
Amazing Products TV I Pray This Computer Sucks.. Cuz I’m gonna sell it for $1

Awesome Tips I Pray This Computer Sucks.. Cuz I’m gonna sell it for $1

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Today Linus is rolling dice to decide what does into a computer.. but there is a twist. Whatever computer he rolls must be sold for $1. Best case for Linus the computer will be $373, worst case it will be $16,795.

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  1. I loved my 8350…

  2. Concurrent async non-blocking buttered toast. Zero is the first index linus

  3. What a interesting build lol. I'll still take it for $1 Lmfao. Keep up the great work my friend

  4. Love the candid and honest answers to questions no matter what they are 👍👍

  5. "4 sided die, it's a pyramid" Linus, that's a caltrop, for the love of god don't drop it…

  6. Why did he bring the cheese wiz out I don’t get it

  7. I whish I would of seen this the day you posted it. Definitely subscribed after seeing this. Man would of loved to have this

  8. Not me still rocking a FX8350 build watching this like 👀

  9. just stick windows 3.0 on it and call it a day.

  10. Too bad you can’t get an Oscar for acting!😆 the stuff you’re giving away you got it for nothing! As a review!

  11. Goated live stream, very inspirational!

  12. Guys I thought this is a pc channle and programing languages start counting at 0 so this was a rip off

  13. Lets GO 👍

  14. You can’t do a fire pole but what about a spiral slide

  15. Where's the 4K?

  16. "omg no way i won a ryzen 7000 sy- oh it only has 2gb of ram"

  17. When he re rolled on the fan why didn’t he take anything what was the point of this challenge if u weren’t gonna re roll shit to take something

  18. Mofo should of re rolled on the AMD

  19. So when exactly is he gonna sell it ?

  20. 3:00:00 – Linus loves saying BLACK SHAFT.

  21. 58:00 I would've cracked up if he'd rolled doubles!

    I wonder how much he melted down after the show due to the extremely high price of the $1 computer? Totally dodged responsibility for the hot sauce by having Antoine consume it. He should've still been required to take it, too!

  22. 12:33
    Well, it depends on what you wanted to do.
    For gaming, yes, absolutely it was sub par at the time, although you honestly could tweak its settings a lot to make it better for whatever you where doing on it (it rewarded you for really knowing your processor).
    However where it was great was for people who wanted viritualisation for cheap.
    Intels budget options like the i5s didn't have viritualisation acceleration, and only had 4 cores in this era.
    The FX 8350 had 8 cores with hardware acceleration for viritual machines at a i5s price point.
    So you could run your budget viritual machines in the background while doing your sub par gaming on the remaining cores and the impact you'd have on the performance from doing that wasn't that bad.
    Games of that time was mostly single core anyway.

    If all you where doing was gaming then you could disable cores sharing resources to free up some IPC by forcing those shared resources over to the remaining cores, since AM3 and AM3+ motherboards usually where providing relatively bad power delivery compared to what th eFX 8350 actually needed you'd also free up some of that power for the remaining cores by doing so, allowing you to potentially overclock the heck of them, and having so much space in between each core being OCed also essentially gave you a thermal sink.
    Another option if you wanted something a bit more fancy for variable threaded workloads was to look into PBO overclocking instead of fixed clock speed overclocking, as FX 8350 actually supported it, although the implementation was janky as f and it was hard to get that to work, you could do it.

    And once its heyday was over you could underclock and undervolt it and have it sitting as a file server or something, using little power, producing little heat yet not freezing when being given a heap of tasks all at once because it has 8 threads to work with after all.

    Likewise, while people of this time that was gaming honestly had to have a certain level of self disipline and limit their background tasks running to avoid reducing their gaming performance, it honestly didn't matter much if you had a ton of stuff open in the background on the 8350 compared to an i5.

