
Amazing Products TV DART Explained: First Asteroid Crash Images

Awesome Tips DART Explained: First Asteroid Crash Images

NASA slammed the DART probe into an asteroid the size of a Great Pyramid, all in the name of “planetary defense.” While this asteroid wasn’t a threat, the mission could one day save our lives.
See our previous video on the physics behind the DART mission, including an interview with DART Coordination Lead Nancy Chabot from JHAPL, here:

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  1. Thanks for watching! I'd love to hear your thoughts on those amazing first images from LICIACube and the ground telescopes 🔭 (Also full disclosure, I left that 'deadly fears' list on my desk in the study and got some very weird questions about it the next day!)

  2. lets just hope they dont knock one on course haha

  3. What a load of bolix….we're meant to believe that we can alter an Asteroids flight path by doing this…..if that's the case why hasn't the moons orbit changed after all the times it has been hit?

  4. Yes it was heading this way
    Because who going spend all that money
    On something that no threat to earth
    Because they need to ask the government for the go head
    They don't just have a spair satellite
    To crash in to something that's
    Not a danger to us
    Just to test a Theory
    If it works they can't keep the poor and hard working Americans feed
    But they have funding for a expensive machinery just make a little dent on a rock in space how the other one
    There's two of them

  5. That little thing couldn't move anything anywhere plus it 2 of them

  6. We can’t move a Texas size asteroid with a satellite probe.

  7. When the material is declassified in 50 years' time, it will be revealed that the Little Prince died….

  8. 🇵🇭 Congratulations from all of humanity, thank you, GOD bless! 🇺🇸🇮🇹

  9. then whats next?

  10. Next time deploy a drone with iPhone … to take a selfie before and after the encounter! At what age do you live NASA … you are out of date. 😉

  11. So its fantastic that it worked. My remaining question is do we now have such impact ready rockets ready to send up if an earth endangering asteroid was spotted today or tomorrow?

  12. The asteroid that was just chillin: yo what's that?

  13. But the asteroid didn't move. How is that a success?

  14. What you mean it work , that’s a make believe me me all about me bs

  15. 300million . We need to spend money on earth making peoples lives better and spend less money on space

  16. Who is going to clean up the debris after the crash

  17. 7:10 For reference, the asteroid which caused the Tunguska Event is estimated to have been around 65 meters in diameter.

  18. I'm with you on the sock puppets.

  19. And they successfully change asteroid direction toward earth🤣🤣😂😂,

  20. imagine they missed 😂😂😭

  21. Nice! Great explanation and sense of humor Claire!

  22. The humanity always try to destroy everything around them. The earth was not touched by asteroids but after this case I am waiting to get back from the univers.
    The humanity is just destroying this univers is not to save.

  23. What if the asteroid is sentient and now has a vendetta out for planet earth.

  24. It wasn’t on the way huh, yeah that’s what they want you to believe. They wouldn’t spend that much on a test.

  25. Thanks nazis 🎉

  26. Are we going to nuke a bigger one next?😅

  27. After impact looks like high plasma explosion

  28. Nasa record all these videos in a studio
    There is no friction in the space but in the video, it seems the aircraft is having large amount of drag and resistive forces, just like a racing car or a fighter jet has on earth.

  29. Why did they not put a camera to separate from satellite to show impact ?

  30. I believe it was Thor who said, "what you've done sent a message to the rest of the universe that you're ready for a higher level of war". At 300 million dollars a round we aren't exactly ready for all that if we're just figuring out how to target a rock

  31. Thankfully NASA scientists are mainly Europeans. If we had to rely on Americans we would be doomed.

  32. Thank God we actually did something to protect humanity and the second device was genius

  33. Wow that have been alot of words for jep it changed direction by 1% , we learn from it 😀

  34. Someone has been watching Black mirror 😂

  35. why does footage looks like it is from 1970's?

  36. Well congratulations on wasting 300 million dollars, NASA just crashed a spacecraft into an asteroid but nothing has happened, Good try but it's a failed asteroid defense system
    There's nothing or can ever be that can challenge the divine law


  38. It is all fake.

  39. The Gods will be mad!

  40. There goes my plan of being the last human on earth who eventually falls in love with a woman who also happened to survive the armageddon miraculously and taking up the responsibility of repopulating earth.

  41. Oooosh, a Simpsons fan 😍 sock puppets!

  42. Nuke it is more fun!

  43. 5:51RGB??? RGB is everywhere I swear even space crafts are now using rgb

  44. I don’t care if the craft collided with the asteroid, I wanna know if all this work & money changed the course of the asteroid. The goal was not to crash into the rock so we could pop a bottle of champagne & act like it’s Christmas 2000, the goal was to find out if the crash can CHANGE the course of a rock hurdling toward us. If this didn’t change the course, all this jumping around is all for nothing & we wasted a lot of money.

  45. STUPIDITY is the size of TEXAS…

  46. CGI

  47. Dogs with killer bees in mouth vs sock puppets … not sure which invokes fear of death more. 🤣🤣🤣🤣

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