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  1. Clarification: The "At A Glance" features of the "At A Glance Widget" can be turned off in the widget's customization menu. But that doesn't stop the date from holding my top row of icons hostage. Google, let me have the top row of my home screen for my apps or widgets plz.

  2. he clearly likes it!

  3. 6:12 missed Nickelback meme opportunity here

  4. Facebook crying in the corner 🧐

  5. They finally rolled back the horrible, godawful, cringe inducing decision to add that extra circle around the home button – probably the single worst, most inexplicable visual design decision in the history of mobile UI design.
    Three cheers for tasteful design being back on the menu!
    Sadly too late though, as with the ubiquity of huge screens I've moved on to gestures.

  6. So wait is that new Bluetooth stuff for all versions of Bluetooth? Like would a device running Bluetooth 5.0 get it?

  7. Got it today on my A71, not on my S20 yet

  8. I need some lock screen customisation/widgets like they have on iPhone. my lock screen is awfull.

  9. I've had android 13 on my fold 4 for a week now

  10. Android died along with HTC 🙆. So sad. Notification bomb extracTed non privileged traffic. Long Live Notifications 👉💖

  11. 2:28 It's google, camera, and a separate quick launch button. All do the same. And from older phones I still have a bunch of 3rd party ones that I no longer use now it works more or less natively (on my android 10 phone anyway). I still keep those apps though since they also can Generate QR codes. Which I very rarely use. More reason to keep the apps, though, because it is more likely I find the generator when I need it.

  12. Meh. I tell you when I upgrade to Android 11. Which my 4-year-old midrange phone gotten this year, but I shied away because: A) Old apps I use that haven't got an update in ages and are unlikely to work with Android 11.
    b) Everything is different. Only slightly, but why hassle if you don't have to.

  13. scoped storage is more of a bitch than it ever has been. its like Android wants to get rid of the very freedom its famous for and be more like Apple now. which is going to make users trash Android for Apple.

  14. The pixel 7 pro is sick. Apple still wins in some categories, but I'm preferring it over the iPhone 14 pm.

  15. Weird my s20 FE has none of those features yet it updated to android 13 like 2 days ago.

  16. 2:16 I have a Samsung with Android 12 but I already have this feature

  17. Yeh like android has privacy

  18. I installed it on my Galaxy S8+ (Lineageos20) it runs perfect with good battery life.
    And good performance.

  19. What I want: 3 app split-screen on 16:9 screens or taller. There should be room for it. One app's smallest size should fit three times in portrait mode. But landscape mode only has one size, so that needs changing.

  20. Having the option to choose language per app is useful for those limited apps that doesn't have your language or missing certain strings, and defaults to English. Something that should have been fixed in Android 7, but apps like Google calendar still defaults to English if it doesn't have a specific string in your language. What I mean is that if language 1 isn't available, it should go to language 2.

  21. How do you resize the folder no one has ever said anything about it I'm still on Android 12 not planning on updating to 13 cuz the features is not all that exciting just the same crap on 12 nothing more

  22. 5:39 Finally a way to avoid shitty translations in apps. You always had to chose which apps you want to sacrifice to translation demons, local apps or american apps. That's enough of a feature to finally switch my old phone.

  23. Linus…what have you unleashed onto the imagination of every R34 artist… in 5 more years… you have doomed us all, Linus. Android will be… desecrated.

  24. It's so funny how Google after years puts on things that Samsung's UI has had for years why don't they just collaborate at one point either make the 23 ultra in both variance a Google stock and a Samsung one and see who sells better then they can do a mix collab and go from there

  25. I absolutely hate the new color option when I'm looking for YouTube I want it to be a red button and I don't want all those other buttons to be one unified color. I absolutely hate it

  26. As a person who speak 3 language,app language feature can be really useful

  27. 0:12 Just like a word from our sponsor; LastPass

  28. Yeah but that is limited to smar ear buds with a firmware with a classic USB paring it wont work so another app is required muti sound that is able to stream with multicast protocol

  29. And one ui 5 has unlimited collors

  30. eeeyoh dun dun dun dun dun dun eeyoh🤌

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