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  1. 1: he's got lots of involvement and hasn't learned
    2: they lost lots
    3: is that really a hot take

  2. Exodus…. mass firing 🤣🤣🤣

  3. Wow, this aged liked fine wine.

  4. 2nd take was kinda true, except for the "talent" part

  5. Awww he’s obviously has had some bad experiences with twitter 😂😂😂

  6. funny how the verge tried to pretend Twitter wasn't always a hellscape

  7. This aged like fine wine

  8. Elon has not learned anything AND he's been very hands-on. :V

  9. Well,you seen what happened.

  10. "Talent" is kind of a gemerous description.

    2/3rds of the workforce was fires with minimal disruption to the actual user experience. What does that tell you?

  11. This isn't a hot take

  12. All three of your opinions are hilarious and insufferable. Who's more polarizing than someone like you?

    • doof
    • January 26, 2023

    ✅✅ and ✅

  13. You were 100% correct

  14. at the end you were right

  15. Dude went 3 for 3 holy shit

  16. Damn these were accurate

  17. And u were right

  18. Aged perfectly

    • Lamp
    • January 26, 2023

    1. Correct

    2. Correct

    3. You guessed it correct

    3/3 A+ Linus

  19. “Scare away talent”

    Yeah sure, a bunch of unproductive SJW authoritarians will lose their jobs.
    This aged like MILK

  20. Lambo, Elon is going to kill nVidia.
    Then you won't be called an nVidiot anymore.

  21. This aged like fine wine…

  22. My like was the 67,000th like

  23. You, Predictor!

  24. tfw linus predicted everything correctly

  25. Lmao “Bleed some talent” Twitter would have needed to start with some talent to be able to bleed it lmaooooo

  26. Love you linus but… none of these are bold predictions…None of these were hot takes.

  27. "Talent"

  28. annnnnnd all 3 is reality

  29. So we’ll predicted!

  30. Bruh thats so accurate

  31. People were hired to preform a task. Musk takes over, They were not doing their jobs to their minimum requirements, they were told to step up or get fired. Simple as that. They are the ones making fools of themselves by crying, whining and lying all over the news and internet.

  32. Wow

  33. wow, it was all perfectly accurate, except for number 3, you see, the cesspool got WORSE.

  34. Never forget Linus Seggx tips used Twitter to tell us interracial couples are ok

  35. Everything was on point except the last one. I will say I have noticed a lot and I mean a lot less toxicity on there. Maybe just the communities im in but it's nice at least. Lot more helpful people

    It's still toxic as fuck. Just not as toxic. It's settling down a tiny bit

  36. A hot take: Too little thermal paste

  37. Still true

  38. These are freezing takes

  39. Hey look number 2 was definitely right

  40. Wow you guessed the walk out!

  41. All of them are true.

  42. Well now its not a one sided ** show and he's finally holding the left accountable for thier BS

    • E H
    • January 26, 2023

    I hate that chime! This is why I would never buy an American car! Can you turn that sh*t off?

  43. Pretty much came true

  44. Hot take:
    This aged terrible, cause its sooo muuch worse

    He learned n o t h i n g
    The talent got gutted
    And hes actively bringing banned assholes back

  45. No talent at Twitter 70% of the staff are fake it till you make it and waste of spaces

  46. Hmm?… I never took Linus for a COMMIE.

  47. Lose talent? I suspect those fired rarely fall in to that category.

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