
Amazing Products TV We've Made Some Big Mistakes – WAN Show November 18, 2022

Awesome Tips We've Made Some Big Mistakes – WAN Show November 18, 2022

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Timestamps: (Courtesy of NoKi1119)
0:00 Chapters
1:48 Intro
2:13 Topic #1 – Mistakes on LTT’s RTX 4080 video
2:48 4080 sold out, pricing, advocating for change
8:15 Linus counters community arguments
13:32 High last-gen emphasis in the review
14:46 Lack of AMD discussions in the review
15:29 Linus apologizes, reasons his decisions
16:36 AMD cards not priced well, discussing competition
19:07 Topic #2 – Linus & Luke 30 day Arc challenge
19:24 Linus’s & Luke’s power “mods”
22:46 Linus’s disappointment on VR, reaching staff
25:04 Luke’s idea to Linus’s Arc & Linux systems
26:33 Linus & Luke streamed gaming on Arc
27:44 Encoding problems on Arc, stable on CPU
28:32 LTTStore customer support delays ft. Luke’s bird
30:16 Labeled shipments show as shipping when not
32:45 LTTStore’s Retro Polar Fleece
33:44 Topic #3 – The last seven days in Twitter
34:32 Luke on companies firing/hiring
37:36 Engineer corrects Elon, gets fired
40:30 Elon & California’s at-will employment
41:52 Luke meets Twitter employee in Serbia
42:42 Linus on at-will, Luke hushes birds
44:02 Badge system removed, “public” Slack channel
45:36 Blind, a better localized anonymous version of LinkedIn
47:16 Elon response, end-to-end DM encryption
49:34 “Be extremely hardcore or leave”
52:12 Employees locked out after blue badge removal
52:28 Sponsor – OVHcloud
53:54 Sponsor – Vessi Footwear, “waterproof” shoes
55:36 Companies should hire employees, discussing Visas
56:18 Discussing Luke’s bird & feeding
57:04 Sponsor – 45Drives
57:44 Linus to head off to an event
58:22 LMG & Creators Warehouse hiring many positions
59:28 Topic #4 – FTX collapses, Riley writing in the doc
1:01:06 Merch Messages #1
1:01:36 Luke on dive computers
1:03:37 Any advantage to 2 PCI-Es on larger GPUs?
1:05:40 LTTStore banana for scale on catnip?
1:05:54 Riley takes over, everything goes downhill
1:09:26 Riley on writing the doc, Luke on coverage
1:12:04 Riley on Twitter’s viability & usability
1:14:20 Discussing Andor
1:15:26 Riley hopes another “Twitter” arrives
1:16:24 Discussing Taskmaster
1:18:15 Luke explains FTX, owner playing LOL during conference calls
1:21:06 Binance backed out bailing FTX out
1:23:10 Regulating cryptocurrency defeated its purpose
1:26:42 Luke on losing coins VS losing value
1:28:42 Topic #5 – Pokémon Scarlet and Violet
1:29:32 Luke’s favorite Pokémon
1:32:58 Game graphics & performance issues, Switch & emulation
1:39:49 Topic #6 – DOOM Eternal OST controversy
1:41:04 Summarizing OST release, Marty’s reddit post
1:43:25 Mick Gordon’s detailed rebuttal, game developing
1:48:44 Luke on gaming scenes & gamers review-bombing
1:52:38 Topic #7 – PeopleMakeGames calls Valve out on gambling
1:53:32 PMG’s video on Valve gambling
1:54:48 Twitch banning unregulated gambling content
1:56:56 CS:GO gambling sites thrive, discussing loot boxes
1:59:36 Why doesn’t Valve do anything against this?
2:01:32 AK-47 Case Hardened #661 sold for $400,000
2:04:02 Whose responsibility is this? ft. Luke hushing birds
2:09:16 Video Game Attorney on platforms manipulating drops
2:11:28 Topic #8 – Apple sued for collecting data in Apple apps
2:14:54 Riley on Apple misleading users & lack of privacy
2:16:12 Past Canada real-estate collapse & “audited” houses
2:17:16 Did Luke believe Apple’s security?
2:20:28 Merch Messages #2
2:20:48 Using external GPUs for Blender
2:22:17 IS RDNA3 price competitive for Blender?
2:22:54 ID security suggestions
2:25:16 Would Linus(Riley) & Luke consider skydiving?
2:30:14 Outro

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  1. lmao if it was an Apple product, you’d know for sure they’re gonna complain about the price 3 seconds into the video

  2. Most of the U.S is at will basically. Some have certain restrictions and regulations but in general, if you Tweet something anti-employer and your employer sees it, expect to be fired and have a tough time winning any wrongful termination suit.

