
Amazing Products TV $1500 Meta Quest Pro Hands-On: Mixed Reality, Face Tracking, and More

Awesome Tips $1500 Meta Quest Pro Hands-On: Mixed Reality, Face Tracking, and More

Meta Quest Pro is Facebook’s latest VR/AR Headset. We tried it during a rare visit to Meta’s research labs and it feels transformed.

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  1. At 8:08 you said, "those controllers are going to be sold separately", but that's not true. The controllers obviously come with it, so I'm not sure why you said that…🤔

  2. everyone owns a $1000 dollar iphone and gladly buys a new one every two years. $1500 isn't bad, META just has to get mass adoption by showing people how much better their life would be with AR, plus it would basically have a built gaming system, social media stuff, and business applications. I think people that don't think this is a very good piece of tech for the future are really missing the bubble.

  3. CNET still hasn't reviewed the current crop of AR glasses from smaller companies, and instead focuses all their attention on their corporate overlords Apple and Meta. Real trustworthy people we're dealing with here.

  4. Reality is better – Alternatively, get an empty cereal packet but two eye holes in it, then put it on your head, and you have Very Real (VR) Ality. Convincingly looks like the real world through the eye holes and doesn’t need power/batteries or have awkward cables either. I’m not sure if to call it ‘Shock-ulus’ (because of the very low price), ‘Virtua-Goggles’ (because it is fitted with an anti-dizziness device in the cardboard) or ‘Betta’ (because it comes with more interactive features than the rivals). Anyone interested? My kids can make them in minutes. Just let me know, and I’ll send you the blueprints free of charge.

  5. VR headset give glaucoma and retinal detachment

  6. I wish I could afford $1500 for each 8 members of my small online group… Heck I wish I could I afford one for myself

  7. This is great because the way technology goes, all these features start off expensive but then get cheaper over time. Hopefully, in time, we'll see these hit the Quest 3 or 4.

  8. Waste review with little substance 👎👎👎👎👎👎

  9. 1 to 2 hrs of battery life? Sorry, no deal.

    • 0 0
    • January 8, 2023

    It's as if we're supposed to ignore the gorilla in the room. They look totally stupid on a person.

  10. Quest Pro is incredible!!!! Can't believe the jump in quality in the past 2 years

    • Ness
    • January 8, 2023

    I like that you can use your glasses on it. I’ll wait to see if the quest 3 can do it too and if not I’ll probably pick this one

  11. great technology but Meta is still pretty boring 🙁 $1500 for moving a fake cup. Maybe in 10 years…. when the software is there !

  12. This video would have been a lot better if we could see more of the ar vr experiences.

  13. Hand held controllers is bonkers, Meta needs to make gloves. Gloves would make this product line totally awesome

  14. The prototype (or should I say proto-hype 🫣) is not always the same as the real commercial product.

  15. The games don’t start until Google jumps in. The playoffs don’t start until Apple jumps in

  16. same puking factor tho

    • Jon
    • January 8, 2023

    But does it prevent nauseau? When I see things about meta, I always thing I am watcthing the empoeror has no clotes

  17. and then the instant they release a new system they pull all replacement parts and controllers from the market for the one you just bought , and leave your headset to rot after the controller starts drifting and you cant replace it

    scumbag company , hardly worth spending that much money on

  18. they are batshit insane with that price point , any sane person is just going to wait for someone else to do it better and cheaper

  19. A face-tracking ad-machine… oof. It’s not really about where it’s at right now, but where it’s going. You’ve got one company doing most of this, and it’s spells out a dangerous amount of control.

  20. Apparently Varjo is the top end but it costs $8,000 , made in Finnland !

  21. 1500$ this is for all 👎👅👅👅👅

  22. People is even reluctant to open camera when WFH. What does mark think that he can force people to wear the goggles?

  23. Im in the same boat as others, $1500 , not for me until I see what Apple is all about .

  24. "It reminds me of VR because it's VR, but also AR, because it's AR" – Thanks captain obvious.

  25. don't think many would spend 1.5k on gimmick but ok.

  26. Super dumb can’t be good for your eyes

  27. I'm sticking with Zuckerberg! 5 years I will be filthy rich.

  28. Yeah this is cute and all but just wait until everdome and metahero Take over the space.

  29. like Quest 2 it isn't made more for computer VR the Quest 2 kinda sucks when it came to using sim games like dcs world.. i personally don't want to play the games on the headset

  30. Meta’s direction looks positive. Definitely encouraging.

    9:15 The market is there for those prices. This tech could be used to keep in touch with grandkids as they move away.

  31. Good info presentation

  32. Spend more, get more. Spend less, get less. Corp greed

  33. This thing looks confusing but I think I like the quest 2 better

  34. Don't know where this is headed or which company will win, but VR will dominate society. Once they jack up the resolution to resemble real life, people will enjoy VR more than real life.

  35. If it is made by the ZUCK then I don't give a F_ _ _

  36. still too cartoonic. not the smartest idea for business. this will flop hard.

  37. Little known fact, but HTCs Flow Eye also sells for around $1500 and also has eye tracking. And it's been around for the past 3 years

  38. How much did meta pay you to do this review?

  39. we are getting closer to Wall-E world!

  40. Can it play crisis?

  41. I wear glasses 🤓 so I guess its not for me

  42. But can it still be used for gaming? and if so would it be more powerful for gaming

  43. And what’s next years price going to be , $2000? 😠

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