
Amazing Products TV China Just Ruined 100M Childhoods – WAN Show September 3, 2021

Awesome Tips China Just Ruined 100M Childhoods – WAN Show September 3, 2021

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Timestamps (Courtesy of NoKi1119)
[0:00] Chapters.
[1:20] Intro.
[1:50] Topic #1: China limits time for gaming.
7:32 Arm China goes rogue.
15:07 How the ban might help with monitoring.
[21:47] Topic #2: Red-dit banning subred-dits.
[31:59] Sponsors.
32:07 Backblaze cloud storage.
33:05 Ridge wallet.
34:24 Squarespace website builder.
[35:27] Topic #3: The origin of Floatplane.
[46:39] LTTstore new merch.
[49:18] Topic #4: SK bills against Apple and Google.
51:10 Apple links paying OUT of App Store.
55:30 Apple CSAM delayed due to backlash.
[58:24] Topic #5: A day off Twitch.
[1:10:16] Topic #6: New gameshow – PC or NO PC.
[1:11:15] Superchats.
[1:16:26] Wrapping up.
[1:17:12] Outro.

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  1. Oh, *minors*. I first understood "miners". And I was like … wtf?

  2. The majority of american and european kid want to be youtuber influencer, when those kid become adult, the whole generation will be destroyed

  3. china gonna be caught lacking in every esports tournament in the future because they wont have enough experience

  4. 20:22 Happiness is not a product? WHAT? Happiness is the ULTIMATE product. the one and only above all the others.

  5. Studies have shown that workers are more productive when they work less hours and have more time for leisure. So, yes, gaming and other leisure activities do increase productivity when you got back to work.

  6. How is nobody in the comments Talkin about how ltt flew a fuckin family to ltx in Vancouver just to get a fuckin domain name lmao

    • t k
    • January 16, 2023

    So you are paying for a demo?

  7. China is such a mid country

    • N1LW
    • January 16, 2023

    I think this is actually a power struggle within the CCP between china's last president and his clique and xi Jin pings clique. The other clique has a lot of allies within the tech space in China and xi Jin ping is pushing back on that sector just take a look at what happened to tencent.

  8. Hey, mumble is to this day the best way to have voice chat over lan

  9. The middle finger button on my Commie64 controller isn't working.

  10. Death to the CCP

  11. Rip Chinese eSports Teams

  12. Is "Miner", not "Minor" China.

  13. Then fine, kids will grow up playing singleplayer games, honestly that doesn't seem so bad to me

    • R C
    • January 16, 2023

    US needs to raise it's native birth rate, subsidize rural families.

  14. Some information you missed.
    The game ban is for some Chinese online games which you probably never heard before. So steam is free from the bans.

  15. "As we know from the electroboom video…"
    Know what? The memory modules had a faraday cage?
    Your advocating against protecting components which is stuipid.
    ESD is a serious issue, and can completely damage sensitive components like an NVME SSD. Memory modules are almost always protected from ESD because they're designed to be resilient against bitflipping from solar radiation.

    • Q
    • January 16, 2023

    Well doing hard drugs produces an unnatural amount of dopamine to be released, whereas gaming doesn't and it doesn't damage your brain where you can arrive at a point of anhedonia (not be able to experience pleasure as your hedonic set point for dopamine is so high, normal pleasurable experiences producing dopamine doesn't register except doing drugs, which also leads to that stopping to work as well) .

    So you could argue that (gaming) it produces happiness that is natural, which doesn't mean it's non-addictive. Based on personality and genetics some people would be more susceptible and not be able to control their gaming based on consequences of gaming rather than engaging with life.

    If anhedonia sounds like that would be something you would like, then do some drugs for the lulz.

  16. this is ridiculous, end the ccp!

  17. Thumbs up in the chat if you want Vishal Sharma AKA Dragon Slayer Owner and Founder of Pixel Power Tech to join LMG!!!

    The Worlds most powerful trans girl personality!

  18. China government dont understand that theyre ruined kids lifes lol

  19. Soviet Union did this by not allowing western music, 40 years later they're collapsed.

  20. It's not really a horrible idea. Video games are great but can absolutely derail people if they get too addicted which happens pretty commonly in China.

  21. Based

  22. They think kids watching TIKTOK for whole days is better.

  23. texas saved a few recently

  24. I love seeing your family quickly walk by in he background all the time

  25. I feel werd for mentioning this BUT… Chinia does have decreasing population growth… age of consent is 14… god I hope that wasn't one of the CCP's consideration 🤢

  26. The CCP can't help itself. When your base system of government is slavery, nothing is surprising.

    It's also hilarious to watch American corpos get hammered in the ass.

    • Kri
    • January 16, 2023

    Please stop talking about shit you know nothing about… worst Wan Show I've watched and I've been following this for years now

    You have clearly no idea what type of content these subs had

  27. Boohoo, of all the terrible things the Chinese Communist Party has done to its own people, you have to complain about this tiny problem. Anyway, three hours a week is not really that bad. That is 1 hour a day from Friday to Sunday. Of course, the state should not control these matters, but this isn't a Western government, what do you expect? It isn't the worst thing going on in China by a long shot.

  28. China is losing, PC gaming sparks interest in coding because pc gamers are interested in hardware and how it works with software. Consoles are not the same.

  29. The same here soon, gl twitch lol

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