
Amazing Products TV You're Wrong About Hydrogen Cars – Toyota Mirai

Awesome Tips You're Wrong About Hydrogen Cars – Toyota Mirai

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  1. BEV for regular cars and motorcycles, hydrogen for all other vehicles including regular cars that need to go far in rural areas

  2. I think used EV batteries are going to be catastrophic to our environment. A car battery today is 50 – 80 LBS and we already have environmental problems disposing of them. Imagine millions up millions of EV used batteries at 600 – 800 LBS going into the environment. Semi Tracker trailers have batteries in the 6000 LB range. Not only the batteries, but defacing our environment with mining all the minerals is destroying habitats around the world. If there was a choice between Hydrogen, and Electric today and the infrastructure was in place for fueling, I would take the hydrogen car. Hydrogen through the whole process from fuel to production car is less damaging to the environment than EV's. It is not known, even today, whether EV's in the entire process from mining to finished car will be help our climate. There is a TED talk on Youtube that indicates we, at best, might have a break even on climate in 50 – 100 years, with EV's if at all. Even more so the cost of minerals to make batteries has been going up because of competition, making the cars less profitable. A couple of years ago a battery change was $ 5000 – $ 8000. Now they are talking $ 15,000 – $ 18,000. Who would every want to buy a used EV, if you know there is a $ 15,000 battery coming soon?

  3. The best option is to lobby for walkable cities 😉 and overturning the “American dream” or suburbanization that has spread through upper North America.

  4. "Barely worth considering it for a rocket upper stage, which is its most compelling use" Is literally considered fuel of choice for space exploration by NASA THEMSELVES.

  5. Not everyone has a home to charge their EV's for hours in their garage. Public charging stations will be a thing but the problem is nobody has the time to wait for hours in line then recharge their own car for hours as well.

  6. How many kilograms at $16? My cat weighs about 4 kg.

  7. Hydrogen vehicals gonna be huge success Indian government is damn serious about it

  8. Hydrogen is better than EV in every single way. It is evan better than EV and gas combined.

  9. In my opinion in the futures the cars gonna be eletrics and internetional truck gonna be hydrogen.

  10. The trucking company I work for has 50% of our truck as hydrogen. It's a local company so we can refill when we get back to the yard

  11. Well now Tesla has Semi that can go 500 mile, and there's no hydrogen vehicle can go that far

  12. Elon is wrong about everything else anyways

  13. Video has not aged well 🙃

  14. Lol love you guys but a year later, still nope 🤪

  15. I think hydrogen is a better idea for sports cars than passenger cars.

  16. I still find it irritating when Americans call a liquid gas…so if they start actually using gas that would be good.

  17. why does he look like he is about to get shot?

  18. I like this way off looking at it! Not one winner or another, but different fuel sources as being better suited for different jobs! 🙂
    This is literally one of the only positive videos I could find with a quick search.
    Keep doing you man.

  19. that hydrogen is always more expensive per km than electric is a weak argument I think because (at least where I live) Diesel was always way cheaper than normal gas (don't know how you call it in English) and most cars aren't diesel

  20. Counter: https: //www. youtube. com/watch?v=b88v-WvqzeQ and https: //www. youtube. com/watch?v=f7MzFfuNOtY&t and especially https: //www. youtube. com/watch?v=HHh4AfusdMk

  21. Wow, 9 months of time has not been kind to the conclusions in this video …

  22. One problem that’s not a gr yaris that’s a gr corolla 🎉🎉🎉 but it is the same engine 3cyl 1.6l

  23. Can’t they make combustible hydrogen more efficient?

  24. Nothing is zero emission, wind is expensive in materials and is killing wildlife. Solar is not nearly as expensive in materials but produced in China for the most part. Those panels are produced using coal, just like most other from China, however they do have nuclear.
    The emissions of the entire car fleet worldwide is only 16%. The rest is industry and farming. So by buying more cars with more electronics will end up being much worse to the environment. Keeping your petrol car is currently the best thing you can do to the environment, keep it serviced and well running. EV batteries is currently an environmental disaster and kills nature and forces children to work instead of having an education. I am just saying, nothing is zero emissions and without guilt !

