorry but if this happens we will be not be buying a PC we will probably be "renting it" everyone will gonna shut off ways to repair those box PC and just make people believe it's cheaper to just buy a new one. Like they do with Cell phones. They just wanna make more money at the cost of enthusiasts like us who would upgrade our tech or work on it. We need right to repair and fucken actual ownership of our products

  7. ny next PC…will be a mac mini…im not a gamer anymore…thanks nvidia!

  8. YES DO IT!!!! I do have a computer with graphics and what not… Yet I have been asking for SoCs for years now!

    But, Truth be told… YOU know how difficult will be to rewrite all the software to work in ARM? Stuff like Games, productivity software, databases, etc…

  9. MACs are not PCs

  10. Honestly thank god.

  11. I'm currently watching this, playing games, doing video editing – on a PC from 2008. with a graphics card upgrade and an SSD. I do NOT want to buy a new computer every 3 years like a smartphone.

  12. Power consumption is becoming more of a concern in some countries too

  13. Now we need a tool to repair microchips.

  14. I dont see arm replacing x86 anytime soon, too much software is written for x86

  15. stopped the video when you said apple knows it… The only thing that company knows is how to form a cult. Also shame on your show for editing on one.

  16. does the average consumer ever care about the potential max power usage of their PC though? I have never once even considered it

  17. There’s too much money to be had in the enthusiast space for the market to simply die. You’re more likely going to have chips you design at checkout( x gaming cores, x production cores, x gpu size) which still end up getting slotted into rigs. They’ll likely be smaller rigs due to fewer cooling requirements, but if the RISC architecture is scalable then size could still translate to performance.

  18. Nope. Not gonna happen, not without a technology change. Video cards are getting larger and more power hungry, not the other way around. Same with CPUs. So I wouldn't hold my breath, we are still a long way from integrated systems taking over. Someday? Sure, but not anytime soon.

  19. Has to be one of the best presenters on LTT, (apart from Linus that is)
    give him more screen time, so clear and well spoken

  20. Just bought a Mac Studio after being a PC guy all my life. I'm just kinda tired of clutter and constant windows unreliability.

  21. Welcome to the global revolution. Fight now or forever regret it

  22. I predicted this about 5 years ago, it's just so wasteful any other way. Repairability is easy because the chip cost can be quite low after production costs are brought down. One chip on a board. It's much better than a board for each specific thing with the bunch of boards and power components, the way PC's are currently built is ridiculous compared to SOC's.

    They can still be open source and supported by open source kernals and stuff like that. Even going so far to publish architecture and engineering specs on the silicon.

    The cost of future SOC PC's will pretty much just be the cost of the one chip, which after the technology is developed to use the same fab technique for every single component, well it will be cheap

  23. This is going to go about as well as the EV market has.

  24. And they will force this on us so we can go buy a new one every fekin year because it will be designed to fail after a certain amount of time like all the other crap they make.

  25. I have a IPhone 13 because I got it for free on my family plan!
    Alas, hell will freeze over before I buy an Apple computer.😂

    The x86 computing platform is complex and extremely dated.

    Profits are king for corporations pandering to stock holders.
    Excellent topic, Thankyou.👏

  26. I must be stupid. I don't understand most of what you said

  27. RIP Cyrix, the third player who didn't last.

  28. 5:50 because ARM can't preform, this is why those chips are relegated to mobile applications that don't need the power of a full on desktop due to the primary purpose of the device being communications and web browsing and gaming mostly only being viable on the most expensive of those devices generally speaking,(if you even consider mobile gaming to be gaming at all that is).

    Also on a side note from an earlier point in this video, PC gamers aren't concerned with power draw, only performance. I mean people that buy a Ferrari aren't concerned about fuel economy because if they were they'd have bought something like a Prius or Tesla instead.

    Also I'll add there is a practical reason for x86 legacy support beyond the coding of the operating system. That legacy support is what allows,(for the most part), a computer build in say 2020 to still run games from the 80's, 90's and 2000's. It's what allows my 5800X 2070 super build to run the original Doom, Wolfenstein and various other dos games as well as many of the other great titles from those bygone era's. Gamers like backwards compatibility, hell it was one of the biggest selling points of the Playstation 2 outside of it's ability to play DVD's and is now one of the biggest motivators for people to make the switch from console to PC,(at least it was for me), even though the cost of entry to the PC platform is considerably higher generally, it's nice to not have to drop hundreds of dollars on a new game library after spending hundreds of dollars buying a new gaming system.

  29. I can't take seriously a channel that thinks underpowered and overpriced apple products could ever compete on the same level as full on gaming desktop PC's let alone replace them

  30. If there was a way to drastically reduce the price of these new little PCs and have them run together, in a way the average consumer could set up, they could easily take over the market. If you could buy, say, 3 couple hundred dollar computers and hook them together to get better performance than a top tier regular PC, who wouldn't go with that?

  31. not anytime soon

  32. Apple is over priced garbage.

  33. Wonder if EVGA also where thinking about those future possibilities when they dropped Nvidia.

  34. Well, macstudio looks ugly

  35. One thing needs to be noted. In most modern x86 based computers there is really no need to keep backward compatibility with 16-bit 8086 and more of that cruft. I think that this is going to be dropped eventually – there is zero reasons to keep it on modern, UEFI-based computers.

  36. I don't think this will catch on. Because if the trend of building your own self-modifiable PC was so easy to get rid of, it wouldn't have started up in the first place.

  37. Yea if your argument was to much power draw we are almost there but if the argument is we don’t want our own systems that we can touch or upgrade hell no, I will never accept full systems i have made my own pcs since Diablo 2 came out I’m not about to sell off my private life and independence regardless of the intentions of companies and gov

  38. I highly doubt this. PCs probably won't change for while.

  39. actual good content. Thanks Tony.

  40. I remember reading an article a number of years ago sort of addressing this. Particularly power draw and heat with shrinking transistor sizes, and the electron tunneling that happens below 7nm. Could be beneficial for the big companies to look into alternatives to transistors. Great video as always.

    • Bart
    • January 5, 2023

    Can't they jus make an x86-Arm Hybrid CPU? Both ARM and like 4 x86 cores. So, the OS would be Arm Windows 11 for example, but certain applications can run on x86 core-mode for backward compatibility.

  41. The fact that a i9 13700k rtx 4090 prebuilt is only $700 more expensive than a 7950x 7900xtx build is criminal. This is entirely the fault of scalpers. There has to be something we can do about it besides boycott them. We boycott them, they hold the new gpu until the 5000 series come out and the process repeats for the 4th time. It’s not possible to buy a gpu at retail.. even for lower end cards. Man I’m not sure this hobby is worth this much headache.

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