  3. love it!!!!!!

  4. LMAO at the tangents

  5. I did buy my 1660 super with your guys's help and I'm sure it's going to be a great machine

  6. Everyone. Everyone should protect the kids. The slimy ppl selling gambling to kids should just not do that. It would help them not be a pile of crap.

  7. To your point – I get it if people don't want to watch the whole video. To which I say, "you do you." However, if someone wants to comment and criticize without watching the whole video, then that reaches a dumbass level that I simply don't have any patience for. That is on the viewers – not you. It is still worth it to attempt to communicate clearly, but there is only so much that I expect from you when a particularly dumb level of user error exists.

  8. i was one who paid. but GPUs were tough to find. especially modern cards, they were in very very short supply in my area. most would travel 2.5hrs one way to stock up to sell in town. i found a scalper who while greedy wasnt greedy like the rest. bough a ASUS 3070 OC Edition for about what others were selling 3060s for the same price. its still shameful back then i paid the same for a 3070 that i did for my 3080TI FTW3

  9. nftz are better than steam skins xD

  10. I don't buy anything from Micro Transactions its just a way for the Company to exploit more money and micro Transactions will just keep Happening until everyone just stops buying the stuff which will never happen there is just those people that will 30 Bucks for a Couple Cosmetics

  11. People angry at Nvidia pricing is hilarious. It's 2022, GPUs aren't going to be $300-600 when the gas prices are $5 a gallon USD and the price of every component is up 20-30%.

    Welcome to capitalism. Prices always go up, and sometimes wages have to catch up.

  12. People actually watch this show? The only reason I watch any at all is because it comes up on autoplay. I click away from it right away.

  13. Taskmaster is amazing

  14. Basically all of the United States is "at will" employment. Here it's called "right to work" but it actually means "you have no right to work, it's a luxury".

  15. For me… R&D and cost calculation clearly made a point in the industry… That safety comes after price cost average … NO excuse for setting customers in a position, that there expensive tech may lead to fire in a pc case.'

    Its like having a 500 HP car which maybe catch fire while on the freeway…

    These power connectors seems like stoneage tech to me… Maybe its just the selection of materials, but it was a bad descicion, to make such engineering…
    NO EXCUSE, seems really like, fooling customers and may burn some homes down

  16. idiots just want Ferrari at vw bug prices. stop sooking plebs buy what you can afford.

  17. it was because of Rileys belief. he knows. I know he knows. He knows now I know. It's like magic right? have the same curse with my own devices too. I hit the devices and they comply. but only when I'm not lucid enough already for that bs. when waking up. never stay angry after waking up. if you need to scream give it all. it will make life even better but beware your dogs ears. give it a safe space. bring it to it. go away as far as needed. scream. you will be ready to love your dog as much as he or maybe she loves you already.

  18. I have altered the price. Pray I do not alter it further.

  19. Does anyone know what the turn around is on support tickets for ltt store these days? Waiting for a response is torture.


  21. I don't think anybody will see this 2wks later, but to clear up the confusion about at-will employment. In the US almost every state is at-will, but federally you are still able to file suit for unfair labor practices & wrongful termination. We have a federal government agency called the NLRB (national labor relations board) which puts requirements in place and will prosecute companies who terminate unfairly or have illegal working environments. Companies have even been forced to hire employees back due to these suits. "Wrongful termination" includes whistleblowing, retaliation, discrimination, etc. That being said, mass layoffs as a cost reduction measure are still allowed and I believe there's no requirement for severance, but in SV most companies will do so. Similarly, with mass layoffs disabling the card system isn't out of the blue. Sometimes they just cut employee access during the "you're fired" meeting, or they have security walk you to your desk and pack up, or sometimes they walk you out on a spot and they mail you your desk items. Either way, its' not out of the blue, because disgruntled employees do on occasion target critical infrastructure on their way out.

    That being said, Linus is 100% right in that in the US it can be difficult to fire people, especially at large companies, which is why a lot of large SV companies do "PIP"s, to give a track record of failure to the employee before firing them (usually 6mo before firing) if they're underperforming. So Musk's comments do potentially open the company up to a wrongful termination suit. I'm sure HR wasn't thrilled about that tweet.

  22. the RTX 4080 didnt sell as well as the previous cards come on.

  23. @2:30:15 Linus used to say baT but he got called out for it and insisted that he had always been saying baD but we misheard him.

  24. I hope the ballad of Luke's butt winds up being the most popular video on LTT clips.

  25. i have a dead pixel right where linus' head sits

  26. 9:40. Demonized.

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