    If you where programming and where a bit smart about things on that processor you could also get more out of the shared resources on it quite a lot and potentially getting i7 levels of parallelized performance out of it.
    You'd really have to watch your instructions though to do this, but it could be done.
    Part of it was giving some multi clock cycle instructions to avoid the front end bottleneck as you'd otherwise risk running into a situation where the processor had execution resources to spare but couldn't feed the cores instructions fast enough to utilize them.
    Part of it was lowering the precision so you can use the two floating point units that the modules are sharing as two separate floating point units instead of them essentially behaving as a single one as they would do for the cores double precision instructions.
    Part of it was doing a int heavy workload to avoid those shared resources (although not a pure int workload, you'd need a certain mix to fully utilize the core, and again, you'd risk running into the front end bottleneck)

    So yeah, essentially the FX 8350 actually did have a lot of performance to offer, but because of everything from lack of optimization due to it having a small market share to thing like it actually being kind of hard to optimize for just made it underperform compared to what it could do.

    As for why it ended up like that…
    A lot of it honestly isn't AMDs fault.
    For instance during the development of the FX 8150 Intel seemed to be on board with the SSE5 but then Intel decided to instead go with AVX, a instruction set incompatible with SSE5 so AMD had to scramble engineering resources to support it, after having wasted a ton of AMD engineering resources on that (because with Intel being market share leaders not supporting instructions that Intel supported would have been impossible for AMD), so they had FMA4 and XOP instructions not supported on Intel in their FX 8150, and in the FX 8350 also FMA3, BMI1 and F16C instructions.
    Unfortunatly that also means that they had less resources to actually finish the development of the Bulldozers, so while Piledriver is what AMD should have launched when it launched Bulldozer we got Bulldozer instead, because honestly they couldn't afford to wait and finish the development…

    On top of Intel shenanigans there's also just expectations about where computing was heading.
    It takes many years to develop a new core arcitecture from scratch (the first ideas for Zen was already floating about back when Piledriver launched in 2012, but it wasn't done and launched till in 2017) so you can imagine what AMD was thinking in 2006, a full year before the launch of the quad core Phenom about how the computing world would look like in 2011.

    You have to make certain assumtions when designing a new arcitecture, and sometimes some of those assumtions just don't pan out…

    So yes, Bulldozer and Piledriver was flawed, but they're not as bad as people seem to think and they both had a lot of clever engineering that's under apprechiated out there.

    And there's certain legacies from those arcitectures in Zen, Zen2 and Zen3 that gives AMD a advantage in certain workloads vs Intel because of reuse of some of the designs found in Piledriver and Bulldozer.

  23. What is the balck laptop that linus is using

  24. The monitor switch made me stop watching

  25. At 59:30 what a nice asmr sounds hahaha

  26. 1:50
    "Smooth" xD

  27. Cant unsee renault now! 😅😅

  28. Love From Bangladesh

  29. best CASE scenario? I'd go with an Obsidian 1000D 😀

  30. You know your gpu suuucks when the Absolut WORST on linus's table is actually 2 generations newer than yours

  31. This was the first i had heard of the MSI liquid cooler problem but this explains why my MSI liquid cooler stopped cooling nearly entirely despite the pump and fans etc. still running. Already replaced it with a Noctua NH-D15S though so…..im good.

  32. Linus youre, larger, if you know what im saying, maybe its just winter i see it in your cheeks.

  33. he has all these parts just collecting dust, and yet i still dream of getting a gaming pc. closest thing i had to that was an asus rog strix 17” laptop with a rtx 3050 but my brother smashed it while i was sleeping and still have no idea why tried to get it fixed but that didn’t work out.

  34. Me with a gtx 1060 6gb running 1080p high

  35. Linus, you stingy motherfucker! 😀 Just kidding, I get you, man. Still, I love watching you squirm.

  36. Does concrete have better thermal conductivity than Canadian air?

  37. Excuse me, i have an fx8350 and its a beast of a cpu, even today. only down side is how hot it runs when overclocked, but a 240mm aio is more then enough to keep the temps well under control.

  38. love my odyssey neo g9

    • A B
    • January 11, 2023

    I had a 6950 but I think it ran x99

  39. I would knock over multiple small children for that monitor. Or take the hot sauce. Or pay him 500 back for that monitor on top of the hot sauce.

  40. I'm an apple user and if I wasn't an engineering student would own a mac, and that keyboard was the cringiest piece of technology I have ever seen.

    • KL5L
    • January 11, 2023

    He really needed to stop for the ltt store shot out before drinking from the bottle.

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