  25. Thanks for good informations about Bev and Fcev I agree with you that’s both have their area of usage.

  26. What if both oxygen and hydrogen were used in a combustion engine with hopefully enough power to produce enough electricity for electrolysis making a water powered car.

  27. I hope battery electric doesnt win.

  28. Battery electric is lame. Hydrogen is so versatile that it makes much more sense

  29. One thing to keep in mind is the fact that the most expensive component in a battery powered vehicle has a life-span of anywhere between 5-20 years, which is the detrimental to the second-hand value. Think about it, simply having to replace the battery of an older electric could technically cause it to be "totaled".

  30. Great video… Today I use 200 gallons of diesel-running tractors and trucks every day. I live in today, and this lives in tomorrow. My $5+ per gallon flows to you. That is exactly why you are paying $3-$4 for a loaf of bread, $1.29 for a can of beans, and $16lb for steak…Isn't utopia great… I hope they can find an efficient path because people are hurting, kids are struggling to be fed and we have all become poorer…Cheers

  31. elon cares about car sales…not what's best for the environment . he knows he can make EV cars cool with silly acceleration numbers and such. the Hydrogen car is meant to replace the gas car , not make a better toy.
    "you can only use it in LA and SF" …. thats exactly what the argument was against electric cars …its called progress.

  32. Hydrogen doesn't make sense for cars as of now. It makes more for long haul commercial vehicles where charging downtime is more important than anything else.

  33. Liquid piston rotary hydrogen engine. Better than fuel cell imho

  34. Hydrogen is better than electric, electric cars actually aren't that good for the environment, the require more rare earth elements and mineral, which mining for these minerals and elements is horrible for the environment, also unless and electric car is being charged by solar panels on your roof, the electricity is coming from a power plant, wich burns thousands of tons of co2 eich is emits more than every gas car in a city, the addition of more and more electric cars would put more stress on the power plant which would either cause them to burn even more fossil fuels, or create a second one to subsidise the first one, in California there having rolling blackouts and urging people not to charge their electric cars because there electric could literally couldn't handle it, it may not be as efficient as electric, but it's more eco friendly, we just need to invest in hydrogen and do some research and development

  35. After only 1 week of owning a Mirai, some water spilled on the passenger carpet. Vulnerable wiring and a small circuit board shorted out and the airbags on right side deployed. Luckily, I was only going 20 miles an hour, engine was disengaged. This is a MANUFACTURERS DEFECT – WIRING CONNECTED TO THE AIRBAG SYSTEM SHOULD NEVER ME MOUNTED UNDER THE FRONT CARPET. If I had been on the freeway going 65 mph, I probably would have died and everyone else in the car. If you have a Mirai, look under your front carpet. Toyota actually posts a warning in their owner’s manual to never put liquid on the front carpets or trunk because it can short out the electrical system. Sad that I have to sue to get any cooperation.

  36. What about separating the hydrogen and oxygen from water¿

  37. Lets hear those critics in 10 years when they need to replace the battery. Then Hydrogen suddenly make sense… 😮

  38. Look at how most electricity is generated haha it ain't windmills.

  39. I thought the video was gonna be about Nikola

  40. That segue at the end was gold

  41. Lithium batteries in cars has been one of the most idiotic forced marches forward the automotive industry has ever undertaken. They're barely good enough for hand tools or cell phones. The whole technology and the push for it to eliminate fossil fuel combustion engines alienates every individual relying on an automobile living in a cold climate. Billions of people relying on a technology that is inherently flawed for use in freezing conditions sounds like a rushed paradigm money grab that will inevitably cause the depletion of lithium from the tool kit humanity can use. It's disgusting, and so is Elon.

  42. So the waste water is distilled water, right?
    Now what if you had a closet system hydrogen car:
    The waste water is stored and the car can be charged at an outlet, by taking the electricity and using it for electrolysis to turn the water back into hydrogen and oxygen, so there is no hydrogen lost.
    Or the hydrogen stations take the waste water back and use a small local elctrolysis plant to turn the water back into hydrogen.

  43. I sure wish people would quit parroting the lie that Carbon Dioxide is killing us all.

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