
Amazing Products TV How this hydrogen-powered vessel creates its own energy

Awesome Tips How this hydrogen-powered vessel creates its own energy

We went on board the Energy Observer, a repurposed racing catamaran that’s 100% energy-independent, producing its own power with hydrogen and solar technologies.
Energy Observer Official Site:

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  1. Where do you want the Energy Observer to stop next?

  2. You can basically live on this ship and only have to pay for food

  3. This needs to be applied to container ships and other ships that transport.

    Besides lowering their Carbon footprint, it’s great for logistics

  4. Great video but those stupid masks are a mark of tyranny and degradation to mankind.

  5. What she says at 2:45 is a little bit…. let's say naughty. Because she does not tell you how much electricity it costs to make the hydrogen that is able to make the same electric as these 16 tons of batteries can generate when they are full.
    The round trip efficieny of a hydrogen system is only 30%, where lithium batteries reacht 80-90%, so three times better.
    Add to that the fact that they have to do reverse osmoses on the seawater which also takes a lot of energy

    So you waiste a lot of energy from these solarpanels by making hydrogen.
    This is problably why they only make hydrogen when the battery are full and they are not sailing. In that case why not use shorepower or hydrogen from a vendor.

    Because while sailing they would just sail faster and use the energy as it is more efficient to do so then throwing away 70% of it and use it later.

    This is why for sailing hydrogen is only viable when you can take it in when in a marina, there is not point in generating it yourself while sailing.

  6. Hmm, wonder can BYD battery be used in this ship for better improvement? Both technology combination.

  7. Awesome to see them store excess energy in the form of hydrogen. So what are they needing the batteries for then?

  8. It's got sails…. that's where most of their propulsion comes from….

  9. Has no sense. Being outdoors with a mask? The irrational fear narrative leads to these extreme behaviors.

    • Jim
    • January 18, 2023

    Great concept. Now apply it for the general public (ferries, buses, container ships). Currently I see this for the rich and famous driving costs up, turning the technology into a luxury item.

  10. metric units pls.

  11. Unequivocally hydrogen is the answer!

  12. AHAAHAHHAHAH you spent more fossil fuels to CREATE THAT .. Then you would have if you simply used a normal sail boat. What a bloody waste of resources ..

  13. Bit of a shame they didn't make any mention of the byproduct created by reverse osmosis but either way it's a good start for renewable energy

  14. So if I got this well… 202 sqm of solar panels to generate 120 KWh on a sunny clear sky. That's about 600w/sqm. This can't be per hour. Making a coffee wouldn't be that much of a fuss. But if it is, I'm surely interested in the brand of the panels…

  15. Che prezzo può costare questa barca ecologica

  16. Great video! I am curious, what is the battery energy density that would make the hydrogen obsolete? I read that your current system is around 2.1 tonnes and it holds around 1,300kWh of usable energy. So that is around 620Wh/kg. Is that about right?

  17. so why can't they make cargo ships with solar panels on their decks and control tower and use the same hydrogen fuel cell to power the ship then when in port docked plug into dock power to off load the power for use in the port and surrounding city? or why can't they use this same fuel cell to collect rain water and panels and turn that into power to power a city?

  18. Why not clear sails?

  19. Was this developed by Apple? Owner no need to think, device works by itself ! Really cool!

  20. I think this tech is being used in a fantastic application, and scaling the technology up would be a great next move. Imagine a large cargo ship or a cruise ship entirely running on power it generates themselves. Every one of those ships is burning tens of thousands of gallons of fuel every day, and at any given moment there are likely tens of thousands of those ships operating. Talk about cutting down on carbon emissions.

    We could make solar a more practical option as a primary source of energy by using massive solar farms to make electricity during the day, and store the energy as hydrogen in coastal facilities that operate much like a desalination plant for making fresh water. Perhaps we could even make energy barges that float just a tad offshore, connected to the power grid through undersea cables, that act as both hydrogen generation/storage facilities and as large solar platforms. They could be made out of decommissioned hydrogen cargo ships like the ones I talked about earlier, that way were getting a bit more life out of those ships before we just scrap them. This of course wouldn't be without its drawbacks, just like any other energy solution. The water around the areas with these plants might become over-salinated, causing the area in the immediate vicinity to become less hospitable to marine life. Perhaps we use the salt taken from the water in the hydrogen creation process and use it to supplement and maybe eventually replace the salt mining industry? Salt taken from the ocean would be just as usable as salt mined from the earth, A sodium atom and a chlorine atom stuck together is the same thing regardless of where it comes from. Less mining in general would be a good thing for the environment.

  21. 5700 W = 7,5 horse powers. In the middle of the day and clear skies. Emm, not great to be honest.

  22. The sails alone are futuristic of sailing already.

  23. “…whether we can make coffee or have a warm meal…” while standing inches away from Hydrogen fuels tanks that could be utilized as stove fuel.

  24. Hydrogen ist the way into the future! the only way! And best way!

    • Bill
    • January 18, 2023

    This stuff comes from Space Exploration. Only in Aeronautics can this kind of advanced tech be created.

  25. Very cool folks!! Congratulations on a gorgeous creation!!! D

  26. Amazing stuff… Whoever said that this couldn't be done BEHOLD.

  27. This a real eco friendly, not like any onher,

  28. When you are done, can I have it?

  29. Brilliant. 👌👌👏👏

  30. Solar to hydrogen makes sence

  31. I see the hydrogen lines are rusting!

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